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What made you cringe in LOTR....
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Oct 25 2012, 12:35pm

Post #1 of 49 (2984 views)
What made you cringe in LOTR.... Can't Post

For me, whenever PJ departed too far from the text...

The most unpalatable moment for me was the incessant (or so it felt) references to 'dwarf tossing' and when they dragged on the wake for Eomer, with Eowyn singing out of key (CRINGE)...

Any others...???


Oct 25 2012, 12:51pm

Post #2 of 49 (2343 views)
I Hasten To Add... [In reply to] Can't Post

This is not an attack on the Trilogy. It is a work of genius, albeit a flawed work of genius...

This is merely to highlight what didn't work for you.



Oct 25 2012, 1:34pm

Post #3 of 49 (2301 views)
Gimli passing wind ... / [In reply to] Can't Post


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Oct 25 2012, 1:51pm

Post #4 of 49 (2305 views)
How does this question differ substantially from the thread just below 'the most cheesy moments' [In reply to] Can't Post

It would be interesting to see if the list of 'cringe' moments differ from the list of 'cheesy' moments in any discernible way.

As I said in another thread a month back that asked essentially the same thing, I don't have any problem discussing things I don't like in context of larger discussions. To make lists of things I don't like puts too much focus on them. It's just overall not a strategy I employ unless I'm trying to solve some problem or make an important decision.

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Oct 25 2012, 3:32pm

Post #5 of 49 (2258 views)
Many things [In reply to] Can't Post

But Weathertop is at the top of the list.

There is certainly a difference between cringeworthy and cheesy. They overlap, but the former encompasses a lot more. Such as scenes you thought were poorly-lit, or had bad CGI, or whatever.


Oct 25 2012, 3:32pm

Post #6 of 49 (2221 views)
No different [In reply to] Can't Post

Than threads that ask people to describe their favorite moments.


Oct 25 2012, 3:42pm

Post #7 of 49 (2282 views)
Well, battle at black gate for starters [In reply to] Can't Post

Gandalf vs. Balrog has many small faults... hmm... oh yes the part at Isengard after Saruman and Grima are dead (EE) and Gandalf says something like ''Send word to gondor... (Cant remember well)'' Gandalf looks strange, his face look plastic and all the wrinkles are tomato red...

Pessimists have no disappointments.

Kristin Thompson

Oct 25 2012, 4:22pm

Post #8 of 49 (2274 views)
Gandalf hitting his head--twice! [In reply to] Can't Post

First, Gandalf would never hit his head on Bilbo's chandelier or ceiling, even if this was the first time he entered Bag End. He's not a comic, bumbling wizard, at least in the book. Plus he has been in Bag End many times by this point and knows it well.

Second, Frodo rather than Gandalf figuring out the "riddle" on the door at Moria. It's not a riddle. Gandalf has mistranslated a word. Many languages are written without punctuation, and you have to figure out from the context what the sentence means. Is it "say 'friend'" or "speak, friend"? Gandalf assumes the latter, but it's the former. He figures it out himself, because he's the only one who can read these runes. Frodo could never guess this; it makes no sense to have him do so. Phooey.

As you can tell, I'm a big fan of the wizard, so I find these moments that diminish his character cringeworthy. But there are also the unnecessary burps, the dreadful drinking contest, and the more egregious moments where humor is created at the expense of the dignities of Gimli, Treebeard, Merry, and Pippin.

That said, there are so many wonderful things in the film that I put up with these, as, I think, most of us do.


Oct 25 2012, 4:23pm

Post #9 of 49 (2190 views)
and... [In reply to] Can't Post

I don't find lists of things people like very interesting, either. Lists don't interest me in general. Conversations do.

But, if I am to read or make a list, it suits me more to list funny things, beautiful things, things I'm grateful for, things that I wonder about, things I want to do... than things I don't like.

If people get their kicks making lists of things they don't like... à chacun son goût

But the original question stands: how is this list different from the 'cheesy' list which is still on page one? Did we need a new one because 'cheesy' just didn't cover enough territory?

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Grey Havens

Oct 25 2012, 4:46pm

Post #10 of 49 (2298 views)
You mean, besides Faramir?... [In reply to] Can't Post


Sorry... the bad wig... the constant kicked-puppy look... just really annoying...

The whole running a mile through the top of Minas Tirith while on fire and doing the one-way bungee jump kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.

But it was more what they DIDN'T put in that got me cranky... like Merry in the Houses of Healing. My favourite part:

"What is the time? Have I missed breakfast? Where is my pack? I think I want a good smoke almost as much as I want some food."

"My dear ass," Pippin laughed, "your pack is lying right beside you, and it is still a good hour until breakfast, although I'm sure I can round something up for you."


Also, the battles between the elves and Sauron's armies going on simultaneously in Lothlorien (Galadriel going nuclear on them), Rivendell (would loved to have seen him in fighting form) and Mirkwood (where was Leggy's daddy?)... Gimli in the Glittering caves and the elves and dwarves helping to rebuild Gondor.

And don't even get me started on them cutting Christopher Lee out of the theatrical release of ROTK... Mad

Blessed are the cracked,
For they are the ones who let in the light!

Noel Q. von Schneiffel

Oct 25 2012, 4:56pm

Post #11 of 49 (2419 views)
My top cringes [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm of course, as a prophet, legally required to find it all cringeworthy. But my top cringes were, in roughly chronological order:

- Gandalf levitating upwards through Orthanc, which turns out to be just a big hollow tube. (FotR)
- Theoden's Extreme Exorcism. (TTT)
- Arwen's dream kiss for Aragorn, and when she wakes up she changes into a horse. (TTT)
- Treebeard the Idiot, who has no idea that Saruman chopped half his wood down until Pippin tricks him into going and looking. (TTT)
- Denethor messily munching tomatoes while Faramir attempts suicide. (RotK)
- The Battle of Minas Tirith being decided by an amorphous mass of green foam. (RotK)
- Arwen getting ill and nearly dying for no apparent reason. (RotK)
- Aragorn murdering the Mouth of Sauron during a diplomatic parley. (RotK)

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Oct 25 2012, 8:06pm

Post #12 of 49 (2250 views)
Say it's not so [In reply to] Can't Post

I love Eowyn's singing. It was very raw and poignant.

As for cringe-worthy scenes, I don't have very much fondness for the drinking game in ROTK. Actually, I just don't like Gimli in that scene. In fact, I'm not very fond of most of Gimli's jokes. But I actually do cringe at one scene: Gimli blowing away the ghosts in the paths of the dead. Ugh.

"...and his first memory of Middle-earth was the green stone above her breast as she sang above his cradle while Gondolin was still in flower." -Unfinished Tales


Oct 25 2012, 10:28pm

Post #13 of 49 (2187 views)
Because... [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
I don't find lists of things people like very interesting, either. Lists don't interest me in general. Conversations do.

But, if I am to read or make a list, it suits me more to list funny things, beautiful things, things I'm grateful for, things that I wonder about, things I want to do... than things I don't like.

If people get their kicks making lists of things they don't like... à chacun son goût

But the original question stands: how is this list different from the 'cheesy' list which is still on page one? Did we need a new one because 'cheesy' just didn't cover enough territory?

There are a number of scenes in LOTR that I consider "cheesy" but don't make me cringe... a lot of people consider, for example, Sam's comment on entering the Dwarrowdelf, "now there's a real eye-opener", as cheesy (as do I) but it actually works IMHO, and I do not consider it to be "cringeworthy".

I hope that answers your question.

Grey Havens

Oct 26 2012, 5:39am

Post #14 of 49 (2202 views)
Singing [In reply to] Can't Post

Nothing anyone has ever mentioned on these forums made or make me cringe, with two exceptions. Not the skateboarding, not the scrubbing bubbles, not the undignified behavior, and not the changes to the story. Nothing. I just enjoy the whole thing.

I go to movies and just absorb them at face value, except non sequitur behavior, like Prometheus where Lindelof unintentionally and stupidly wrote scientists being utterly out of character.

So I wasn't made to cringe by anything except, as I've mentioned before, Eowyn's singing which was mercifully short and Aragorn's singing at the end. It's not that it was bad, really. It just made me aware that the actors were trying to sing. It wasn't musical quality and I felt uncomfortable for them. There were other fun songs that were just fine with me, like Merry and Pippin's table-dancing song and Pippin's song to Denethor. There is somehow a difference for me.


Oct 26 2012, 6:23am

Post #15 of 49 (2164 views)
In life [In reply to] Can't Post

People that can't sing very well, sometimes sing. Doesn't have to be of musical quality.

This is similar to how certain critics react to poetry in LOTR. Lots of them talk about how bad some of it is.

But Tolkien wrote some of that poetry not to achieve some arbitrary poetical standard, but to say something about the character that was reciting it.

And some of those characters simply recite bad poetry!


Oct 26 2012, 11:19am

Post #16 of 49 (2247 views)
The part for me that had more cheese than a truck load of quater pounders [In reply to] Can't Post

was when Haldir gave his little Helm's Deep arrival speech, not so much the speech, although it was awful, but Legolas in the backround behind Haldir giving thee creepiest or creepy/cheesy intense looks to the camera.

Dishonorable mention goes to "which way to Mordor Gandalf, right or left" I mean....what the flip, is that meant to be skilful script writing..is it, is it realy??


Oct 26 2012, 11:24am

Post #17 of 49 (2202 views)
I'd forgotten this gem! [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
was when Haldir gave his little Helm's Deep arrival speech, not so much the speech, although it was awful, but Legolas in the backround behind Haldir giving thee creepiest or creepy/cheesy intense looks to the camera.

Dishonorable mention goes to "which way to Mordor Gandalf, right or left" I mean....what the flip, is that meant to be skilful script writing..is it, is it realy??

In addition, what the hell were the elves doing at Helms Deep anyway? This for me, at the time AND in retrospect, was one departure too far... the elves were always aloof, and the first to depart Middle Earth... I could never understand how PJ thought giving them a moral backbone was a good idea.

(This post was edited by TheBladeGlowsBlue on Oct 26 2012, 11:26am)


Oct 26 2012, 12:52pm

Post #18 of 49 (2151 views)
I love it all warts and all. [In reply to] Can't Post

 the cheesy moments mentioned are down to personal taste, for some Gimli's antics could be seen as cheesy for other people it could be that they find Gimli to be a hearty and salty Dwarf, so it depends on the viewers personal taste.
But the only genuinely cheesy moment I remember personally is the moment when the blonde soldier extra in Minas Tirith says to Gandalf something like 'Long was this doom foretold', or words to that effect. He said it in such a hammy Shakespearian voice that it literally makes me cringe every time.


Oct 26 2012, 1:13pm

Post #19 of 49 (2128 views)
I think we all do... [In reply to] Can't Post

....love it warts and all I mean.

But that doesn't mean it won't one day be superceded by a far better version... one that is 100% true to the true writings, with no Cheese OR Cringe...

Can you imagine?!


Oct 26 2012, 4:23pm

Post #20 of 49 (2173 views)
cringe-inducing moments [In reply to] Can't Post

- When Gimli says "nervous system" in TTT
- When Gimli says "liquor" in ROTK
- Eowyn's singing in TTT


Oct 26 2012, 7:07pm

Post #21 of 49 (2160 views)
Denethor´s food [In reply to] Can't Post

Wasn´t necessary.

And Gandalf karate-kicking Denethor.

My tops.

"Dear friend good bye, no tears in my eyes. So sad it ends, as it began"

Grey Havens

Oct 26 2012, 8:54pm

Post #22 of 49 (2182 views)
Gandalf karate-kicking Denethor [In reply to] Can't Post

Gandalf used his staff, not his legs.

Denethor deserved it. You go, Gandy!

I thought the food was good use of symbolism.


Oct 26 2012, 9:35pm

Post #23 of 49 (2089 views)
And? [In reply to] Can't Post

So, k
KARATE STAFFING then, so what. Everybody gets what I mean

It makes me gringe every time I see it, and thats what the topic is for, of course I still keep in mind the book

Gandalf karate kicking Denethor is still plain stupid childish and out of place in LOTR, even in the movie

So stupid Mad

"Dear friend good bye, no tears in my eyes. So sad it ends, as it began"

Grey Havens

Oct 26 2012, 10:43pm

Post #24 of 49 (2096 views)
Kicking [In reply to] Can't Post

I thought when you wrote "karate kicking" that you meant "karate kicking" and misunderstood what was displayed on the screen because it goes by so quickly. It is for the same reason that when someone talks about an elephant that I believe they are talking about an elephant and not a penguin. Because if they mean penguin, they should say penguin instead of elephant. As difficult as it is to believe, some people just don't picture a penguin when you say elephant. And if you persist in telling people that elephants are flightless birds that prefer arctic conditions, well, you can expect some funny looks. I must say that I get a chuckle out of imagining Gandalf lifting his left to Denethor like some Billy Jack movie.

(This post was edited by JWPlatt on Oct 26 2012, 10:52pm)

Grey Havens

Oct 26 2012, 10:57pm

Post #25 of 49 (2093 views)
Gandalf v. Denethor a la Billy Jack [In reply to] Can't Post

Imagine them on top of Minas Tirith and Gandalf has lost his cane, er, staff. Gandalf wallops Denethor:


(This post was edited by JWPlatt on Oct 26 2012, 10:58pm)

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