Tol Eressea
Oct 25 2012, 10:33am
Post #1 of 66
First Spoilers from EMPIRE Dec 2012 Hobbit Special Issue
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I'm still speed-reading the articles (there are 63 pages worth!) but the first spoilers have just hit me between the eyes!! Firstly, the article reports that Jackson "hints the dragon will make a fleeting appearance in the first film, most likely in the prologue, and will remain as liquid tongued as the book's memorable villain (he is a character not a monster)." Secondly "The spiders will speak more as a psychic communication", adds Jackson of Mirkwood's nest of arachnids (now in film two). "Only Bilbo hears them." Thirdly "Talking of subtexts, the Great Goblin, portrayed by Barry Humphries (as in Dame Edna), comes partly based on Kim Jong-il, late, unbeloved Dark Lord of North Korea. Grotesque is the key word here: "He is a rather childish character who enjoys tormenting the dwarves," says Jackson of the ruler of a ramshackle mountain kingdom built on set and in the fathomless mainframes of Weta Digital. "The goblins are a rather putrid, mouldy race of people." "Choosing Trust over Doubt gets me burned once in a while, but I'd rather be singed than hardened." ¯ Victoria Monfort
Oct 25 2012, 10:40am
Post #2 of 66
Just posted this in the other thread (spoilers!)
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- Mirkwood is in DOS - The Mirkwood spiders are physchic - Radagast, but not Cirdan, is a member of the White Council - We will see Smaug in DOS - They've added a plot as to why the Stone (although called Cave in the magazine?) Trolls have come down from the Mountains.
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Tol Eressea
Oct 25 2012, 11:27am
Post #3 of 66
an air battle between the eagles and bats in the 3rd film.
(This post was edited by Altaira on Oct 25 2012, 5:42pm)
Oct 25 2012, 11:31am
Post #4 of 66
Are you for serious, Carne? Don't know why no one considered this as a possibility before.
-Sir are you classified as human -Negative, I am a meat-popsicle
Oct 25 2012, 11:41am
Post #7 of 66
Both are in the book. They didn't fight in the book though, did they?
-Sir are you classified as human -Negative, I am a meat-popsicle
Tol Eressea
Oct 25 2012, 11:41am
Post #8 of 66
(This post was edited by Carne on Oct 25 2012, 11:47am)
Oct 25 2012, 11:43am
Post #10 of 66
But the bats would have to be implausibly large to be much of a threat. The CGI would also be very difficult, with all those feathers in an action sequence. On the other hand, the eagles could simply attack and disperse the bats, allowing sun (or moon) light to daunt the goblins.
A Far Dragon is the best kind...
Tol Eressea
Oct 25 2012, 11:59am
Post #11 of 66
.. .. it is implied logic redgiraffe.. two great aerial forces, they very likely would have clashed, IMO anyway //
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The Shire
Oct 25 2012, 12:04pm
Post #12 of 66
Was this in the scans Carne? I must have read over it! Wait! Scans. Where? Please, could someone send a link? I'm in Germany, so it isn't easy at all to get this magazine...
Oct 25 2012, 12:25pm
Post #13 of 66
"The spiders will speak more as a psychic communication", adds Jackson of Mirkwood's nest of arachnids (now in film two). "Only Bilbo hears them." Hmm, interesting. I suppose it's a compromise between outright talking and keeping with the established traits of LOTR. Also glad to hear Radagast is a member of the Council. He should be, and it was silly to think he wouldn't be included. Cirdan is a sad omission though, was the actor that played him in LOTR not good enough for speaking roles? I thought that would be a nice touch at the end of ROTK at the docks, to see a character that is firmly established by The Hobbit. Oh well.
Oct 25 2012, 12:38pm
Post #14 of 66
I didn't know Bilbo was fluent in Arachni-tongue. All joking aside though, maybe he can hear them only when he has the ring on?
Tol Eressea
Oct 25 2012, 12:42pm
Post #15 of 66
Back from work, still catching up on the reading! Does this sound like the main DG showdown or perhps something beforehand, such as Gandalf and Radagast investigating the empty tombs? Radagast senses Mirkwood's decline into the pestilential. McCoy, with a gleeful gleam in his eye, reveals there is a scene in the second film "where the wizards are together, battling not each other but some other evil." "Choosing Trust over Doubt gets me burned once in a while, but I'd rather be singed than hardened." ¯ Victoria Monfort
Oct 25 2012, 12:51pm
Post #16 of 66
that when Sauron killed his parents, he accidentally injected Bilbo with a piece of his soul, and this allows him to understand the speech of spiders.
Oct 25 2012, 12:57pm
Post #17 of 66
It's been obvious for some time, but the blurb on the contents page also contains the first official confirmation (I've seen) that Orcrist's hilt is a dragon tooth.
Oct 25 2012, 1:04pm
Post #18 of 66
Surely, if Mirkwood and the spiders is in film 2, then we have no hope of seeing Smaug at the end of film 1. Or am I missing something?
The Grey Elf
Grey Havens
Oct 25 2012, 1:12pm
Post #19 of 66
Smaug will no doubt appear as a flashback
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FOTR commenced with a flashback. Perhaps AUJ will as well.
Tol Eressea
Oct 25 2012, 1:21pm
Post #20 of 66
Dol Guldur will be in DOS confirmation!
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In answer to my earlier supposition, confirmation comes in the interview with Hugo Weaving: Now The Hobbit has expanded to a trilogy, his [Elrond's] scenes with The White Council at Dol Guldur, dark stronghold of this trilogy's mysterious antagonist, "The Necromancer," have been moved to second film The Desolation of Smaug. Weaving also goes on to say that he doesn't know yet whether he will be going back to NZ for further filming for the Bo5A, which has yet to be shot: "And who's going to be in that?!" Weaving exclaims. "I don't know whether Elrond is, whether I've got more to shoot because of that, whther I'm a part of that. I'm not in the book, but kind of everyone's involved in the book whilst not necessarily named specfically. So you could imagine that Elrond might be there in some way..." "Choosing Trust over Doubt gets me burned once in a while, but I'd rather be singed than hardened." ¯ Victoria Monfort
Tol Eressea
Oct 25 2012, 1:33pm
Post #21 of 66
Interestingly, McCoy reveals in his inteview that he shared most of his scenes wth Ian McKellen's Gandalf... ...but also appears with the dwarves and Martin Freeman's Bilbo Baggins, and with Cate Blanchett as Galadriel, for which "they didn't even have to pay me." Given Radagast's connection to Saruman....we wonder if McCoy worked with Christopher Lee during his specially mounted, London-based mini-section of the shoot. McCoy says not, but may yet appear in one of the later films with him. The shift from two-parter to trilogy means he has more to shoot next year."I can't predict what will happen in the future," he says. "There are different beginnings and endings to shoot: all sorts of stuff. It's very exciting; none of us have any idea what it's actually going to look like. Peter works in such a way that you do an infinite variety of takes in an infinite variety of ways, so you won't know what your final performance was until you sit down and watch it." I wonder in what connection Radagast would film with Galadriel if he is not at Rivendell for the Council meeting, according to the publicity shots we've seen so far...
"Choosing Trust over Doubt gets me burned once in a while, but I'd rather be singed than hardened." ¯ Victoria Monfort
(This post was edited by Eleniel on Oct 25 2012, 1:34pm)
Oct 25 2012, 1:36pm
Post #23 of 66
And I'm about to start reading! Had some trouble buying it though - it wouldn't scan through because there not supposed to be on sale yet?!
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Oct 25 2012, 1:52pm
Post #24 of 66
There are two White Council "meetings"
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One in Rivendell, in AUJ, where Saruman is present but Radagast was absent (because Saruman deliberately didn't invite him, or because he was otherwise engaged?) Then at Dol Guldur, in DOS, with Radagast present, but Saruman absent.
A Far Dragon is the best kind...
Tol Eressea
Oct 25 2012, 1:52pm
Post #25 of 66
No interaction between Radagast and Saruman?
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I can't believe this. PJ, why? Hopefully we get at least something.
But every word you say today Gets twisted 'round some other way And they'll hurt you if they think you've lied