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***World Hobbit Day Six Subject Line Challenge*** -- "A Hobbit wanders into a cave..."


Sep 22 2012, 4:20pm

Post #1 of 14 (1074 views)
***World Hobbit Day Six Subject Line Challenge*** -- "A Hobbit wanders into a cave..." Can't Post

 Welcome to a special Party Edition of a TORn-game we call the Six Subject Line Challenge!

The six subject lines below appeared on TORn over the past few days -- they were dutifully selected by my Co-Challenge Host, SirDennisC, as being worthy of this challenge!

And what is the challenge you ask? Why, here it is! Can you use one or more -- or even all six! -- of the subject lines below as part of a conversation between Gollum and Bilbo when they first meet in Gollum's cave...

Your 6 lines are:

1. It comes in trailers?
2. *Puts a tall, Rohirrim dude on either side of sherlock
3. But at the end you sort of have to jump off
4. Stop it with the being funny
5. Maybe it tripped over a stone and fell?
6. "You cannot pass!"

Oh, and if the Cave Metaphor doesn't work for you, feel free to use the lines in a different context...just have fun with it!

Thanks to SirDennisC for the great lines and to all of you choose to play or lurk!


Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 6:57pm

Post #2 of 14 (745 views)
This could be tricky [In reply to] Can't Post

especially since I haven't actually done one of these before, but anything to put off writing my paper Tongue

Gollum: "What is it that pitter-patter that I hear coming down the tunnnnnelsssss? It does not sound like orcsesss, they make so much noise we would think they come in trailers, large clunky trailers, yes preciousss."

Bilbo: "Aaaaaahhhh...." *tumble tumble tumble*

Gollum: "Maybe it tripped over a stone and fell? Eh, precious?"

Bilbo: "On the contrary, I tripped over your action figures. What were they doing there anyhow?"

Gollum: "They were guarding our cave of course, yes precious. You may have gotten past the Doctor and Amy, but our precious sherlock will guard us from harm. You cannot pass!"

Bilbo: *puts a tall, Rohirrim dude on either side of sherlock*

Gollum: "Stop it with the being funny. Stupid fat hobbit cannot seriously think that a Rohirrim could outmatch the sherlock, preciousssss sssherlock."

Bilbo: "I don't think I've seen or heard anything so ridiculous in my life. We'll never agree, let's settle this like civilized people, with a riddle game. Whoever loses admits that Sherlock is no match for two Rohirrim and jumps into the lake in shame."

Gollum: "We agreesss, but at the end you sort of have to jump off"

Bilbo: "Deal. You ask first."

And that is what the riddle game was really over.
All 6 (sort of) worked in.

..The land of long-forgotten name:
......no man may ever anchor near;
..No steering star his hope may aim,
......for nether Night its marches drear,
..And waters wide no sail may tame,
......with shores encircled dark and sheer.

..O! Haven where my heart would be!
......the waves beat upon thy bar
..For ever echo endlessly,
......when longing leads thy thought afar


Sep 22 2012, 7:30pm

Post #3 of 14 (751 views)
ha! for having such great sixth-sense, we hereby award you... [In reply to] Can't Post

A Golden Six!

Thanks for playing -- that was a fun read! Action Figures! LOL!


Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 8:12pm

Post #4 of 14 (738 views)
my try [In reply to] Can't Post

The surrounding dark left Bilbo unsure whether his eyes were open or shut. There in the cave gloom the air felt clammy on the skin of his shaggy feet.The cruel, saber edges of the uneven rock floor threatened him carnivorously. He had unsurprisingly lost his footing after mistakenly judging the depth of a sudden drop along the cave bottom. He had thought he could reach it.
But at the end you sort of have to jump off , he concluded ruefully.

Suddenly a hissing voice from somewhere he could not place gave him a start. "Maybe it tripped over a stone and fell, precious?". The gloating malice could not be mistaken.

"Maybe," Bilbo admitted, groping for his short Troll-hoard sword but not wanting to draw it abruptly for fear of reprisal. "Just passing through, if you wouldn't mind."

"Oh-h-h no, you cannot pass! Not us, not here, precious. Gollum!". At that convulsive croak, Bilbo's reflexively clutched his grip on the Elvish dagger handle. "Not before playing a game with us."

"What, like a game of riddles?" Bilbo suggested half-jokingly, trying to keep his speech from turning shrill.

"Riddles? No....action figureses, precious!"

Bilbo would have chuckled in surprise had he not been in fear for his extremely mortal life! "That's actually funny," he exaggerated.

"Not being funny. Action figuresess!!!" It displayed its teeth, gaps and all, and the tiny objects in its spidery grasp. "Blind is it, precious?"

Bilbo's eyes, having adjusted, saw the creature hunched over a diorama of figurines. It beckoned with a wave of its lean, spindly arm.

"It puts a tall Rohirrim dude on either side of sherlock," it stated, frowning while impatiently tapping the head of the Uruk Hai it was holding in its left. Ot handed it to Bilbo, who haltingly accepted it. It featured a gaunt face with a sardonic look permanently sculpted into its visage. The "sherlock" figure struck Bilbo as suspiciously familiar-looking in its smugness.

"Have you any proper hobbit figures?" Bilbo asked, shifting "sherlock" to his left hand, curious in spite of himself. He found himself inching closer to the miniature playset by the subterranean lake.

The creature, too occupied with a miniature cave troll swinging a miniature war hammer, merely pointed with its bare, knobby chin. Bilbo's gaze turned to the toy wagon with what appeared to be a miniature treasure chest hitched to the wagon and on wheels, serving as a trailer.

"It comes in trailers? Who knew." Bilbo unlatched and lifted the lid of the trailer and dug about for a hobbit. Finding none he looked again at the "sherlock" figure. It seemed to smirk at him with an air of superiority.

"You, stop it with the being funny," Bilbo scolded the object before he realized what he was doing.

"Again, not being funny," the creature snapped, mistaking Bilbo's intention.
"Now we says again. It....puts....Rohirrim dude...."

"...on either side of sherlock, I got it," Bilbo interrupted. He knew he needed a way out, fast.

A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you.



Sep 22 2012, 8:36pm

Post #5 of 14 (745 views)
I wonder what else was in that trailer! Here's your Limited Edition Prize for rising to the challenge! [In reply to] Can't Post

I figured you deserved a very classy award, like your entry! And also quite amusing -- that was a fun read, thanks for playing!


Tol Eressea

Sep 24 2012, 4:18am

Post #6 of 14 (737 views)
Very cool prize! thanks weaver // [In reply to] Can't Post


A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you.



Sep 24 2012, 1:11pm

Post #7 of 14 (726 views)
Bring out 'cher dead! [In reply to] Can't Post

"You cannot pass!" shouted Gollum as he lept out at a lone, cloaked figure who was plodding down "his" hallway while pulling by hand a cart overladen with large lumps underneath a heavy tarp.

"Bring out 'cher dead!" cried out the small cloaked figure.

"That's a nice cart you've got there", said Gollum, admiring the sleek lines and squeek-free wheels, "but it looks a bit full."

"Well, yes", replied the stranger, pulling back his hood to reveal a kind, middle-aged hobbit face. "I used to have a much bigger one pulled by a horse, but the horse seems to have disappeared, so I'm stuck using my backup cart today." He ended his comment with a sharp "Bring out 'cher dead!", looking pointedly at Gollum.

"It comes in trailers?" said Gollum enviously. A horse-drawn trailer could certainly help in bringing in his orc "harvest" on occasion. But the first order of business was to rid himself of this strange hobbit fellow. He had a certain ring to his voice that Gollum disliked. His belly full of horsemeat, he decided he had a bit of orc to spare. "Hold on a minute." he told the hobbit.

"I've got one," he said returning, "this old orc died just round the corner. Nasty business when an orc just dies for no reason. Nope, no reason whatsoever and I wasn't at all involved."

"Here now, stop it with the being funny!" said Bilbo (for that was the hobbit's name). "This here orc's been murdered. I can see it plain as day - why would it just drop dead on it's own?" He gave Gollum a shrewd look.

Gollum swallowed noisily and look up innocently. "Maybe it tripped over a stone and fell?", he said while scuffing his foot along the ground like a small child. "Besides, he's only mostly dead."

"Hmmpfh. A likely story." Replied Bilbo. "Nevertheless, up it goes." He eyed his cart, annoyed at the lack of room. "Hold on a sec, I've got to shuffle things a bit." He set about making room, moving bodies around and finally creating a spot by putting a tall, Rohirrim dude on either side of sherlock.

"By the way - would you happen to know the way out of this mountain?" asked the hobbit as he tossed the orc onto the cart and replaced his hood.

"Oh sure," said Gollum slyly in his best, helpful voice, "just two lefts, the next right, and then straight on and up for quite some time. You'll come to a small door that leads out of the mountain. After that you'll be on a short path that goes on for a bit, but at the end you sort of have to jump off." Oh, its a bit more than a jump from there, thought Gollum. But it'll be night outside, and the hobbit won't see that, now will he? Not at all, he answered himself. And we'll be down at the bottom to collect the tasty bits! *gollum* his throat went as he swallowed in anticipation.

"Thanks much, mighty obliged", replied the innocent hobbit. And as he trundled off, he wished again that he was home safe by his fire. And unknown to him, it was the last time he wished so.


Happiness: money matters, but less than we think and not in the way that we think. Family is important and so are friends, while envy is toxic -- and so is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude. - The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner as summarized by Lily Fairbairn. And a bit of the Hobbit reading thrown in never hurts. - NottaSackville


Sep 25 2012, 12:21am

Post #8 of 14 (710 views)
Bilbo walks into the cave ... [In reply to] Can't Post

…hits his head and wakes up to hear whispers.

Smeagol: What's it doing on the floor, precioussss? Maybe it tripped over a stone and fell?

Gollum: Who cares, preciousss….hurry up, we eats it quick! Careful -

Orcs are heard approaching.

Smeagol puts on the Ring and becomes invisible.

His disembodied voice shouts: You cannot pass!

The Orcs run away.

Smeagol takes off the Ring.

Smeagol/Gollum go back to assessing Bilbo. Smeagol pinches him.

Smeagol: Skinny. Not nice fat Hobbitsy, no. Pfffft.

Gollum: Either we eats him or we waits for the next trailer of fishies to come in from Dale, precioussss.

Smeagol: Trailer?

Gollum *rolls eyes*, mimics Smeagol's voice: It comes in trailers? It comes in trailers? Shipment, trailer, yes! Doesn't Smeagol remember anything Gollum teaches him?

Smeagol: *pouts*

Bilbo sits up, very disoriented from hitting his head. He tries to focus his eyes on Smeagol/Gollum.

Bilbo: I say, Benedict, is that you?

In his dazed state Bilbo's imagination puts a tall Rohirrim dude on either side of Sherlock.

Bilbo: There, that's better.

Gollum: Stop it with the being funny.

Smeagol: We caught you fair and square, now we eats you, ha, so there.

Bilbo: At this danger I dare not scoff, but at the end you sort of have to jump off!

And Bilbo jumps off the rock into the water and swims away.

*the end*


Sep 25 2012, 1:19am

Post #9 of 14 (711 views)
What a crazy group of lines!! [In reply to] Can't Post

Here's a stretcher of an attempt using all the lines... very badly!!! ;)

Merry and Pippin were walking out of the forest and into the clearing north of Fangorn. Their visit with Treebeard was as entertaining as always.
"You know we could have been carried all the way to the Misty Mountains if you hadn’t made that joke about Entwives being spotted in Mirkwood," chided Merry.
"Stop it," sighed Pippin. "I tried teasing Treebeard with being funny about Entwives in Mirkwood, but he thought I was serious! He almost dropped us!"
"Maybe it was just that he tripped over a stone and nearly fell?"
Pippin shook his head. "You cannot pass that off as tripping."
"But Pip, at the end you sort of have be ready to jump off when he starts tipping over like that! Tipping, I guess. Not tripping."
"What we needed was to put a couple of tall, Rohirrim dudes on either side of him and not count on sher-lock."
Merry stopped and looked bemused. "Sher-lock?"'
"Sheer luck! I said sheer luck."
"Pippin. If you're going to chew on something while you talk, take smaller fruit off the trailer of the basket or something."
"It comes in trailers?"

Thanks Lots, weaver! GREAT GAME!!

I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
Unused Scenes


Sep 25 2012, 1:25am

Post #10 of 14 (707 views)
Six "cheerios" for this one! [In reply to] Can't Post

And here they are!

Thanks for the very clever entry -- LOTR meets Monty Python! Ha!



Sep 25 2012, 1:31am

Post #11 of 14 (720 views)
I say Benedict, is that you? [In reply to] Can't Post

Ha! Brilliant, that was!

I could not find a Sherlock Holmes Six to award you, alas, but I did find this kid and his 6, so I hope this will do!

Thanks for playing and coming up with an actual Sherlock to go with those Rohirrim Dudes! Still laughing over here!Smile



Sep 25 2012, 1:38am

Post #12 of 14 (707 views)
Leave it to you to pun your way through this one! [In reply to] Can't Post

Sheer luck! Ha!

Here's a six from the Entwives Collection, just for you, in honor of your Ent-ry!Smile

Can't believe you still have any creativity left at this point, but you sure do! Thanks for playing!



Sep 25 2012, 3:57pm

Post #13 of 14 (706 views)
Good ol' regular cheerios [In reply to] Can't Post

One of my favorites - thanks!


Happiness: money matters, but less than we think and not in the way that we think. Family is important and so are friends, while envy is toxic -- and so is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude. - The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner as summarized by Lily Fairbairn. And a bit of the Hobbit reading thrown in never hurts. - NottaSackville


Sep 26 2012, 2:39pm

Post #14 of 14 (803 views)
Yay, mine's blue! [In reply to] Can't Post

Favorite color! Thanks, Weaver, glad you got a chuckle from it Sly!


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