


Sep 22 2012, 9:18am
Post #1 of 49
**World Hobbit Day** Guess the Phrase Game!
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Hello and welcome to a very special round of "Guess the Phrase" game in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the publication of the book we all love. The aim of the game is to guess the character, location/place, or part of a well known sentence/poem, from the picture riddles. Some of them are (very) easy - you just have to literally take the pictures as the actual words (see example below). Some of the riddles require thinking outside of the box, or having an imagination (adding “ing” onto the end of words, for instance). Likewise, the riddles do not contain (common) words like: the, of, and, a, to, are ... and so on, so bare this in my mind. I have tried to make them so that if you can guess at least half of the pictures, you should be able to deduct the rest. You may need your book handy for the more difficult ones. Here is an example (in case all of the above has just gone “whoosh” over your head):
Answer below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reading this literally, one would get | BARRELS | OUT | (james) BOND |. After a bit of thinking, you will eventually get “Barrels Out of Bond”, which, as we all know, is a chapter in The Hobbit. Understood? Good! I’ll start posting some of the riddles below. They’ll be separated into several posts, just to keep within TORn guidelines. Each post will have a mixture of easy (*), average (**), and hard (***) picture riddles.

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Sep 22 2012, 12:28pm
Post #5 of 49
1) Bard the Bowman? I don't know who the photo is... 2) Thirty white horses upon a red hill 3) Dol Guldur (sp?!) 4) Shapeshifting Beorn.
"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me" - C. S. Lewis "That line between the earth and sky came beckoning to me..." - Laurie's Song


Sep 22 2012, 12:40pm
Post #6 of 49
5) I am the clue finder, the web cutter, the stinging fly. 6) Clap snap the black crack! 7) Necromancer 8) Misty Mountains.
"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me" - C. S. Lewis "That line between the earth and sky came beckoning to me..." - Laurie's Song


Sep 22 2012, 12:42pm
Post #7 of 49
9) River Running 10) The White Council 11) Five feet high the door and three may walk abreast (Subtly done ) 12) Burglar Baggins 13) The Arkenstone Thanks for these!
"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me" - C. S. Lewis "That line between the earth and sky came beckoning to me..." - Laurie's Song
(This post was edited by Nightingale on Sep 22 2012, 12:43pm)


Sep 22 2012, 12:57pm
Post #8 of 49
1) Bard the Bowman? I don't know who the photo is... 2) Thirty white horses upon a red hill 3) Dol Guldur (sp?!) 4) Shapeshifting Beorn. The answer to the first is Bilbo.

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Sep 22 2012, 2:14pm
Post #10 of 49
1. Bilbo! 2. Uh...30 white horses upon a red hill? 3. Dol Guldur (Is that the Necromancer's dolly? ) 4. Shapeshifting bee-keeper.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire"

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Sep 22 2012, 2:39pm
Post #12 of 49
5.Aim key web cut Sting fly? 6. Clap snap black light? 7. Neck boat man Peter? Chest row loo spectacles? 8. Misty Mountains - whew, at least I got one of these! The first two sound familiar, but I can't place them at the moment - will get back to them!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire"

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Sep 22 2012, 2:42pm
Post #13 of 49
9. River Running 10. Flower power? No - it's the White Council! 11. *snicker* Five feet high the door and three may walk abreast! 12. Thief! Baggins! 13.Arkenstone Clever!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 5:10pm
Post #16 of 49
I think I have some in this round
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9) River Running 11) Five feet high and three may walk abreast 13) Arkenstone
..The land of long-forgotten name: ......no man may ever anchor near; ..No steering star his hope may aim, ......for nether Night its marches drear, ..And waters wide no sail may tame, ......with shores encircled dark and sheer. ..O! Haven where my heart would be! ......the waves beat upon thy bar ..For ever echo endlessly, ......when longing leads thy thought afar

Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 5:23pm
Post #17 of 49
Is it strange that the only one that seemed obvious to me was the *** one?
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1) no clue, I'm guessing the key is in the person, but I don't recognize him at all 2) Thirty white horses on a red hill 4) Shape shifting... bee jar? ... bee urn? ...bee-keeper? Yeah, probably that last one
..The land of long-forgotten name: ......no man may ever anchor near; ..No steering star his hope may aim, ......for nether Night its marches drear, ..And waters wide no sail may tame, ......with shores encircled dark and sheer. ..O! Haven where my heart would be! ......the waves beat upon thy bar ..For ever echo endlessly, ......when longing leads thy thought afar

Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 5:28pm
Post #18 of 49
6) Clap! Snap! The black crack! I was thinking clap snap thunder crack, but then the third picture was black and not thunder... 7) Necromancer I laughed when I got to the end and realized that picture meant "sir" 8) Misty Mountains that one took me embarrassingly long to get...
..The land of long-forgotten name: ......no man may ever anchor near; ..No steering star his hope may aim, ......for nether Night its marches drear, ..And waters wide no sail may tame, ......with shores encircled dark and sheer. ..O! Haven where my heart would be! ......the waves beat upon thy bar ..For ever echo endlessly, ......when longing leads thy thought afar


Sep 22 2012, 5:40pm
Post #19 of 49
1. hmm. this one is marked easy but I'm struggling. Bill Gates + bow tie - I'd go with Gates but that doesn't get me closer to solving - OH, d'oh. Bill + bow - Bilbo. haha. 2. thirty white horses upon a red hill - ('upon' may not be precise - this is one of the riddles, the answer being: white horses = teeth and red hill = lips/mouth) 3. Dol Guldur 4. haha... shape shifting Beorn
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Sep 22 2012, 5:44pm
Post #20 of 49
continuing my amazing winning streak here...
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1. Smart-bow -- The new and improved weapon they will be giving Legolas in the Hobbit films 2. At the Sign of the White Ponies by the Red Hill -- It's been a long time since I read the books, but I'm sure that's in there somewhere... 3. Curtsey! Duck! Door! -- Bilbo's famous words as he leaps over Gollum to escape... 4. Colors shifting bugs Jar Jar Binks - you left off the other jar and some kind of bink thing, but I still figured it out... Or the answers might be Bilbo, I have no clue, Dol Goldur and Shapeshifting Beorn...

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Sep 22 2012, 5:45pm
Post #21 of 49
5. The words "I AM", and that's a magnifying glass, not a couple of key rings! "I am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly." 6. uh...still working on this one... 7. Neck? Throat? Shoulders? Boat? Row? Man? See? Neck-row-man-see...Sir! Necromancer!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Sep 22 2012, 5:52pm
Post #22 of 49
5. Woah... is that first image a country specific clue? Well, Sting + fly seems straight forward. The icons I recognize are browser icons. Scissors... or cut? I think the second image is a magnifying glass. The first, other than 'sign' or 'emblem' or 'logo', I have no clue about. could the browsers indicate web? ___ + ____ + web + cut/scissors + Sting + fly had to look it up. It's one of Bilbo's 'riddles' for Smaug: I am the clue finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly. clever.. but one definitely had to remember that taunt to get the answer. 6. clap, snap, black, crack (is that the crack from Doctor Who? If so, I should get extra credit). Keep in mind I have not read The Hobbit in quite a few years. But I can remember this phrase, although I'm not sure where it's used or if 'black' is correct. Was it in the goblin cave? 7. neck + row + man + sir (clever on there) = Necromancer 8. Misty Mountains (I think I have this image of the foggy tree somewhere on my computer)
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Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 5:53pm
Post #23 of 49
And 12) Burglar Baggins
..The land of long-forgotten name: ......no man may ever anchor near; ..No steering star his hope may aim, ......for nether Night its marches drear, ..And waters wide no sail may tame, ......with shores encircled dark and sheer. ..O! Haven where my heart would be! ......the waves beat upon thy bar ..For ever echo endlessly, ......when longing leads thy thought afar


Sep 22 2012, 5:59pm
Post #24 of 49
5. Aim, Chain, Logos, Scissors, Sting, Bug! -- The hobbit version of Rock Paper Scissors 6. Two hands beats one, one hand beats no hands, no hands beats...uh..no sun? -- nice try on trying to finish Bilbo's third riddle, but really, there was a reason Tolkien rejected that one... 7. Throator Menonly Sirpeter -- Smaug's real name, but no one ever uses it 8. Foggy Mountain Breakdown -- you forgot pictures for the breakdown part, but I'm glad to help you out there... I liked Necromancer and Misty Mountains the best on this one -- especially since those are the only ones I actually got! The rest are just a good cover for my ignorance!


Sep 22 2012, 6:05pm
Post #25 of 49
well, I'm not doing too badly for not having read the book recently but I'm struggling a bit. 9. is River's Run (or some version of that) in the book? 10. flower, petals, + not sure what that could be. Google image search says it's the United Nations Security Council okay... White Council? 11. Five + feet + hands/span + door + three (although it took me a minute to recognize it as something other than an abstract figure) + walk/step + udder (under). This sounds familiar - probably the measurement found on the map for some door or opening into the mountain. Looking it up: "Five feet high the door and three may walk abreast." uh... 'high five' into 'high' was stretching it a little, imo. Definitely had to know the quote to get the answer. 12. Burglar Baggins - although you needed a plural indicator here on 'inn'. :-) 13. Arkenstone - although you have a plural when you wanted a singular on 'stone'. :-P I think you would have enjoyed TORn's Cryptic Crossword Challenge. I've never had so much fun as working on that puzzle with a friend of mine.
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