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**World Hobbit Day** "Panted Hobbit Lines"
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Sep 22 2012, 4:35am

Post #1 of 65 (2638 views)
**World Hobbit Day** "Panted Hobbit Lines" Can't Post

How could we possibly have a party without pants? For those who have not been privileged to get pants before, here's the how-to:

Take a line or phrase from The Hobbit or Bilbo & Frodo's birthdays from LotR or any Tolkien quotes/references and replace one of the words with a variation of pants [i.e. panting, panted, pants] and/or something related to pants also in the phrase [zipper, cuff, belt, pocket, etc.]. It gets really good when several lines from a section of the book or related topics are posted one after another in a string of pants... I mean, posts.

**BE SURE TO KEEP YOUR WORK IN THE SUBJECT LINE ONLY** That way we can really clip along. And remember... this is a family site, so play nice ;)

Here's an example: *whispers* Do not post the original phrase. I'm just showing you where it came from ;)

[Original phrase from The Hobbit: "He dreamed that a crack in the wall at the back of the cave got bigger and bigger, and opened wider and wider...]

Here's what we do to it: "Bilbo dreamed that a crack in the seam at the back of the pants got bigger and bigger, and opened wider and wider!"

I'll start...

I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

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Sep 22 2012, 4:35am

Post #2 of 65 (1721 views)
"I beg your pardon, I haven't asked for anything!" "Yes, you have! Twice now. My Pants!" // [In reply to] Can't Post


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

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Sep 22 2012, 4:43am

Post #3 of 65 (1734 views)
In a hole, in the pants, there lived a Hobbit... [In reply to] Can't Post

Well, someone had to say it!



Sep 22 2012, 4:47am

Post #4 of 65 (1680 views)
"I am pleased to hear that you had other business in these pants besides my gold." // [In reply to] Can't Post


Want a The Hobbit cover of your own for World Hobbit Day? Click Here
Thank you Magpie!

Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 6:34am

Post #5 of 65 (1713 views)
"No admittance except in party pants!" // [In reply to] Can't Post


Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 22 2012, 7:37am

Post #6 of 65 (1705 views)
"I was having such a lovely dream," he grumbled, "all about wearing the most gorgeous pants." // [In reply to] Can't Post



Don't have a Hobbit Day footer? Want one? Click here!


Sep 22 2012, 8:49am

Post #7 of 65 (1682 views)
"I should think so - in these pants! We are plain quiet folk and have no use for pants. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner!" / [In reply to] Can't Post


Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!

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Sep 22 2012, 11:02am

Post #8 of 65 (1725 views)
"The king is come unto his hall, Under the Mountain dark and tall. The Worm of Dread is slain and dead, And ever so our pants shall fall!" [In reply to] Can't Post


Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 1:24pm

Post #9 of 65 (1687 views)
"I hope I never smell the smell of my pants again!" said Fili. "My tub was full of it..... [In reply to] Can't Post

....To smell these pants everlastingly when you can scarcely move and are cold and sick with diarrhea is maddening."

A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you.



Sep 22 2012, 2:44pm

Post #10 of 65 (1683 views)
"But I doubt very much whether anything you find in pants will be wholesome to eat or to drink." // [In reply to] Can't Post


Want a The Hobbit cover of your own for World Hobbit Day? Click Here
Thank you Magpie!

(This post was edited by SirDennisC on Sep 22 2012, 2:44pm)


Sep 22 2012, 3:25pm

Post #11 of 65 (1681 views)
They soon found pants with room enough for a dwarf in each. // [In reply to] Can't Post


Want a The Hobbit cover of your own for World Hobbit Day? Click Here
Thank you Magpie!


Sep 22 2012, 4:24pm

Post #12 of 65 (1679 views)
Not nasty, dirty, wet pants, filled with old fruit of the looms // [In reply to] Can't Post


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

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Sep 22 2012, 4:28pm

Post #13 of 65 (1713 views)
...nor yet dry, bare, sandy pants with nothing to make it easty to sit down... // [In reply to] Can't Post


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

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Sep 22 2012, 4:36pm

Post #14 of 65 (1718 views)
“Pay heed to the tales of old pants. It may well be that they alone keep in memory what it was once needful for the wise to know.” / [In reply to] Can't Post


Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Sep 23 2012, 10:59am

Post #15 of 65 (1707 views)
Kili and Fili rushed for their bags and brought back little pants; Dori, Ori and Nori brought out pants from somewhere inside their coats; Bombur produced pants from the hall; Bifur and Bofur went out too, and came back with pants they had left among the [In reply to] Can't Post

Was this too much of a good pants?


Sep 23 2012, 4:33pm

Post #16 of 65 (1700 views)
"So, carefully! Carefully with the pants!"// [In reply to] Can't Post


......"Since the first time I met you,
..I couldn't seem to forget you.
.......And lately I seem to find,
..That you're always on my mind.
.......Whenever I see you smile,
..It makes my life so very worthwhile.
......And ever since the very start,
..You have always been there in my heart.
..Then I heard that you felt the same way,
........................................................................And those words were so easy to say."


Sep 23 2012, 4:40pm

Post #17 of 65 (1658 views)
The pants were cleaned and put away safe as quick as lightning // [In reply to] Can't Post


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
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Sep 23 2012, 4:46pm

Post #18 of 65 (1642 views)
Bilbo suddenly discovered the weak point in his pants! // [In reply to] Can't Post


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
Unused Scenes


Sep 23 2012, 5:30pm

Post #19 of 65 (1644 views)
"Begone now ere our pants fly." // [In reply to] Can't Post


Want a The Hobbit cover of your own for World Hobbit Day? Click Here
Thank you Magpie!


Sep 23 2012, 5:31pm

Post #20 of 65 (1650 views)
"I will not parley, as I have said, with armed men at my pants. // [In reply to] Can't Post


Want a The Hobbit cover of your own for World Hobbit Day? Click Here
Thank you Magpie!


Sep 23 2012, 6:08pm

Post #21 of 65 (1638 views)
Nor at all with the pants of the Elvenking, whom I remember with smaller sizes // [In reply to] Can't Post


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
Unused Scenes


Sep 23 2012, 6:35pm

Post #22 of 65 (1643 views)
The rage of the pants was terrible to see... // [In reply to] Can't Post


Want a The Hobbit cover of your own for World Hobbit Day? Click Here
Thank you Magpie!


Sep 23 2012, 6:35pm

Post #23 of 65 (1646 views)
... and the commotion they made filled all the pants. // [In reply to] Can't Post


Want a The Hobbit cover of your own for World Hobbit Day? Click Here
Thank you Magpie!


Sep 23 2012, 6:36pm

Post #24 of 65 (1680 views)
walking-sticks. Dwalin and Balin said: "Excuse me, I left my pants in the porch!" "Just bring mine in with you," said Thorin.// [In reply to] Can't Post



Sep 23 2012, 6:53pm

Post #25 of 65 (1677 views)
"To think that I should have lived to be good-morninged by Belladonna Took's son, as if I was selling pants"// [In reply to] Can't Post


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