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** World Hobbit Day ** Bilbo's Brainteasers Reprise!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 22 2012, 4:29am

Post #1 of 13 (728 views)
** World Hobbit Day ** Bilbo's Brainteasers Reprise! Can't Post

Many of you would not know this, but years ago Altaira would post a weekly quiz on Sunday nights called "Bilbo's Brainteasers". A couple of times I was allowed to sub for her, and created a few quizzes for it.

This one, in honor of Bilbo's and Frodo's birthdays, is a Word Scramble/Scavenger Hunt called "Scrambled Gifts". We all know that after The Party, Bilbo left special presents to be given to certain Hobbits. Do you remember what they were? To find out, you can use the clues to look them up in the book, or have fun unscrambling the words!

1. For the Gaffer, a bottle of MINTNOTE

2. And two sacks of STOOPATE

3. And also a woolen SATCATOWI

4. For Adelard Took, an RUMLABEL

5. For Dora Baggins, a waste-paper SAKBET

6. For niece Angelica, a round convex RIMROR

7. For Hugo Bracegirdle, an empty KOBO-SEAC

8. For Rory Brandybuck, a dozen bottles of Old SWAYDRIN.

9. For Milo Burrows, a gold pen and KIN BETLOT

10. For Lobelia, a case of silver SNOPOS

Remember, put no answers in the subject line of your reply! Have fun! Smile


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Sep 22 2012, 4:40am

Post #2 of 13 (506 views)
Rabin Easters [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Ointment
2. Po-ta-toes
3. Waistcoat
4. Umbrella
5. Basket
6. Mirror
7. Book-case
8. Winyards
9. Ink bottle
10. Spoons

Thanks dernwyn!

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Thank you Magpie!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 22 2012, 5:06am

Post #3 of 13 (450 views)
Ooh, fun! [In reply to] Can't Post

1. For the Gaffer, a bottle of MINTNOTE Ointment

2. And two sacks of STOOPATE Po-ta-toes! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!

3. And also a woolen SATCATOWI Waistcoat. Properly pronounced weskit, of course.

4. For Adelard Took, an RUMLABEL Umbrella

5. For Dora Baggins, a waste-paper SAKBET A tisket, a tasket, a green and yellow basket! Which, come to think of it, is a very hobbity sounding sort of item.

6. For niece Angelica, a round convex RIMROR Mirror. Hey, funny face!

7. For Hugo Bracegirdle, an empty KOBO-SEAC Book-case

8. For Rory Brandybuck, a dozen bottles of Old SWAYDRIN. Winyards. Cheers! I wonder what the favorite toast of hobbits is?

9. For Milo Burrows, a gold pen and KIN BETLOT Ink blotter.

10. For Lobelia, a case of silver SNOPOS Spoons.


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Sep 22 2012, 5:55am

Post #4 of 13 (488 views)
I got these! [In reply to] Can't Post

1. For the Gaffer, a bottle of MINTNOTE -- Tone mint, that was easy!

2. And two sacks of STOOPATE -- oop state! (a bunch of things from the place where people mess up a lot)

3. And also a woolen SATCATOWI -- cat-o-waist (better than a dog-o-face)

4. For Adelard Took, an RUMLABEL -- bare mull (she was headed south)

5. For Dora Baggins, a waste-paper SAKBET -- tea bks (books! about tea!)

6. For niece Angelica, a round convex RIMROR -- mr orri (as in Ori's dad)

7. For Hugo Bracegirdle, an empty KOBO-SEAC -- sock ea bo (designer footwear)

8. For Rory Brandybuck, a dozen bottles of Old SWAYDRIN. -- dr inways (like Dr. Pepper, only better)

9. For Milo Burrows, a gold pen and KIN BETLOT -- blink tote (look fast or it'll get carried away!)

10. For Lobelia, a case of silver SNOPOS -- posson (a possum, but not quite)

So, how'd I do? Smile



Sep 22 2012, 8:30am

Post #5 of 13 (462 views)
Let's see ... [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Ointment
3. Waiscoat
4. Umbrella
5. Basket
6. Mirror
7. Book Case
8. Old Winyards
9. Ink Bottle
10. Spoons

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Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 12:59pm

Post #6 of 13 (440 views)
here goes [In reply to] Can't Post


1. For the Gaffer, a bottle of MINTNOTE


2. And two sacks of STOOPATE


3. And also a woolen SATCATOWI


4. For Adelard Took, an RUMLABEL


5. For Dora Baggins, a waste-paper SAKBET


6. For niece Angelica, a round convex RIMROR


7. For Hugo Bracegirdle, an empty KOBO-SEAC


8. For Rory Brandybuck, a dozen bottles of Old SWAYDRIN.


9. For Milo Burrows, a gold pen and KIN BETLOT

Ink bottle

10. For Lobelia, a case of silver SNOPOS


A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you.


Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 6:30pm

Post #7 of 13 (434 views)
Let's see if I can get all of them... [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Ointment
2. Potatoes
3. Waistcoat
4. Umbrella
5. Basket
6. Mirror
7. Bookcase
8. Winyards
9. Ink Bottle
10. Spoons

#3 was giving me some troubles, but in the end I got it

I always enjoy Bilbo's sarcasm in this passage. Never gets old. Laugh

..The land of long-forgotten name:
......no man may ever anchor near;
..No steering star his hope may aim,
......for nether Night its marches drear,
..And waters wide no sail may tame,
......with shores encircled dark and sheer.

..O! Haven where my heart would be!
......the waves beat upon thy bar
..For ever echo endlessly,
......when longing leads thy thought afar

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 23 2012, 6:40pm

Post #8 of 13 (438 views)
Yes, but where did you got - er, get them? [In reply to] Can't Post


Y'know, maybe we should have a Middle-earth "Boggle", where you're given a handful of letters, and need to come up with as many Middle-earth related words as possible! Laugh

(And I think a possum is a very appropriate gift for Lobelia, a live one on a leash...Angelic)


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Tol Eressea

Sep 24 2012, 7:02pm

Post #9 of 13 (419 views)
a classic [In reply to] Can't Post

1. For the Gaffer, a bottle of MINTNOTE

2. And two sacks of STOOPATE

3. And also a woolen SATCATOWI

4. For Adelard Took, an RUMLABEL

5. For Dora Baggins, a waste-paper SAKBET

6. For niece Angelica, a round convex RIMROR
7. For Hugo Bracegirdle, an empty KOBO-SEAC

8. For Rory Brandybuck, a dozen bottles of Old SWAYDRIN.

9. For Milo Burrows, a gold pen and KIN BETLOT
Ink bottle

10. For Lobelia, a case of silver SNOPOS


Sep 25 2012, 1:30am

Post #10 of 13 (435 views)
*jumps up and down flailing arms* I remembered something!! I remembered something!! :D [In reply to] Can't Post

OMG! My memory is getting worse and worse, but this game just had everything falling into place like the old days!! :D THANK YOU!!! *runs to mark calendar* "gramma remembered something today"

Here goes... hoping I haven't fallen on my face! ;)

1. For the Gaffer, a bottle of MINTNOTE ointment

2. And two sacks of STOOPATE potatoes

3. And also a woolen SATCATOWI waistcoat

4. For Adelard Took, an RUMLABEL umbrella

5. For Dora Baggins, a waste-paper SAKBET basket

6. For niece Angelica, a round convex RIMROR mirror

7. For Hugo Bracegirdle, an empty KOBO-SEAC book-case

8. For Rory Brandybuck, a dozen bottles of Old SWAYDRIN. winyards

9. For Milo Burrows, a gold pen and KIN BETLOT ink bottle

10. For Lobelia, a case of silver SNOPOS spoons

Thanks so much, dernywn... for bringing back an oldie and a goodie game :)

*whispers* You should re-introduce this every week ;)

I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

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Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 25 2012, 1:33am

Post #11 of 13 (420 views)
*whispers back* [In reply to] Can't Post

Well, maybe not every week, but we could do with a few more quizzes and such. I think I may even have some of Roheryn's puzzlers...hm, will have to see about this! Smile


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Sep 25 2012, 1:52am

Post #12 of 13 (420 views)
*whispers a squeeeeee* :D See what happens ;) // [In reply to] Can't Post


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
Unused Scenes


Sep 25 2012, 3:49pm

Post #13 of 13 (514 views)
I second the squee! [In reply to] Can't Post

I've really enjoyed the games over the past couple of days.


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