


Sep 22 2012, 1:30am
Post #1 of 27
**World Hobbit Day Eye Spy**
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Greetings, everyone! There are two threads for this game: 1) LoTR Eye Spy - images of characters in the movies where you can guess whose eyes and what scene/dialogue is associated with the image. 2) What a treat this is: The Hobbit Eye Spy, compliments of the recently released trailer. All you need to do here is identify these (mostly) newcomers to the screen. I have included a handful of objects in the true spirit of Eye Spy, just to see how close you have paid attention to the LoTR movies over the years. Thanks for playing and good luck!


Sep 22 2012, 2:01am
Post #2 of 27
Who do these eyes belong to and what scene/dialogue is associated with each image? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Bonus objects: A) B)


Sep 22 2012, 2:12am
Post #3 of 27
Can you name these characters? 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) Bonus objects: C) D) Best of luck and thanks for playing!

Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 3:20am
Post #5 of 27
1) Bilbo finding the Ring 2) Pippin having reluctantly just surrendered the Orthanc palantir to Gandalf 3) Barliaman Butterbur trying to think what he was supposed to remember. 4) Frodo in Osgiliath as Witch King comes for him and the Ring 5) Merry scolding Treebeard that the Ents must take action, in haste "You're part of this world!" 6) Gloin at Rivendell for Council of Elrond 7) Rosie Cotton getting married to Sam 8) Sam during his speech in Osgiliath "by rights we shouldn't be here" 9) Gandalf in Moria recognizing the Balrog as it comes. Bonus objects: A) Strider's pouch B) uh, Eomer's cufflink?
A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you. http://newboards.theonering.net/...forum_view_expanded;


Sep 22 2012, 3:26am
Post #6 of 27
10) Ori 11) Fili 12) Dwalin? 13) Dori 14) Kili 15) Galadriel 16) Young Bilbo 17) Thorin 18) Bifur? 19) Old Bilbo C) part of a Southfarthing label? D) a finger and a ring-tailed hawk's feather? Thanks Delrond!

Want a The Hobbit cover of your own for World Hobbit Day? Click Here Thank you Magpie!

Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 3:41am
Post #7 of 27
Can you name these characters? 10) Ori 11) Fili 12) Dwalin 13) Gloin 14) Kili 15) Galadriel 16) Bilbo 17) Thorin 18) Bombur 19) Old Bilbo Bonus objects: C) barrel of pipe weed D) the fletchings of arrow pulled by Kili and his finger
A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you. http://newboards.theonering.net/...forum_view_expanded;


Sep 22 2012, 3:52am
Post #9 of 27
the scenes, not. I'll just spend a lot of time thinking and typing and correcting all my typos and still get most of the scenes wrong. So forget that! Here's what I think about person: 1. Bilbo 2. Pippin 3. All I can think is the Proudfoot buy but that little tendril that's a bit curly has me wondering if this could possibly be Lobelia 4. Frodo 5. Merry 6. The Gaffer 7. Rosie 8. Sam 9. Gandalf A. well, it's a pack with a pipe sticking out of it. And a bedroll. But I don't know if this is when Frodo and Sam are on their own or if might be in the Midgewater Marshes when Aragorn is singing. B. don't know. A book?
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Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 4:05am
Post #10 of 27
1) Bilbo - when he finds the ring in Gollum's cave 2) Pippin - one of the times he got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to. Maybe after he picked up the Palantir?? 3) Holy moly! I've no idea. There's a ringlet of hair, so probably a hobbit at the party at Bag End???? 4) Frodo - at Osgiliath when the Nazgul arrives? 5) Merry - I think this is Fangorn Forrest when he is trying to convince Treebeard that their friends need help. 6) The Gaffer? - "War's brewin..." 7) Rose at her wedding to Sam. 8) Sam - "I ain't been droppin' no eaves" 9) Gandalf - when he senses the Balrog A) Bilbo's (?) pipe sticking out of his backpack B) I know I'll kick myself when I read the answer :P


Sep 22 2012, 4:32am
Post #11 of 27
People are staring at me! Help! 1. Uh, next! 2. Pippin, in the scene where he says "Did you eat the last brownie?" 3. Theoden, asking "Who's on first" in the famous homage to Abbot and Costello scene at Helm's Deep... 4. Frodo, in the barber chair, saying..."That's my hair...cut some..." 5. Mellow Yellow Merry, he's just mad about saffron... 6. Obi-wan Kenobi, "I'm getting too old for this sort of thing..." 7. Rosie, a year after the wedding; "Did you clean out the garage, Sam?" 8. Sam, same time frame: "Yes, dear!" 9. Gandalf, after Theoden decides to go to Helm's Deep, saying "What I need now is cup holder and a couple of Advils..." A. Middle Earth Anti-Smoking Commercial -- "Put that pipe down before you lose your head. Oops! Too late!" B. The Star of Sauron! It's starring at me! I think I nailed them all again -- I am so good at these!


Sep 22 2012, 4:38am
Post #12 of 27
I need like three years of scene discussions to get this right!
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On the other hand, maybe my luck will hold and I will nail these also! 10. Dwarf 11. Dwarf 12. Dwarf 13. Dwarf 14. Dwarf 15. Hobbit 16. Dwarf 17. Baddest Dwarf 18. Dwarf 19. Wizard C. Toronto Map-uh-leaves -- Bilbo's favorite sports team! D. Ewok I must say, that was pretty sneaky of you putting Star Wars images in there...but you can't fool me! So, how'd I do?   

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Sep 22 2012, 7:45am
Post #13 of 27
1) Bilbo, I think. But I can't place the scene. 2) Pippin. "Fool of a took! Next time, throw yourself and rid us of your stupidity!" 3) A hobbit....could it be Lobelia at the Party? 4) Frodo. "They're here!" 5)Merry getting impatient at the Entmoot 6) Hmm...the Gaffer at the Green Dragon? 7) Rosie Cotton. ...at the wedding, maybe? 8) Sam "I ain't been dropping no eaves" 9) Gandalf "This is a foe beyone any of you....RUN!" A) Bilbo's pack B) The Red Book
Don't have a Hobbit Day footer? Want one? Click here!

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Sep 22 2012, 7:51am
Post #14 of 27
Eye have a bad feeling about this...
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10) Dwalin 11) Fili 12) Balin 13) Oin 14) Kili 15) Galadriel 16) Bilbo 17) Thorin 18) Gloin 19) Old Bilbo C) The label on a barrel of Longbottom Leaf D) Bilbo's hand, with quill, writing in his book
Don't have a Hobbit Day footer? Want one? Click here!


Sep 22 2012, 8:53am
Post #15 of 27
1) FOTR - Bilbo - "A ring?" 2) ROTK - Pippin - Finding the Panatir 3) FOTR - Lobelia S-Bs - At Bilbo's party 4) TTT - Frodo - "He's here, he's come" 5) TTT - Merry - Getting angry at the Ents 6) FOTR - Gaffer? - In the Green Dragon 7) ROTK - Rose Cotton - Her wedding 8) Pippin - I can't place it 9) FOTR - Gandalf - "A balrog" scene? A) Haven't a clue B) Red Book of Westmarch

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Sep 22 2012, 8:55am
Post #16 of 27
10) Oin 11) Fili 12) Balin 13) Dori 14) Kili 15) Galadriel 16) Bilbo 17) Thorin 18) Dwalin 19) Old Bilbo C) Not a clue, again D) Bilbo's writing pen

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Sep 23 2012, 5:01pm
Post #17 of 27
Ya got me on one of these... but I took a shot :) GREAT GAME! THANK YOU! 1. Bilbo when he finds the Ring in the Goblin tunnels 2. Pippin when he looks up at Gandalf after handing him the palantír 3. Lobelia looking for Bilbo at the Birthday Party 4. Frodo in Osgiliath when he tells them the Nazgul have arrived 5. Merry when he's talking with Treebeard about helping the others in the war at Entmoot 6. The Gaffer at the Green Dragon talking 7. Rosie when Sam and she are married 8. Sam when Gandalf has tossed him onto the table in Bag End 9. Gandalf in Moria when he discovers the Balrog A) Pouch of pipeweed and pipe. B) Redbook of Westmarch Bilbo's writing in
I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world. TORn's Observations Lists Unused Scenes


Sep 23 2012, 5:09pm
Post #18 of 27
10) Oin (I think) 11) Fili 12) Balin 13) Dori (I think) 14) Kili 15) Galadriel 16) Bilbo 17) Thorin 18) Dwalin 19) Older Bilbo Bonus Objects: C) a barrel of South Farthing pipeweed. (D) Bilbo's writing pen (I think)
......"Since the first time I met you, ..I couldn't seem to forget you. .......And lately I seem to find, ..That you're always on my mind. .......Whenever I see you smile, ..It makes my life so very worthwhile. ......And ever since the very start, ..You have always been there in my heart. ..Then I heard that you felt the same way, ........................................................................And those words were so easy to say."


Sep 23 2012, 6:06pm
Post #19 of 27
I'm stumped on #10, but I'll take a guess... like I have with nearly all of them!! ;) 10) Bilbo 11) Fili 12) Balin 13) Dori 14) Kili 15) Galadriel 16) Ori 17) Thorin 18) Gloin 19) old Bilbo C) The label on the keg at the Green Dragon D) Bilbo's quill writing in the Red Book of Westmarch GREAT GAMES, Delrond! Thanks so much :D
I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world. TORn's Observations Lists Unused Scenes

Tol Eressea

Sep 24 2012, 8:10pm
Post #20 of 27
1 ??? 2 Pippin in Moria 3 ??? 4 Frodo looking at Nazgul on Fell Beast 5 Merry during the Entmoot 6 Barliman??? 7 Rosie 8 Sam...maybe 9 Gandalf


Sep 25 2012, 11:37am
Post #21 of 27
LoTR - Some Old Friends: Answers
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Thanks to everyone who played (and to the lurkers who played but didn't post ). 1) Bilbo finding the ring in Gollum's cave. 2) Pippin after forking over the Palantir to Gandalf. 3) Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in search of Bilbo at his party. 4) Frodo in Osgiliath. "They are here." 5) Merry at the Entmoot. "How can that be your decision?" 6) Gaffer at the Green Dragon. 7) Rosie Cotton at her wedding. 8) Master Samwise after being thrown onto the table in Bag End by Gandalf. "Don't turn me into nothing unnatural." 9) Gandalf in Moria (Dwarrowdelf) as the Balrog approaches. A) Bilbo's backpack (in Bag End while arguing with Gandalf over the ring.) B) Red Book of Westmarch. (Being held by Sam at the Grey Havens.) So how did everyone do? SirDennisC: 10/18, 1/2 - That bowling ball comment had me laughing. Ruxendil Thoorg: 13/18, 0/2 - Eomer's cufflink? Magpie: 9/18, 1.5/2 -You passed the eye exam with flying colors. zarabia: 17/18, 1/2 - Very nice! weaver: I don't know where to begin here. Third base. Silverlode: 16/18, 2/2 - only one to correctly guess both objects. Podium finish. DanielLB: 16/18, 1/2. - So close, yet so so far. Great guesses. grammaboodawg: 18/18, 2/2 - Bows down: "We're not worthy!" batik: 8/18 - good guesses. It's much harder than it looks. We have a winner: grammaboodawg, with a perfect score! Awesome. Breathing down her neck and tied for 2nd were zarabia and Silverlode. Thanks again to everyone for playing. I may pull more of these together in the coming weeks. Delrond


Sep 25 2012, 12:56pm
Post #23 of 27
The Hobbit - A Fresh Look: Answers
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I must admit, these confused me and I have the answers! 10) Oin 11) Fili 12) Balin 13) Dori 14) Kili 15) Galadriel 16) Bilbo 17) Thorin 18) Dwalin 19) Old Bilbo C) Barrel of Longbottom Leaf (Isengard) D) Bilbo's finger and pen writing in the Red Book. The results are in: SirDennisC: 7/10, 2/2 (close enough ) Ruxendil Thoorg: 5/10, 1/2 - someone needs to be the mean. Magpie: Which vampire guy? weaver: Heavens to Murgatroyd. You were sailing along quite nicely until you said Galadriel was a Hobbit. Then the wheels fell off from there. Is this what you had in mind?
I would have thought Bilbo's favorite team was the (Pittsburgh) Steelers. I'll get my coat.... Ahem, now where was I? Silverlode: 7/10, 2/2 - nailed the objects again. DanielLB: 10/10, 1/2 - near perfect. FaramirAndEowynMorningStar: 10/10, 2/2 - awesome! grammaboodawg: 7/10, 2/2 - Always in the running, but alas, we have a new winner. Congrats to FaramirAndEowynMorningStar for a perfect score! And playing 2nd banana was DanielLB. Thanks again to all who played. I hope everyone enjoyed playing as much as I did putting this together. Until next time, Delrond


Sep 25 2012, 2:11pm
Post #25 of 27
bonus points for you. I have never watched this program. The lovechild of him and Tauriel would be a whole new race in ME. Dwampelf the Fair.