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**World Hobbit Day** Drabble / Haiku Challenge
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Sep 22 2012, 12:25am

Post #1 of 39 (2030 views)
**World Hobbit Day** Drabble / Haiku Challenge Can't Post

On this World Hobbit Day, let's have some fun with a drabble or a haiku about The Hobbit (movie or book) or J.R.R. Tolkien or Bilbo & Frodo's birthday.

Drabble me this: A drabble is a short fanfic of exactly 100 words in length. In our challenge, we will not include the title in that 100. You can make them in one or more paragraphs or as a poem.


How do you do a haiku? A haiku is verse with a specific structure of 3 lines made up of 5 syllables, then 7 syllables and 5 syllables again. You can have as many verses as you like.

I've made some examples of a drabble and a haiku to start things off. Don't be shy! These are really fun once you get rolling :)

A Hobbit's Drabble
Bilbo lived in the Shire in a hole warm and clean
Till a Wizard and Dwarves pulled him into their scheme

Confronted by Dragon, Troll, Elf, Warg and Spider
His thoughts turned to home and his food in the larder

He didn't want praise, bright jools, silver or gold
He was held by the job, though not burglar or bold

Fighting hunger and fear; finding Sting and a Ring
The hobbit's grit grew, saving all through his cunning

He stayed true to his word; with his friends facing battle
Till he finally went home while his treasure bags rattle

A Party Haiku
Set out for the field
The day is finally here
One gross fills the chairs

Fireworks by Gandalf
Mathoms spread by Mad Baggins
All praise the great Host

The feast is consumed
And the speech is good and short
What could he do next?

Your Turn! :D

I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

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Sep 22 2012, 2:21am

Post #2 of 39 (1519 views)
I'll bite, but only because it's Hobbit Day [In reply to] Can't Post

Samwise the Brave

Sam snuck a furtive glance at Rosy, swaying with the music and laughing with her friends on the other side of the glade. He had always longed to be near her, but his natural shyness when confronted by her knee-wilting smile always kept him at a distance, stealing glances whenever he thought she wouldn’t see. After all, he was a simple gardener, and she was the fairest girl in the west farthing. Their eyes abruptly met, and encouraged by her quick smile, he summoned his courage and crossed the glade to where she stood. "Will you dance with me Rosy?"

"If you listen closely, you can hear the gods laughing."


Sep 22 2012, 2:33am

Post #3 of 39 (1504 views)
Up to the challenge! [In reply to] Can't Post

A Sad Diddy About Tooks

The death of Mom and Papa Took was taken harshly by the town
But at least they didn't drown!

No, twas Orcs, Uruks, exact!
How did it come to this fact?

The Orcs had come from Goblin Town with blood on their swords
They went to flee, and the Tooks did see, their evil and black words

They fought as brave as Frodo or Sam
But the Orcs that night, they had Took lamb

The next morn, their home was burned
And for Took laughs, the Shire yearned

Their blood once saved Erebor
But now there be Tooks, no more

That was a downer... I'll make a cheery Haiku!

We Haves It

Bagginses we hate
Bagginses, we will find, yes
Bagginses, so near

Precious, they took us
Precious, so tricksey and False!
Precious, you are close...

Mordor, don't go there!
Mordor, we've been tricked again!
No! Shire! Baggins!

Okay... Perhaps that wasn't exactly cheery. One more, for the win!

Elrond's Last Words

The Fourth Age, Men's Dawn
We hold to them, our purpose
The elves leave these shores

I once doubted them,
Believed by a greater hand
That they had no strength

Only now, I see
The survival of this world
In capable hands

Rule well, Elessar
Keep well those I scorned, by you
My last line fades off

Okay, still not happy, but not entirely a downer! This was fun fun!


Sep 22 2012, 4:07am

Post #4 of 39 (1491 views)
Aww.... [In reply to] Can't Post

That was sweet! Heart



Sep 22 2012, 4:09am

Post #5 of 39 (1486 views)
wow, I liked all of those! [In reply to] Can't Post

But now I need some cake and ice cream to cheer me up-- those were sad but good!



Sep 22 2012, 4:15am

Post #6 of 39 (1507 views)
There once was a Trailer called Hobbit... [In reply to] Can't Post

There once was a Trailer called Hobbit
It premiered and caused quite a riot
Some thought it grand
And some thought it bad
But the movie, we'll all go and see it!

(I know that's not a drabble or a haiku but this was as creative right now...next time, I'll go and get another ale first and see if that makes me a better poet... (Or maybe, I'll just hang out with the hobbits by the keg for awhile!)


Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 4:48am

Post #7 of 39 (1514 views)
my try [In reply to] Can't Post

A bell at the door
Its a Dwarf at your service
A party begins.

They sing of old hoards
And of dragons and vengeance
Their poor host feels faint.

They tire of mutton
A new menu for three Trolls
A "burrahobbit"?

A short rest at last
This map features moon letters
Tra la la lally!

Down to Goblin Town
You go my lads! Goblins taunt.
Glamdring has a snack.

Riddles in the dark
What have I in my pocket?
Baggins! We hates it!

Fifteen birds up there
With fire climbing after them
"Can you give a lift?"

Party at Beorn's
Then off to Mirkwood's Old Road
Bombur sure can sleep!

Dwarves strung up in webs
Bilbo gets his groove going
I shall name you Sting

Dwarves are doing time
Wood Elves frown on trespassers
Barrels out of bond.

The King has returned.
Time to find that secret door.
Don't wake the Dragon.

Smaug misses his cup
Time to burn down that Lake Town
What's this black arrow?

Lake Men want their share
Wood Elves come with as back up.
Thorin says shove off.

Arkenstone so bright
Lets see if Thorin will deal
For the mountain's heart.

Clouds that gather, burst
Goblins on their way, with Wargs
Let's team up for this.

Its a long way back
Something to put in writing
There and Back Again.

A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you.



Sep 22 2012, 5:42am

Post #8 of 39 (1522 views)
well know we know how many haikus it takes to go there and back again! [In reply to] Can't Post

16, if I counted right! Very impressive -- you were on a roll!



Sep 22 2012, 10:33am

Post #9 of 39 (1514 views)
Here's mine [In reply to] Can't Post

"Bilbo's New Life"

...a far green country under a swift sunrise. As they approached, Bilbo's age fled, his youthful body restored. Bilbo alighted the railing, dancing joyously. But this thing displeased the Valar, and a great wave swept him back in time, washed up upon Middle-Earth, forgetting his identity. He met Steward Denethor I, who took pity, granting him passage up the Anduin to find other halflings. A village of Stoors took him in, and he was adopted by an old woman who he called Grandmother. He sought his forgotten past and delved deep for great secrets, and they named him Sméagol.

Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 1:28pm

Post #10 of 39 (1470 views)
Now that's a twist! :-D // [In reply to] Can't Post


A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you.


Ethel Duath

Sep 22 2012, 2:39pm

Post #11 of 39 (1519 views)
Wow! I'm stunned. [In reply to] Can't Post

I could see where you were going pretty quickly, but it's so jaw dropping I'm still trying to get my mouth closed!

Do you read a lot of sci-fi too? It makes me think of a story or 2 I've read somewhere. Clarke? Bradbury? Not sure . . .


Sep 22 2012, 6:57pm

Post #12 of 39 (1523 views)
woah.... [In reply to] Can't Post

well done.

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Sep 22 2012, 10:19pm

Post #13 of 39 (1500 views)
Chance Encounter (A drabble) [In reply to] Can't Post

Listening. He was ever listening to the wood, attuned to its moods. And always was his vigil for intrusion with intent to harm.

But this day brought a lightness, and perhaps frivolity to the general mood. With ease he moved like a ghost, a shadow among shadows.

Suddenly on a breeze voices, two voices. He adjusted the broken sword and hidden, moved to the sounds near the small clearing.

He recognized Farmer Maggot, and then a blue feathered hat and he smiled. Suddenly the hat turned. A knowing quizzical expression appeared.

He then moved back silently off into the wood.


Sep 22 2012, 11:27pm

Post #14 of 39 (1475 views)
I like this one! [In reply to] Can't Post

Very Tolkien-ey! Nice!



Sep 22 2012, 11:30pm

Post #15 of 39 (1481 views)
well, if they ever want to reboot the Tale, ala Star Trek.... [In reply to] Can't Post

..you've come up with an interesting reboot angle, for sure!

Or maybe a great parallel universe story? Interesting read, either way!



Sep 23 2012, 1:30am

Post #16 of 39 (1477 views)
I do actually [In reply to] Can't Post

I've read quite a few Asimov and Bradbury stories over the past few months, though I did not consciously try to copy them. But I do find time travel and the concept of meeting one's past or future self fascinating.

This story popped into my head a few months ago and I was really happy to have this chance to tell a simple version of it that wouldn't take a lot of time to write. Glad you all liked it!

There was a man.
There was a lady.
There was a Dragon Lord.


Sep 23 2012, 1:37am

Post #17 of 39 (1518 views)
You got it covered! [In reply to] Can't Post

The whole Hobbit story in poetry form! The professor would be proud.

There was a man.
There was a lady.
There was a Dragon Lord.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 24 2012, 12:27am

Post #18 of 39 (1448 views)
Where's Roheryn when we need her! [In reply to] Can't Post

Wasn't she the one, who would make up all sorts of limericks?

Thinking about it, a pint of proper (or improper) 1420 before trying any of these games would produce interesting results! Laugh


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 24 2012, 12:30am

Post #19 of 39 (1466 views)
Heh! [In reply to] Can't Post

There's no hiding from Ol' Tom! Laugh


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Sep 24 2012, 1:33am

Post #20 of 39 (1520 views)
*breath catches* knee-wilting smile [In reply to] Can't Post

and he crossed the glade...

This is really touching and captures them so well! I love it :D

I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

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Sep 24 2012, 1:37am

Post #21 of 39 (1460 views)
You "Took" me by surprise! [In reply to] Can't Post

You are a haiku Monster Maker! Well Done :D *applause*

I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

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Sep 24 2012, 1:47am

Post #22 of 39 (1441 views)
Hey! It's all good! [In reply to] Can't Post

I hear ale can be a great creative device ;)


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

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Sep 24 2012, 1:50am

Post #23 of 39 (1468 views)
*sigh* Ro... [In reply to] Can't Post

I've been thinking of her and all our wayward sibbies all weekend :)

*shoots good vibe thoughts out to ALL sibbies*

I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

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Sep 24 2012, 1:54am

Post #24 of 39 (1483 views)
The Haiku'd Hobbit! [In reply to] Can't Post

Wow! Impressive! I can't believe you've done the whole story :D


I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
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Sep 24 2012, 2:02am

Post #25 of 39 (1474 views)
*head spins* Wow! [In reply to] Can't Post

I totally didn't see THAT coming! 10 points to Gryffindor for pure guts and thinking out of the box!!

*high five*

I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

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