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** World Hobbit Day ** The Hobbit Trivia Quiz!
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Sep 21 2012, 6:53pm

Post #1 of 46 (2521 views)
** World Hobbit Day ** The Hobbit Trivia Quiz! Can't Post

Hello and welcome to The Hobbit book trivia quiz in celebration of it's 75th publication birthday!

There will be two parts to the quiz: Part 1 (today) and Part 2 (tomorrow). To answer the questions you simply need to have read (and remembered the details of ...) The Hobbit! You definitely don't need to be a Tolkien scholar, though some of them are tricky. You're welcome to have the book at hand if you wish.

To add an element of competition, points will be handed out for correct answers. You may get an extra point for creativity. But remember not to post your answers in the subject line.


1. Who is the only female character named in The Hobbit?
2. Which Dwarves died in the Battle of the Five Armies?
3. Which 5 Armies took part in the Battle of the Five Armies?
4. How high was Dwarves' secret door?
5. What word reminds Gollum of his Grandmother?
6. What is the answer to the riddle: “This thing all things devours: birds, beasts, trees, flowers. Slays king, ruins town, and beats high mountains down!”
7. What were the troll's names that the company encountered?
8. True or false? One should never say the word muff in Beorn's presence.
9. What was gifted to the King of All Birds, and his 15 chieftains?
10. What is the colour of Bilbo’s front door?
11. Which character said: “If we don’t get blown off or drowned, or struck by lightning, we shall be picked up by some giant and kicked sky-high for a football”?

Extra Round:

Approximately, how many times (in the book) are the following words said?

A) Bilbo
B) Gandalf
C) Arkenstone
D) Thorin


Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Sep 21 2012, 8:30pm

Post #2 of 46 (2121 views)
Closed book attempt [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Who is the only female character named in The Hobbit?

Lobella Sackville-Baggins

2. Which Dwarves died in the Battle of the Five Armies?

Thorin, Fili, Kili, and hundreds of un-named ones.

3. Which 5 Armies took part in the Battle of the Five Armies?

Oooooh, a subject of much debate! My answer: Dwarves, Elves, Humans, WargOrcs, Eagles

Or is it: Dwarves, Elves/Humans, Eagles, Orcs, Wargs?
Or: Dwarves, Elves/Humans, Eagles, WargOrcs, Bats?
Or: Dain & kin, Thorin & Co, Elves/Humans, WargOrcs, Eagles?
Or: Bilbo, Gandalf, Dwarves/Elves/Humans, WargOrcs, Eagles?
And what about Beorn?

And exactly which Two Towers did Tokien mean, anyway?

4. How high was Dwarves' secret door?

18 hands. We just don't know whether those hands were hobbit, elven, dwarf, troll or stone giant. We're reasonably sure they aren't bat, eagle or thrush.

5. What word reminds Gollum of his Grandmother?

We eats it whole!

6. What is the answer to the riddle: “This thing all things devours: birds, beasts, trees, flowers. Slays king, ruins town, and beats high mountains down!”

I don't have the time for thinking much about this quiz.

7. What were the troll's names that the company encountered?

Rock, Cliff and ol' Stoney. At least, that's what they went by in their later years.

8. True or false? One should never say the word muff in Beorn's presence.

True. Beorn is a big 49'ers fan, and after a muffed punt killed their chance to play in the Super Bowl last year, the word makes him incredibly distraught and angry. Although unlike many other more orc-like creatures, he never issued death threats to the player on Twitter. Let's all take a moment to think good thoughts about our admins who beat the bounds in a world where THAT happens on the same internet TORN resides on.

9. What was gifted to the King of All Birds, and his 15 chieftains?

Golden collars

10. What is the colour of Bilbo’s front door?


11. Which character said: “If we don’t get blown off or drowned, or struck by lightning, we shall be picked up by some giant and kicked sky-high for a football”?



Happiness: money matters, but less than we think and not in the way that we think. Family is important and so are friends, while envy is toxic -- and so is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude. - The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner as summarized by Lily Fairbairn. And a bit of the Hobbit reading thrown in never hurts. - NottaSackville


Sep 21 2012, 8:50pm

Post #3 of 46 (2099 views)
We should have these more often :) [In reply to] Can't Post

So, it's been a couple years since I've read the book. This could be a train wreck! Unimpressed

1) Belladona Took
2) Fili & Kili (Thorin died after, so I'm not counting him)
3) Erm... Elves, Dwarves, Men, Goblins, and Wargs? I always get confused because there's bats and eagles, too.
4) 5 feet
5) eggs?
6) (give me) Time!
7) Tom, Bill & Burt, I think.
8) I don't know...false? Why would it matter if one said muff?
9) Gold crown? or necklace maybe?
10) Green (going by the LOTR movies...)
11) No idea. Balin?

Extra Round: Is this a legit question!? Shocked

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 21 2012, 8:58pm

Post #4 of 46 (2105 views)
It's been years since I read The Hobbit, so this will be interesting. [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Who is the only female character named in The Hobbit?
Well this will be zero for one. Dis?

2. Which Dwarves died in the Battle of the Five Armies?
Fili and Kili (mourn), and Thorin.

3. Which 5 Armies took part in the Battle of the Five Armies?
I never get this right: Elves, Dwarves, Men, Wolves and Goblins. I think.

4. How high was Dwarves' secret door?

5. What word reminds Gollum of his Grandmother?

6. What is the answer to the riddle: “This thing all things devours: birds, beasts, trees, flowers. Slays king, ruins town, and beats high mountains down!”

7. What were the troll's names that the company encountered?
Ugly 1 and Ugly 2?

8. True or false? One should never say the word muff in Beorn's presence.
Heck, I wouldn't say that in front of my mother.

9. What was gifted to the King of All Birds, and his 15 chieftains?

10. What is the colour of Bilbo’s front door?

11. Which character said: “If we don’t get blown off or drowned, or struck by lightning, we shall be picked up by some giant and kicked sky-high for a football”?

Extra Round:

Yeah, I might just skip that extra round!

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories


Sep 21 2012, 9:02pm

Post #5 of 46 (2102 views)
Just an approximation will do [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
Extra Round: Is this a legit question!? Shocked


Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Sep 21 2012, 9:07pm

Post #6 of 46 (2111 views)
I hadn't realised that word was "slang" for something else [In reply to] Can't Post

I only meant in context of the book Frown

Would it be appropriate to remove? Ever so sorry ...

Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Sep 21 2012, 9:13pm

Post #7 of 46 (2092 views)
I don't have a clue [In reply to] Can't Post


Just throwing out numbers!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 21 2012, 9:25pm

Post #8 of 46 (2095 views)
Don't worry about it. [In reply to] Can't Post

It's a quirk of international variations in language. For example, North Americans happily root for a team - which has an entirely different meaning down here! :D

BTW is 'muff' in The Hobbit? (It really has been a very long time since I read it.)

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories

(This post was edited by Ataahua on Sep 21 2012, 9:26pm)


Sep 21 2012, 10:46pm

Post #9 of 46 (2087 views)
closed book only for me [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Who is the only female character named in The Hobbit?

2. Which Dwarves died in the Battle of the Five Armies?
---weren't there lots of Dwarves who died? Or were there only a few, all with names we could provide. Okay. Okay. I know Thorin dies. I know others of the party die but I'm still trying to keep them all straight... there's no way I could answer this without looking it up. And I'm not going to look it up.

3. Which 5 Armies took part in the Battle of the Five Armies?
---Who cares about battles? Dwarves (that's one) Elves (that's two) Symbionese Liberation Army (that's three) Army Corp of Engineers (that's four) Army of Darkness (that's five)

4. How high was Dwarves' secret door?
--The door hadn't smoked anything in weeks.

5. What word reminds Gollum of his Grandmother?

6. What is the answer to the riddle: “This thing all things devours: birds, beasts, trees, flowers. Slays king, ruins town, and beats high mountains down!”
shoots my Hermione hand up really high: Ooh... ooh.. I know. Time.

7. What were the troll's names that the company encountered?
Tom, Bert, and Ernie

8. True or false? One should never say the word muff in Beorn's presence.
C. When in doubt, always choose C.

9. What was gifted to the King of All Birds, and his 15 chieftains?
iPhone 5s

10. What is the colour of Bilbo’s front door?

11. Which character said: “If we don’t get blown off or drowned, or struck by lightning, we shall be picked up by some giant and kicked sky-high for a football”?
They have football in Middle-earth? Is that US or European football? What would the windspeed of the football be as it was kicked?

Extra Round:

Approximately, how many times (in the book) are the following words said?

A) Bilbo 837
B) Gandalf 425
C) Arkenstone 9
D) Thorin 42

LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
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wendy woo

Sep 22 2012, 12:04am

Post #10 of 46 (2089 views)
Best I can do without referring to my book. Honestly. [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Belladonna Took, Bilbo's mother
2. Thorin Oakenshield and his nephews, Fili and Kili
3. Wargs, Goblins, Elves, Dwarves, and Men of Laketown
4. Five feet high and three may walk abreast
5. He sat on the water's edge and taught his Grandmother how to suck: Eggses
6. Time, time, time!! (he got lucky)
7. Will, Tom and some other guy that I can't remember. Maybe I can get half credit! Unsure
8. True. Never remind Beorn that animals get eaten. Or turned into furniture and clothes.
9. Golden crowns
10. Green
11. Bilbo, I think.

No extra round for me. Did you really count how many times their names occur? You should get out more, DanielLB.

"It's a queer country out here", Pa said. "Strange things happen."
"Yes", said Ma. "I'm thankful that so far they don't happen to us."

(This post was edited by wendy woo on Sep 22 2012, 12:06am)


Sep 22 2012, 2:32am

Post #11 of 46 (2065 views)
I really need to re-read TH. [In reply to] Can't Post

1) Lobelia Sackville-Baggins - not some rockheaded Bracegirdle from Hardbottle
2) The dead ones. Fili, Kili and Thorin + several uncounted from Dain's army
3) Elves, Eagles, Goblins, Dwarves, Men
4) If your mouth's getting dry, you're plenty high.
5) saggy
6) time
7) Bill, Bert and Tom
8) I'd like to buy a vowel.
9) All-you-can-eat coupons to Kentucky Fried Chicken
10) Forest green
11) Vince Lombardi

A) 142
B) 76
C) 11
D) too many

Nice trivia quiz, Daniel.Cool

The Shire

Sep 22 2012, 2:53am

Post #12 of 46 (2067 views)
The Hobbit Trivia Quiz [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Lobella Sackville-Baggins
2. Thorin, Fili and Kili
3. The men of dale, the orcs, the wargs, the dwarves and the wood elves
6. Time
7. Tom, William and Bert
8. True
10. Green
11. Bilbo
I noticed because I haven't read the book in a while, I don't know as much as i thoughtFrown

Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 2:55am

Post #13 of 46 (2089 views)
my attempts [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Who is the only female character named in The Hobbit?
Belladonna Took

2. Which Dwarves died in the Battle of the Five Armies?
Thorin, Fili, Kili

3. Which 5 Armies took part in the Battle of the Five Armies?

Lake Men,
Mirkwood Elves,
Goblins on Wargs with Bats, and

4. How high was Dwarves' secret door?

1000 feet up?

5. What word reminds Gollum of his Grandmother?

6. What is the answer to the riddle: “This thing all things devours: birds, beasts, trees, flowers. Slays king, ruins town, and beats high mountains down!”

Time! Time!

7. What were the troll's names that the company encountered?

Bill Huggens, Tom and Bert

8. True or false? One should never say the word muff in Beorn's presence.
False. The word not to say is "furrier"

9. What was gifted to the King of All Birds, and his 15 chieftains?
The tops of the mountains

10. What is the colour of Bilbo’s front door?


11. Which character said: “If we don’t get blown off or drowned, or struck by lightning, we shall be picked up by some giant and kicked sky-high for a football”?


Extra Round:

Approximately, how many times (in the book) are the following words said?

A) Bilbo

B) Gandalf

C) Arkenstone

D) Thorin

A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you.



Sep 22 2012, 3:52am

Post #14 of 46 (2077 views)
Straight up guesses. [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Belladonna Took
2. Thorin, Kili, Bifur?
3. Gundabad Orcs, Men of Laketown, Mirkwood Elves, Dwarves, Eagles and other critters?
4. Gah, about 4 feet?
5. Eggs?
6. Time, time!
7. William, Bert, and Tom?
8. uh True?
9. A golden bird bath from Smaug's hoard?
10. Green
11. Bofur?

You've got to be joking...
A) 257
B) 58
C) 11
D) 135

Want a The Hobbit cover of your own for World Hobbit Day? Click Here
Thank you Magpie!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 22 2012, 4:54am

Post #15 of 46 (2067 views)
I'll give it a try. [In reply to] Can't Post

Closed book, and it's been a while since I read it, so it will be interesting to see how much I remember!

1. I can't recall if Lobelia Sackville-Baggins is actually named. Somehow, I think she isn't until the first chapter of FOTR. If not, it would have to be Gollum's grandmother.
2. Thorin, Fili and Kili.
3. Five armies: Dwarves, Elves and Men vs. Goblins and Wargs. The Bats, Eagles, and Beorn get no credit because they forgot to RSVP.
4. Five feet high, and four can walk abreast. I think. Which, when you think of it, is a very unspecific dimension. Perhaps dwarves are really supposed to be as wide as they are tall, in which case it would be a most peculiarly-shaped door. I do hope the filmmakers have carefully thought this out. Wink
5. Eggses! Sucking eggses. Ahhh, good times! Tongue
6. Time.
7. Bert, Bill, and Tom.
8. Yeah. Wasn't "tippet" mentioned in there too? You have to watch that these common words don't keep creeping into your conversation. Probably best not to mention lamb chops either. I wonder what Beorn fed his dogs?
9. The King got a golden circlet like a crown and the chieftains all got gold chains around their necks. It all sounds highly inconvenient for flying creatures. It would be terribly embarrassing if one's crown fell off while diving to catch prey, not to mention the snickers of the younger Eagles if you landed in a tree and got your gold chain of office stuck around a branch....
10. Green.
11. Hmm. One of the dwarves, I think. I can't remember which, though, so I'll just go with Thorin.

Extra Round:
Approximately, eh? Just how approximate are we talking? Ah well, wild guesses it is, then!

A) Bilbo 217
B) Gandalf 143
C) Arkenstone 28
D) Thorin


Don't have a Hobbit Day footer? Want one? Click here!


Sep 22 2012, 5:34am

Post #16 of 46 (2065 views)
It's been a long time since I read the book, but here goes... [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Who is the only female character named in The Hobbit? -- Jennifer Hobbitsen
2. Which Dwarves died in the Battle of the Five Armies? -- The ones that did not survive
3. Which 5 Armies took part in the Battle of the Five Armies? -- 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
4. How high was Dwarves' secret door? -- Before or after it ate the brownies?
5. What word reminds Gollum of his Grandmother? -- Quit dilating your eyes or they will stick that way!
6. What is the answer to the riddle: “This thing all things devours: birds, beasts, trees, flowers. Slays king, ruins town, and beats high mountains down!” -- My third grade teacher
7. What were the troll's names that the company encountered? -- Troll-in-the-Towel, Troll-out-the-Ball, and Troll-the-Dice....
8. True or false? One should never say the word muff in Beorn's presence. -- Trick question! Actually muff is fine. Muffin is not.
9. What was gifted to the King of All Birds, and his 15 chieftains? -- The Queen of all Borgs and Seven of Nine
10. What is the colour of Bilbo’s front door? -- A much nicer colour than what he painted his back door...
11. Which character said: “If we don’t get blown off or drowned, or struck by lightning, we shall be picked up by some giant and kicked sky-high for a football”? -- Dr. Smith from Lost in Space, Marvin the Robot from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaz=xy, or the Doctor from Star Trek Voyager

Extra Round:

Approximately, how many times (in the book) are the following words said?

A) Bilbo - A bilbon times!
B) Gandalf - A grandalf amount
C) Arkenstone -- An Arken's ton
D) Thorin -- Four and don't make fun of my lisp

So, how'd I do? Smile



Sep 22 2012, 1:31pm

Post #17 of 46 (2072 views)
Part 2 questions! [In reply to] Can't Post

1. What was Gollum's second guess when Bilbo asked, "What have I got in my pocket?"?
2. Who were Bilbo’s parents?
3. How many times does Bilbo *see* Smaug?
4. When is Durin's Day?
5. Beater and Biter were the names of....?
6. True or false? Apart from proper names like "Elrond," "Glamdring," and "Gondolin," mithril is the only Elvish (Sindarin) word found in The Hobbit?
7. True of false? Thranduil’s Halls are located in the East Bight of Mirkwood?
8. What are the last word(s) in The Hobbit?
9. Which fruit did Bilbo eat after escaping the Misty Mountains? A bonus point for telling me how many of these fruits he ate.
10. Which Dwarf is the second to arrive, and what colour beard does he have?
11. True or false? It was Balin and Dwalin who found the “dry cave” for the company to stay in, and protect themselves against the stormy weather?

Extra Round:

What is the answer to the riddle, and what importance does it have for The Hobbit?

See this thread for more riddles!


I will post the answers, and results, in a couple of days time.



Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Sep 22 2012, 2:35pm

Post #18 of 46 (2063 views)
Round 2 answers [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Nothing
2. Bungo and Belladonna
3. Once?
4. October ah... 20th?
5. Swords
6. False?
7. True?
8. Hey guys, watch this.
9. Durian fruit? 12?
10. Balin, blue?
11. True?

Bonus: George & Allen Unwin

Thanks Daniel.

Want a The Hobbit cover of your own for World Hobbit Day? Click Here
Thank you Magpie!


Sep 22 2012, 3:00pm

Post #19 of 46 (2054 views)
Wootwoot! [In reply to] Can't Post

This will be worse than the last time Blush

1. String
2. Belladonna Took & Bungo Baggins
3. Three. Does he seem him when he flies off?
4. Last day of Autumn or something like that.
5. Orcrist and Glamdring, but I don't know which is which.
6. False. Galion! (I hope that's Sindarin Laugh)
7. Well I'm sure I have no idea. Let's go with True.
8. Tobacco jar.
9. Cram??
10. Dwalin, or is it Balin? And I think it's blue, but it might not be.
11. False. It was Fili and Kili. They were always doing the dirty work.

Extra Round: Uh, I'd have to understand the riddle to get the answer Unimpressed


Sep 22 2012, 5:21pm

Post #20 of 46 (2045 views)
Here are my best guesses! [In reply to] Can't Post

1. What was Gollum's second guess when Bilbo asked, "What have I got in my pocket?"? -- don't recall, but I know it was second to one...
2. Who were Bilbo’s parents? -- Bungodonna -- the Bragelina of the Shire...
3. How many times does Bilbo *see* Smaug? -- on the three days it was cloudy
4. When is Durin's Day? -- right before Durin's night
5. Beater and Biter were the names of....? -- er, kitchen gadgets?
6. True or false? Apart from proper names like "Elrond," "Glamdring," and "Gondolin," mithril is the only Elvish (Sindarin) word found in The Hobbit? -- It's true, if I'm not mithstaken
7. True of false? Thranduil’s Halls are located in the East Bight of Mirkwood? -- False, they were in the West Barhk
8. What are the last word(s) in The Hobbit? -- Thank Goodness I'm back, except in the movie, and then it takes me a little longer!
9. Which fruit did Bilbo eat after escaping the Misty Mountains? A bonus point for telling me how many of these fruits he ate. -- Loops. A bowlful.
10. Which Dwarf is the second to arrive, and what colour beard does he have? -- Dopey, and he didn't have one
11. True or false? It was Balin and Dwalin who found the “dry cave” for the company to stay in, and protect themselves against the stormy weather? -- I don't know, but it was Lobelia who brought the umbrella

I kind of think I need to read the book again, don't you?



Sep 22 2012, 5:25pm

Post #21 of 46 (2049 views)
whoops, forgot to go for those bonus points! [In reply to] Can't Post

The answer to the picture riddle is: "No Country for Old Men" -- and the prize goes to the Hobbit!



Sep 22 2012, 6:57pm

Post #22 of 46 (2046 views)
Round 2 complete guesses [In reply to] Can't Post

1) some lint
2) Bungo and Harpo
3) once, to my knowledge
4) The day the keyhole is visible.
5) My first car and my last dog
6) False
7) Trew
8) tobacco-jar
9) gooseberries; a quart
10) Dopey; doesn't have one
11) False

Extra round:

Mission accomplished - the dragon is dead and the treasure spread around fairly amongst the free peoples of Middle-Earth.

Tol Eressea

Sep 23 2012, 4:12am

Post #23 of 46 (2062 views)
attempt continues [In reply to] Can't Post

1. What was Gollum's second guess when Bilbo asked, "What have I got in my pocket?"?


2. Who were Bilbo’s parents?

Bungo Baggins, Belladonna Took

3. How many times does Bilbo *see* Smaug?


4. When is Durin's Day?


5. Beater and Biter were the names of....?

Glamdring and Orcrist

6. True or false? Apart from proper names like "Elrond," "Glamdring," and "Gondolin," mithril is the only Elvish (Sindarin) word found in The Hobbit?

False. Was miruvor the other word?

7. True of false? Thranduil’s Halls are located in the East Bight of Mirkwood?

8. What are the last word(s) in The Hobbit?

"Thank goodness," he answered, and reached for the tobacco jar.

9. Which fruit did Bilbo eat after escaping the Misty Mountains? A bonus point for telling me how many of these fruits he ate. [/black

Two pears? No clue.

10. Which Dwarf is the second to arrive, and what colour beard does he have?

Balin, blue?

11. True or false? It was Balin and Dwalin who found the “dry cave” for the company to stay in, and protect themselves against the stormy weather?

False. Wasn't it Fili and Kili?

Extra Round:

What is the answer to the riddle, and what importance does it have for The Hobbit?

43 Bird woody un first....??? Ya got me.

A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you.


Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 23 2012, 6:46am

Post #24 of 46 (2027 views)
OK... [In reply to] Can't Post

1. What was Gollum's second guess when Bilbo asked, "What have I got in my pocket?"?

2. Who were Bilbo’s parents?
Bungo Baggins and Belladona Took.

3. How many times does Bilbo *see* Smaug?
I'll go for once.

4. When is Durin's Day?
Immediately before Durin's Night.

5. Beater and Biter were the names of....?

6. True or false? Apart from proper names like "Elrond," "Glamdring," and "Gondolin," mithril is the only Elvish (Sindarin) word found in The Hobbit?

7. True of false? Thranduil’s Halls are located in the East Bight of Mirkwood?

8. What are the last word(s) in The Hobbit?
The end.

9. Which fruit did Bilbo eat after escaping the Misty Mountains? A bonus point for telling me how many of these fruits he ate.
Well it wasn't tomatoes...

10. Which Dwarf is the second to arrive, and what colour beard does he have?
Doc, chartreuse.

11. True or false? It was Balin and Dwalin who found the “dry cave” for the company to stay in, and protect themselves against the stormy weather?

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 23 2012, 7:15am

Post #25 of 46 (2029 views)
*rubs hands* Let's do this! [In reply to] Can't Post

1. What was Gollum's second guess when Bilbo asked, "What have I got in my pocket?"?

2. Who were Bilbo’s parents?
Drogo and Primula Baggins

3. How many times does Bilbo *see* Smaug?

4. When is Durin's Day?
The last full moon of Autumn on the Threshold of Winter.

5. Beater and Biter were the names of....?
Orcrist and Glamdring

6. True or false? Apart from proper names like "Elrond," "Glamdring," and "Gondolin," mithril is the only Elvish (Sindarin) word found in The Hobbit?
Hmm, I'm going to say true.

7. True of false? Thranduil’s Halls are located in the East Bight of Mirkwood?
I don't remember any very specific location. The river Running runs through it (or under it), that's all I know.

8. What are the last word(s) in The Hobbit?
The last spoken words are "Thank goodness!" said Bilbo...and then he reaches down his tobacco jar.
(Which really ought to set to rest all this silly arguing about pipe"weed").

9. Which fruit did Bilbo eat after escaping the Misty Mountains? A bonus point for telling me how many of these fruits he ate.
Huh. Berries, I think. I don't remember quantities, but I'll say 6.

10. Which Dwarf is the second to arrive, and what colour beard does he have?
Hmmm....Balin or Dwalin? I'll say Dwalin. And he has....a blue beard? I never remember exactly.

11. True or false? It was Balin and Dwalin who found the “dry cave” for the company to stay in, and protect themselves against the stormy weather?
No, I think it was Fili and Kili.

Extra Round:

What is the answer to the riddle, and what importance does it have for The Hobbit?

George Allen Unwin, publisher of the Hobbit! (Very clever, Precious!)


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