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** World Hobbit Day ** Get To Know Your TORnsibs (GTKYT)
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Sep 21 2012, 1:31pm

Post #1 of 46 (3191 views)
** World Hobbit Day ** Get To Know Your TORnsibs (GTKYT) Can't Post

I still prefer TORnlings or Folk of TORn, however . . .
We are here for World Hobbit Day, and today we are all TORnsibs!!!
Here are the questions for Get To Know Your TORnsibs . . . answer honestly . . . . . . . . .

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.


(please excuse any anomalies . . . my DSL went down yesterday, and my IE won't work now . . . I'm using Google Chrome.)

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began
Now far ahead the Road has gone
And I must follow, if I can

"Thorin sat up with a start. 'Something is not right,' he muttered to himself as he stood up and
looked towards the mirror . . . . . . . . . 'Durin's bones', he gasped, 'what's happened to my beard?'"

(This post was edited by TomthePilgrim on Sep 21 2012, 1:35pm)


Sep 21 2012, 2:17pm

Post #2 of 46 (2812 views)
My turn [In reply to] Can't Post

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?
Pippin for the simple reason that I think he shows the most character-development of them all. Or in plain English: he's got a lot of growing up to do Wink

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?

Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit is nice, but at the end of the day it's just a nice tale for children imo (don't shoot me, please). It's nice enough to read but not as fascinating. Silmarillion and others - well, I still have to read those. I'm pretty certain I will.

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?
Though question. I think I'll settle for Denethor. It's not what he became in the end but mostly the entire story of his life and how that drove him over the edge, eventually (no pun on the movie adaption intended!). In my opinion there is this smart guy of nearly royal ancestry who eventually is defeated by life and his own mistakes.
Elrond gives him a good run for the money, though.

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?
Bilbo - the guy who never really understand what he started, although unwillingly.
Frodo - the poor "kid" (yeah, I know... even Hobbits aren't much of a kid at 50something) who has to get the job done.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?
To be honest I haven't given him much thought but I'm fascinated by anything related to WW I, so for me that's probably the one thing that really stands out.

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.
That's a no-brainer. The only place with loads of horses? You guessed it: Rohan.


Sep 21 2012, 3:03pm

Post #3 of 46 (2828 views)
Not one to do favorites [In reply to] Can't Post

Do people really have favorites? It's one of those concepts which is so foreign to me and the way I sort things.

When prompted to chose a favorite, I will just quickly scan through my list of highly enjoyed or quite affectionate for or held in great esteem items and grab one that looks shiny as it whizzes by.

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?
grabs Merry as the options whiz by. Why? Because, when I first read LOTR, Merry's name was like my name and he was kind of the quiet one and I had a thing for the quiet ones.

Reading LOTR a gazillion years later, (okay... 35 years later), I was terribly affected by Frodo's state of mind at the end.

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?
throws the lever as Fingon and Maedhros whiz by.

I love how Fingon goes for Maedhros when the latter is imprisoned on Thangorodrim and I really love how, when all hope is lost that he will find his cousin, he sings... and it is the song that finds him. I love the singing in Tolkien's writings but I especially like it when the singing changes the course of events.

I also love how Maedhros' name has that funky spelling and pronunciation influenced by the Welsh language. And it means "glitter of metal" and what magpie doesn't love something shiny.

And finally, I stumbled across a series of fan fic stories involving the sons of Feanor and I especially liked the stories of Feanor and Maedhros. I know those aren't Tolkien stories but the way in which the stories of the Silmarillion fall short for me are the way they're told. In that dry, detached way. I want more heart... more meat of the story and motivations and what people are thinking. When fan fic gives me that, I kind of bank it and use it to help me flesh out the stories in my mind when I read Tolkien's writings.

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?
More with the favorite! yikes. I need to find that gene in me that lets me do favorites. Options whizzing .... pushes pause on Legolas.

Why. Because he was an Elf. He was tall and I didn't know it yet but I loved tall men. And when I met my man in 1973, I looked up at him and said, You look like an Elf from LOTR. He grew old with me but Eru gave me Orlando to stand in for my lovely Elf 30 years later. And I crushed on him just like I had crushed on my very own tall Elf man.

But, as my TORn profile says, if a conversation is what I seek, one can do no better than talking about Boromir.

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?
They know how to throw a party!

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?
I think the thing that I'm most fascinated about is what I sense about the inner workings of the man from what he writes. My father was a veteran of WWII and I grew up with his stories and what I sensed about him. Then my classmates and friends went off to Vietnam and were killed, maimed, or left shells of men. War and what it does to people was a part of my life and although Tolkien doesn't address it directly very much... I think his experiences infuse his works. And I examine and ponder his works to help me understand the dynamic of war experience for those who serve.

I am also fascinated with Tolkien's concepts of hope when all seems lost, every little action and every insignificant character can affect the outcome of great events, even in the darkest times there are signs of light and times for light-heartedness, and life contains both pain and delight.

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.
If I could presume to invite myself, it would be Rivendell. Singing and music - sourced from the living room and pubs and community halls (as opposed to the record player or stage) have been part of my life since I was young. To be able to experience this would be a dream (if I were lucky, literally):
Frodo was left to himself for a while, for Sam had fallen asleep. He was alone and felt rather forlorn, although all about him the folk of Rivendell were gathered. But those near him were silent, intent upon the music of the voices and the instruments. and they gave no heed to anything else. Frodo began to listen.

At first the beauty of the melodies and of the interwoven words in elven-tongues, even though he understood them little, held him in a spell, as soon as he began to attend to them. Almost it seemed that the words took shape, and visions of far lands and bright things that he had never yet imagined opened out before him; and the firelit hall became like a golden mist above seas of foam that sighed upon the margins of the world. Then the enchantment became more and more dreamlike, until he felt that an endless river of swelling gold and silver was flowing over him, too multitudinous for its pattern to be comprehended; it became part of the throbbing air about him, and it drenched and drowned him. Swiftly he sank under its shining weight into a deep realm of sleep.


LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide


Sep 21 2012, 3:20pm

Post #4 of 46 (2810 views)
I don't usually answer these because [In reply to] Can't Post

I have a hard time picking favorites, too.


Sep 21 2012, 3:34pm

Post #5 of 46 (2813 views)
Getting to know DanielLB [In reply to] Can't Post

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?

Has to be Samwise - without him, Middle-earth would be a verrrrry different place!

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?

The Silmarillion. Just beautiful.

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?

This is a tough one - there are so many great characters, all with different importance. I couldn't pick just one!

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?

Boring answer - The One Ring!

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?

For creating such a beautiful mythology for us to delve in to.

If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.

Most likely Gondolin or Menegroth. And once they're destroyed, I'd depart to Valinor.


Want Hobbit Movie News? Hobbit Headlines of the Week!


Sep 21 2012, 3:53pm

Post #6 of 46 (2823 views)
I just bend things to suit me [In reply to] Can't Post

I know the intent is to start a pleasant conversation and the questions serve as prompts. So I just make up my own questions or ways to answer the ones presented such that I can participate.

I hope you do, too. :-)

and... in reading other people's responses, I realize I misread one of the questions. I thought we were suppose to pick our favorite story from The Hobbit, the LOTR, or the Silmarillion. Instead, we were being asked to pick our favorite book from those three choices.

Oh well.. I don't think I've followed any thing like this to the letter. :-\

LOTR soundtrack website ~ magpie avatar gallery
TORn History Mathom-house ~ Torn Image Posting Guide

(This post was edited by Magpie on Sep 21 2012, 3:57pm)


Sep 21 2012, 4:08pm

Post #7 of 46 (2817 views)
My favorite answer to the question of which is my favorite: [In reply to] Can't Post

You are all my favorite! Angelic

Who is your favorite hobbit and why? (I think it is something Tookish - I always wished to know more about the famous Belladonna)
  • Bilbo: I laugh whenever I read his parts of the story ... never gets old.
  • Pippin: I laugh as well (but sometimes I cry, too - but maybe all tears are not an evil).
  • Frodo: In the book Frodo came off a bit bossy to my taste but PJ/Elijah's version really warmed my heart

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?
  • The Hobbit: I have read this one the most and I think I might have more copies of this one than all my other Tolkien books combined - or close. It is so uplifting and it does a good job of bringing the mysterious and wild faery world to light
  • Silmarillion: Just the beginning with the music and all the fascinating mythological/metaphysical stuff (the rest was surely interesting but I don't care for the power politics and intense drama)
  • Tolkien's Essay On Fairy Stories: This was a big shaping influence on my ideas about Faery stories
  • This one chapter in ... I think the Lost Road or something like that ... where there are eagles that appear in the clouds and dreams about an Atlantis-like catastrophe and things of that nature - and then I think that the world of faery and the real world collide (at least this is how I remember interpreting it)

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?
  • I like Bilbo (see above).

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?
  • Bilbo: mirth
  • Frodo: soulful

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an educator, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?
  • I was first inspired by his membership and contribution in the workings of the Inklings

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.
  • I wouldn't. Not unless I had a strong connection (which I felt confident to be able to maintain indefinitely) to someone like Bilbo, Elrond, Thingol, Galadriel, or Aragorn or the like. I am firmly convinced that our modern life is much better for the majority of people than was life for the majority of people in Middle Earth. For members of the upper class, we see adventures / jewels / the making of leading decisions in major events - including lots of wars. For most everyone else we see lots of sorrow without the balance of the exquisite beauty. We see lots of following orders, including those that we may not agree with - no one asks and that the very thought of asking seems highly unexpected. Yes, in modern times we have our problems and there are plenty of people who struggle in life. But they don't struggle under a demonic overlord that turns them into monsters and cannonfodder. Neither do we have to first solve the problem of hordes of dangerous monsters attacking our infrastructures and civilizations before getting around to any other possible problems we might want to think about solving in between bouts of war that threaten the very existence of humanity ... I could continue (ahem ... don't let me get started on being a woman in middle earth *cough*)

Luthien Rising

Sep 21 2012, 4:11pm

Post #8 of 46 (2810 views)
Home for Hobbit Day! [In reply to] Can't Post

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?
Today it's Pippin, scion of Hobbit gentry who befriends his friend's servant, and a charming young man who learns and grows from thoughtless to questioning to brave to accepting of responsibility.

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?
The Lord of the Rings, for its depth and scope and hope.

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?
Faramir, the good man — a calm leader, wise, accepting of what must be, and still not boring.

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?
I feel sorry for them. They are thrust into what they aren't prepared for and don't feel capable of. But we all feel that way sometimes, even if it's about little things. And I like to think that like them, I too can prove capable of more than I think.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?
The romantic in him that coexisted with the everyday man. The core that loved faerie and saw his wife as Luthien but wasn't one to turn down a pint at the pub.

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.

Sometimes I think Gondor, the city that aspires to rise high. Sometimes I think Rivendell, for the surrounding land and sense of peace. But mostly, and today, it's the Shire. I'm down for good home-cooked food and walking to the pub.

Lúthien Rising
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. / We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

One Ringer
Tol Eressea

Sep 21 2012, 4:23pm

Post #9 of 46 (2809 views)
Hmmm, [In reply to] Can't Post

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?

I'd probably say Bilbo (how original), firstly and simply because of the personal journey he goes on and how universally identifiable he is. In a close second I'd probably say Merry as well. Amongst the four hobbits of LotR (as well as Bilbo) I like the way he acknowledges the outside world, educates himself of it, and embraces the time when a journey or enormous deed falls upon him.

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?

I'd probably go with The Hobbit, like Bilbo, for its simplicity and feel-good nature. I'm always one for fairy tales and fantasy more than anything.

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?

See above.

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?

I honestly have nothing. Tongue

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?

From a writing standpoint, I'd say the biggest inspiration would be the scale of his work. That Tolkien was able to create and mould something far bigger and with more depth than most literature is a wonder and drives me to strive for such a goal (whether or not I ever come even remotely close).

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.

.....Move aside, Mr. Baggins.

FOTR 10th Anniversary Music Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33xJU3AIwsg

"You do not let your eyes see nor your ears hear, and that which is outside your daily life is not of account to you. Ah, it is the fault of our science that it wants to explain all; and if it explain not, then it says there is nothing to explain."


Sep 21 2012, 4:24pm

Post #10 of 46 (2830 views)
I'll play [In reply to] Can't Post

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?

Forced to choose just one, Merry though I have no idea why.

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?

The Lord of the Rings because it has Aragorn and Theoden in it.

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?

Aragorn... so many reasons... it might be that at the time I first encountered him he was like a father figure that I could truly admire, one that I did not have in real life.

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?

They're okay but honestly I'm not all that interested in hobbits.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?

It may seem quaint, or an insignificant thing to some, but it is something I learned about Tolkien while reading one of Douglas Kane's papers, Reconstructing Arda: The Second Prophecy of Mandos. It is something contained in this passage:

But while Kilby’s summer with Tolkien did not result in the publication of The Silmarillion by Tolkien, his experiences examining the existing manuscripts and spending time with Tolkien himself did result in his publishing a short but still very interesting book called Tolkien & the Silmarillion and subtitled “A glimpse at the man & his world of myth.” One of the chapters in this book is called “Tolkien as Christian Writer.” He talks about how virtually every conversation that he had with Tolkien at some point fell into a discussion of Christianity. (Kilby, 53.) He also discusses “W.H Auden’s statement that the ‘unstated pre-suppositions’ of The Lord of the Rings are Christian, before launching into a longer discussion of how the Christian themes in the First Age material that he was working on with Tolkien were more explicit. He states, for instance, that “Professor Tolkien talked to me at some length about the use of the word ‘holy’ in The Silmarillion. Very specifically he told me that the ‘Secret Fire sent to burn at the heart of the World’ was the Holy Spirit.” Kilby concludes “My impression is that The Silmarillion is oriented as much on a Biblical pattern as it is on that of Norse and other mythologies.” (Kilby, 58-59.)

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.

Hmmm I like living by the water... somewhere in Bywater? Or a nice place along the Great River.

Want a The Hobbit cover of your own for World Hobbit Day? Click Here
Thank you Magpie!

(This post was edited by SirDennisC on Sep 21 2012, 4:29pm)


Sep 21 2012, 5:00pm

Post #11 of 46 (2804 views)
Here goes [In reply to] Can't Post

1. Sam because I can relate to his loyalty & down-to-earthness.(I know it's not a word)
3. Faramir "I would not take this thing, if it lay by the highway.", etc.
4. Their singularity
5. What DanielB said
6. The Shire


Sep 21 2012, 6:00pm

Post #12 of 46 (2799 views)
Fun fun! [In reply to] Can't Post

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?

Mr. Bilbo Baggins, the Original Hobbit! He's delightfully cynical and embodies all of humaities fears, but rises above what most of us would be willing to do. Even in the face of addiction and snooty dwarves he rises the the challenge, and winds up having a very defined arc. His courage subsists even until his last appearance, and I suppose it is a bit of a shame we never got to see him go on more adventures, though I do hope it wouldn't have been just "getting more treasures" as originally intended.

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?

The Hobbit. Despite its extremely glaring flaws at times, I can read it out of the blue without any preparation, and finish it in a night. I simply love the story of Bilbo and how he discovers the world. The kiddy elements have never been a deterrent for me, as I do like some light reading at times that still feels rather rich. It's the only Tolkien book I owned for years on end, and my new Alan Lee edition will keep that tradition going.

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?

To be predictable, Gandalf the Grey. The man who not only ties the stories together (at least the two narrative ones) with his eccentricity and absolute perfect mystery. The explanation of the Maiar always served as a dampering of the great beyond of his character and the completely unexplainable presence that he had. In my opinion, he's the greatest literary wizard in history. Even though I like the likes of Dumbledore and T. H. White's Merlin, Gandalf is both relatable and classic while having an edge to him that can't be understated. There's simply no greater magical man.

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?

Such a grand beginning, falling to such a spectacular tragedy.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?

I think out of all the magnificent stories of Tolkien's life, the one that I won't soon forget is how he first came up with The Hobbit. It stays with me a bit, and occasionally I think I've broke through on a story that way, but I'm simply not well versed enough! Tolkien was, however, and he proved his intellectual measure many times over!

If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.

Rivendell, definitely. The Last Homely House is described as perfect, visualized as perfect, and nearly abandoned as a perfect monument to the elves. I could spend my life there, just strolling down the valley (tra-la-la-la-lally! Wink). That would never be tiring for me.


Sep 21 2012, 6:25pm

Post #13 of 46 (2810 views)
Oh, my . . . [In reply to] Can't Post

. . . you'd take over Bag End? Well, unless you are short of stature, removed those chandeliers first Wink

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began
Now far ahead the Road has gone
And I must follow, if I can

"Thorin sat up with a start. 'Something is not right,' he muttered to himself as he stood up and
looked towards the mirror . . . . . . . . . 'Durin's bones', he gasped, 'what's happened to my beard?'"

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 21 2012, 8:45pm

Post #14 of 46 (2805 views)
Rightio: [In reply to] Can't Post

Favourite Hobbit: Frodo. Steadfast in his duty, loyal as a friend, and willing to be sacrificial in his quest to save his home and the homes of others. I do love that little guy.

Favourite story: LOTR - there's so much to it!

Favourite Tolkien character: Gandalf. Irascible, protective and determined to see his task through to the end. Heck, even death was just a speed-bump.

Bilbo: Quirky and food-loving.
Frodo: A very large heart.

Tolkien inspiration: How he stuck with his love of languages and writing throughout his life. Writing a book for 12 years? Legend!

Settling down: Lothlorien. I love forests, mountains and the sea, and Lothlorien has two of the three. I would dearly love to see a wood of mallorn trees.

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories

Greenwood Hobbit

Sep 21 2012, 9:02pm

Post #15 of 46 (2788 views)
here's my contribution... [In reply to] Can't Post

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?

Would have to be Sam. He's an ordinary hobbit, not perfect or wonderful or noble - but humble, courageous when the need arises, faithful to his friends, a gardener and lover of trees and of the Shire - and he can cook. I like a bloke who can cook!

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?

The Lord of the Rings, definitely - the first one I found, and the one to have stayed with me most.

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?

Argh, so difficult! Too many to choose... Gandalf has to be right up there, Galadriel (aided by that ethereal beaded dress), Arwen too, with her difficult choices. Funnily enough, Frodo does not spring to mind - not quite sure why.

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?
Bilbo - bit of a foodie.
Frodo: Bookish for a hobbit.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?

I think his love of languages, and the amazing fertility of the intellect and imagination that created the languages and history of Middle Earth

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.

The Shire, it would have to be. Planting and growing and chatting and enjoying good ale with friends - with occasional excursions to Rivendell, or the coast! Wouldn't like to miss out on the mountains or seaside completely but I'm a hobbit at heart (and waist...!).

The Shire

Sep 22 2012, 1:45am

Post #16 of 46 (2780 views)
Let's see... [In reply to] Can't Post

My favourite hobbit:
I loved Sam for his simple courage and Pippin for helping save dear Faramir's life, but recently (??) I decided that Frodo's sad ending just did it for me.

My favourite story:
The Silmarillion and The Children of Hurin. Both full of beautiful tragedies and complex characters. I actually think the Silmarillion to be Tolkien's greatest work. I mean he spent his whole life writing that stuff!

My favourite character:
Faramir! Has the best of all qualities. Courage, wisdom, kindness, honour, prowess, gentleness, and his tragic story...But I'm glad Tolkien gave him a happy ending!

Bilbo and Frodo: Unconventional Heroes

What inspired me about the life of Tolkien:
(More of like what I love about his life...) His humour, his love for trees and plants, and his creation of an amazing myth.

If I could settle down in Middle-earth:
It would be in Fourth Age Emyn Arnen, right next to Faramir's White House. Tongue

Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 2:32am

Post #17 of 46 (2772 views)
meeeee [In reply to] Can't Post


Who is your favorite hobbit and why?

Frodo bc the magnitude of his sacrifice is inspiring.

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)? LOTR. Its my fave all time story, actually, bc its the granddaddy of epic adventures. The Hobbit was fun and Sil was grand but LOTR was both.

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?Gandalf bc he knows what's what and gets important stuff done wherever stuff needs getting done, but also knows how to hang out and enjoy the pleasantries of life. And he had the best lines.

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)? Bilbo-worried. Frodo-forlorn.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien? Learned in cultures and mythologies and master of understanding what makes a culture and a mythology.

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.

Could I "settle" in Orthanc, as its new owner, make some changes? No? Then the Shire, in a comfy but spacious Smial....but Rivendell and Lorien are tempting.

A bag is like a hole that you can carry with you.



Sep 22 2012, 2:59am

Post #18 of 46 (2787 views)
What a day to have your computer get tempermental! [In reply to] Can't Post

But nothing holds up TORnlings when there's a party to be had!! :D

Here goes...

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?
It's always been a toss-up between Frodo and Sam... but I'll say Sam. He's so down-to-earth and loyal to all of his friends, but especially Frodo. He never gives up. He loves food, home and a simple life. Yeah... Sam's very cool!

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?
The Lord of the Rings, hands down! It became my lifeline 41 years ago and has been my constant companion ever since :)

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?
Oh geez! I can't... choose... just... ONE! okay. Sam. no... Frodo... uh... Gandalf. Oh my... I'll have to get back to you about this one ;)

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?
QUICK! Book Bilbo having a great discussion with a dragon; movie Bilbo laughing as he writes about hobbits. Book Frodo walking through the Shire; movie Frodo running down the hill to meet Gandalf who is passing in the cart.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?
His imagination. With all of the challenges and distractions in his life, the world he created in his mind was never lost. Now that I'm older, I know how easy it is to lose personal creative time through the years when you have a job, kids, bills, health, and so many distractions. For him to not only keep his world alive but to also pass it on so clearly to his son so he could carry on the stories just amazes me.

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.

The Shire, sometime before 3001 when Bilbo and Frodo both still live in Bag End... Sam helping the Gaffer in the gardens. No hesitation. It's home :)

Great questions, TomthePilgrim! That was fun :D

I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists
Unused Scenes

Ethel Duath

Sep 22 2012, 3:06am

Post #19 of 46 (2784 views)
Hmmm. Well, here goes! [In reply to] Can't Post

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?
I keep switching between Frodo and Merry. Probably Frodo (book).

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?
First choice, The Lord of the Rings.
Second, The Lay of Leithian

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?
This one's awfully hard. Right now I would say Gandalf. Next week it could be somebody else.

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?
Sting and the Mithril coat

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?
His steadfast determination to finish what he started.

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.


Sep 22 2012, 3:32am

Post #20 of 46 (2763 views)
These are nice party icebreakers! [In reply to] Can't Post

Who is your favorite hobbit and why? -- I will have to say my kid who loved the Hobbit so much he called himself hobbitboy Smile

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)? -- LOTR, and a fanfic with Viggo that shall remain nameless...

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why? -- Gandalf, I wanted to be just like him when I grew up (considering I read the book when I was 20, that's probably a pretty weird thing to say!)

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)? -- The Party Tree! And Bilbo's speech -- Grubbs! Chubbs! Tubbs! Hubbs! (Not what you asked, I know but I felt like giving a party answer!)

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien? -- That he did not give up on his Tale and maintained his "desire for dragons" throughout his life.

If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home. -- I would rather be a wanderer (like Gandalf) -- traveling about the place, and not settling anywhere.

Nice thinking-party questions -- thanks! These were fun!


One Ringer
Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 3:33am

Post #21 of 46 (2756 views)
Of course! [In reply to] Can't Post

And all of the old family portraits over the fireplace will have to go to make room for my widescreen. Tongue

FOTR 10th Anniversary Music Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33xJU3AIwsg

"You do not let your eyes see nor your ears hear, and that which is outside your daily life is not of account to you. Ah, it is the fault of our science that it wants to explain all; and if it explain not, then it says there is nothing to explain."

Ethel Duath

Sep 22 2012, 4:24am

Post #22 of 46 (2769 views)
I was deeply affected by this too: [In reply to] Can't Post

"I love how Fingon goes for Maedhros when the latter is imprisoned on Thangorodrim and I really love how, when all hope is lost that he will find his cousin, he sings... and it is the song that finds him."

And you brought out something here I hadn't really thought about in quite this way: "
I am also fascinated with Tolkien's concepts of hope when all seems lost, every little action and every insignificant character can affect the outcome of great events, even in the darkest times there are signs of light and times for light-heartedness, and life contains both pain and delight." I always thought of his concept of hope of being Afterwards and Later (which I hang onto quite frequently). The "beyond all shadows rides the sun and starts forever dwell." But you brought out the fact that Joy and Hope are dashed here and there all over life's table like pepper: often sharp and pungent and unexpected; seemingly sparse, but far more frequent then many of us tend to notice.


Sep 22 2012, 5:25am

Post #23 of 46 (2759 views)
Ok........ [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
I still prefer TORnlings or Folk of TORn, however . . .
We are here for World Hobbit Day, and today we are all TORnsibs!!!
Here are the questions for Get To Know Your TORnsibs . . . answer honestly . . . . . . . . .

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?
I think Sam. He is ego-less but yet there is depth underlying his simplicity.

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?
I will give a story within a story: "The Scouring of the Shire".

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?
Faramir. His reflections.

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?
Frodo take pleasure knowing about Bilbo's (party)actions and has fun trying to hold back laughter as the host of hobbits commence in flabbergastion.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?
The depth of his heart revealed i think even to himself as the LOTR's grew with great emotion.
Also that he found the time to write, teach, tutor, and be a devoted father.

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.

Lothlorien. The trees, streams, fields, flowers immersed in timelessness .


(please excuse any anomalies . . . my DSL went down yesterday, and my IE won't work now . . . I'm using Google Chrome.)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 22 2012, 5:34am

Post #24 of 46 (2761 views)
Alrighty! [In reply to] Can't Post

TORNadoes is my moniker of choice. Smile

Who is your favorite hobbit and why? I really like BookMerry for his levelheadedness, his resourcefulness, and his love of maps. I relate most to him of all the hobbits, I think. He went about preparing for adventure in such a practical way - by thinking ahead and planning. Enlist someone to keep an eye on Frodo? Check. Transportation? Check. Food? Check. Escape route? Check.

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?
Lord of the Rings, definitely. It combines the accessibility of hobbits with the depth of story that opens the door to the histories of the Elves. The perfect combination!

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?
This is so hard to answer, because I tend to collect favorites rather than rank them. But I am a bit of a BookAragorn fan. I like the vision of a king who comes to his throne via long years of service to all in need (beating the bounds of the Shire, serving under other leaders, partnering with Gandalf), rather than grasping or demanding, and even after proving his claim in every way, he waits until his people choose him. I think sometimes he gets a lot of flak for listing his heritage when challenged, and not enough credit for the underlying humility of his path to the throne.

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?
Bilbo is like a quirky, beloved uncle. Frodo is generous and courageous, facing an awful necessity and sacrificing everything.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?
That he did, in the end, actually publish anything! I relate a lot to his penchant for re-thinking and adding details and I have a great talent for complicating any project by constantly thinking of one more thing that would make it better....Tolkien gives me hope that even us nigglers can actually produce something wonderful in the end, even if we never feel it's really finished.

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home.
I want a flet with a view in Lothlorien!


Don't have a Hobbit Day footer? Want one? Click here!

Tol Eressea

Sep 22 2012, 8:26am

Post #25 of 46 (2755 views)
Nice. [In reply to] Can't Post

Who is your favorite hobbit and why?

Bilbo, always related to him, his story and his sensibilities, such a loveable character. Huge impact, and yet such small beginnings as the new trailer reminds us Wink

What is your favorite story from Middle Earth: The Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings, or the Silmarillion, or (another choice)?

Well, outside of LOTR, I think it has to be the Children of Húrin, it has amazing depth, and is so tragic. Wonderful achievement of Tolkien.

Who is your favorite Tolkien character and why?

Character(s). Alatar and Pallando the Blue Wizards. Probably two of the least described characters ever, but I just love the enigma, and the tantalising possibility that their deeds in the East/South proved important to the fall of Sauron.

Bilbo and Frodo were the central characters of two of the tales that we are here to celebrate . . . what is the first thing that comes to mind about one (or both) of our birthday boys (first thing! Quick!)?

Hobbity Clothes. ... lol.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was a soldier, an education, an expert on languages and a best-selling writer. (Ah, what a life) What most inspires you about the life of JRR Tolkien?

That he strived eternally to sub-create, as he dubbed it. He dedicated his life to things that serve only to entertain, inspire and touch others; the things that he achieved were indeed awe-inspiring, and will have lasting ripples on us.

Bonus Question!
If the opportunity arose to settle down . . . anywhere, anytime . . . in the realm of Middle Earth . . . where would you make a home

I think it'd have to be in the heart of Mordor. . . . . jokes. Probably in Dol Amroth. Sounds like a wonderful place.

Thanks Tom!

Join us over at Barliman's chat especially for the Trailer Chat Party on Wed at 15:00 GMT!!


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