Jan 6 2007, 7:06pm
Post #1 of 1
TORn Links & Archives
This post is intended as a depository of links to sites TORnsibs have created over the years, as well as links to discussions and threads of note on the old TORn boards. If you have a favorite site you think everyone would like, please let an Admin know and, if appropriate, we'll add it to the list! (no links to other Hobbit/LOTR discussion boards, facebook pages, personal blogs, etc.) LINKS OF INTEREST (from threads on the old boards) The links below are to threads on the old boards that were started for the express purpose of sharing: 1) links to popular and/or noteworthy discussions on the old boards 2) links to sites of interest to Tolkien fans (many humorous). All three threads contain a wealth of links. Enjoy exploring! Altaira's "TORn Links Thread" (February, 2007) Entmaiden's "Share your Bookmarks I" (June 2005) Entmaiden's "Share your Bookmarks II" (June 2005)
GENERAL RESOURCE & INFORMATIONAL LINKS TORn Mathom-house - a resource about the history of everything TORn - by Magpie and many other TORn contributors. TORn Image Posting Guide - everything you'll ever need to know about posting images on TORn, with thanks to Magpie. Movie Observations Lists - so you think you've seen the LOTR movies to know them by heart? Think again! By grammaboodawg LOTR Soundtrack Site (A Magpie's Nest) - by Magpie Unused LOTR Movie Scenes - slideshow by grammaboodawg To be continued....
(This post was edited by Altaira on Aug 13 2012, 12:23am)