
Sep 7 2007, 2:47am
Post #1 of 1
Links to Old TORn Boards (also see TORn Links & Archives thread below)
Feeling nostalgic, or do you just need a reminder of how slick the new TORn boards are compared to the old RPG format? Either way, links to the old TORn boards appear below for whenever you feel the need to take a walk down memory lane. (Note: recently (as of August 2012, the only page viewable from the links below is page one. Use the TORn Links & Archives thread below to access more threads on most of the boards below). Enjoy! Main Reading Room Movie Discussion The Arena Gaming Feedback Feeling REALLY nostalgic (or possibly even ancient ), links to the old, OLD archived boards are below (give them a while, they're old and creaky): Casting Rumors Music
Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the boards that are given to us"
"I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase TORn Calendar
(This post was edited by Altaira on Aug 13 2012, 12:07am)