

Jun 6 2010, 12:13am
Post #51 of 151
I'm afraid I'm not sure what point you are trying to make
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Perhaps if you can direct me to a particular place in these interminable documents that sheds some light on the issue of GdT leaving I could comment about it. Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't have anything to say.
'But very bright were the stars upon the margin of the world, when at times the clouds about the West were drawn aside.' www.arda-reconstructed.com

Jun 6 2010, 2:29am
Post #52 of 151
interesting that they talk about a company called MGM Mirage. It was MGMs over reaching in the Las Vegas hotel scene and the real estate bubble collapse that left them in this financial mess.

Jun 6 2010, 3:02am
Post #53 of 151
No one questions that MGM's finances are a mess
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I just don't see how that sheds any light on the issue of this thread. Doubtless I am just missing something.
'But very bright were the stars upon the margin of the world, when at times the clouds about the West were drawn aside.' www.arda-reconstructed.com


Jun 6 2010, 9:13am
Post #54 of 151
missing anything - I should have pm'd you instead Cheers Elven

Jun 6 2010, 1:55pm
Post #55 of 151
It's always a pleasure to hear from you.
'But very bright were the stars upon the margin of the world, when at times the clouds about the West were drawn aside.' www.arda-reconstructed.com


Jun 6 2010, 2:25pm
Post #56 of 151
That really is the truth of it
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and if they'd had their way and been able to work with their schedule... all would be well. They're not even sure they can start in November without MGM resolving their issues. This had to be gut-wrenching for GdT to realize he had to change his direction (pardon the pun). It still is. I don't think he's any more a quitter than Peter is... but sometimes there's just no choice.
I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.
TORn's Observations Lists

Jun 6 2010, 7:34pm
Post #57 of 151
So, here I am again. As promised, I am posting a longer message before the week's end. I have to thank those of you that have supported me from the start as well as those that converted along the way. And even say farewell to those that never did convert or believed. I will miss Mr. Crere, the faith of Compa and Sir DennisC, the wisdom of Voronwe, the joy of Grammaboodawg, the support of Kangi Ska and so many, many others Now, Pasi, et al- that is what is quite uncommon even on big films. Pete and co stuck to LOTR for years, I've developed films for years and I have shot many a movie on location... but rarely do you relocate for such massive amount of time specially when you have to do major ironclad agreements to put in deep freeze other contractual obligations with multiple studios. My commitment to the project demanded enormous sacrifices both in personal and professional terms. The consequences of which will ripple for years. I relocated my entire life and family to New Zealand and first came on board in 2008. So- while the cited delays, contractual complexities or obstacles, cannot be attributed to a single event or entity - you will simply have to believe that they were of sufficient complexity and severity to lead to the current situation. Trust me on this, Pasi- leaving NZ and the Hobbit crew is extremely painful. As stated before- a wealth of designs, animatics, boards and sculptures is left behind representing accurately my ideas for Mirkwood, Spiders, Wargs, Stone Trolls, etc, etc and everyone (PJ, FW, PB and myself) has the same goal in mind: to try and ensure the best possible transition of the movie to a new director. I believe these films will happen. Preproduction continues as we speak. The writing team of PJ,FW,PB and myself will keep moving the screenplays forward. Perhaps even sooner than we may anticipate we will all look at the finished film and then- I will tear up whenever I recognize a set or a creature or a quirk created under my supervision. Everyone on these boards will get two movies. Me? I will be watching filmic family albums. Photos of my children from far away. I hope you will understand how delicate the subject is for me. I will drop by now and then, I will read the boards with interest and do hope to see some of you around at SDCC and many other places. I am not here, however, to provide a blow-by-blow of what happened, but to assure you, as I have, that it has been the toughest situation of my life. Beyond that- I am simply no longer an official voice for these projects. Be good, be well- and I invite you all to follow me into the next phase of my filmmaking journey. Sincerely GDT

Jun 6 2010, 7:58pm
Post #58 of 151
Speaking as a 'convert', all I can say is that I'm so, so sorry it has come to this. Awful for you to have put heart and soul into a creative project and then not have been able to see it through to the end. Whatever you move on to, I wish you the very best of luck (and I hope you'll really enjoy and feel satisfied with the 'filmic photo album', if or when it happens)

Kangi Ska

Jun 6 2010, 8:14pm
Post #59 of 151
I do hope this is not the last we hear from you.
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I will follow your work for all the years I have left. I consider Devils Backbone & Pans Labyrinth great gifts. Good luck.
Kangi Ska At night one cannot tell if crows are black or white.
(This post was edited by Kangi Ska on Jun 6 2010, 8:21pm)

Forum Admin
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Jun 6 2010, 8:30pm
Post #60 of 151
I am so sorry it's come to this, and I really appreciate your making the effort to come and talk to us about it yourself. Thanks for the time and effort you put in on this project; I'm sure it will be all the better for having your fingerprints on it. It's also been wonderful to have you as a member of these boards, and you'll always be welcome here. All the best to you and yours as you transition on to other things.
Silverlode "Of all faces those of our familiares are the ones both most difficult to play fantastic tricks with, and most difficult really to see with fresh attention. They have become like the things which once attracted us by their glitter, or their colour, or their shape, and we laid hands on them, and then locked them in our hoard, acquired them, and acquiring ceased to look at them. Creative fantasy, because it is mainly trying to do something else [make something new], may open your hoard and let all the locked things fly away like cage-birds. The gems all turn into flowers or flames, and you will be warned that all you had (or knew) was dangerous and potent, not really effectively chained, free and wild; no more yours than they were you." -On Fairy Stories


Jun 6 2010, 8:39pm
Post #61 of 151
We fans will certainly not forget your work, enthusiasm and your passion. Huge creds to you for actually popping in here now and then - I imagine that is very rare for a director to do. We were all very pleasantly surprised when we saw your first posts around here. When we go and see the finished product - if it now is in 2012, 2013, 2015 or 2020 - we will all keep in mind of what you have done for these movies - scripting, designing, everything - we won't forget. Best of luck, macfalk PS: been wondering this for a time: Is there really much pre-production left to work with? I mean if it has been going on for 2~ years - that's a pretty long duration for pre-production I can imagine. What is yet to be done? Pardon me for being so "nosey". I'm just bursting of curiosity.


Jun 6 2010, 8:45pm
Post #62 of 151
All the best to you, Guillermo!
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We appreciate all you've done for the films and for TORn.
Permanent address: Into the West Must. Have. The Precious! Give us the Blu-ray Ultimate Box Set!


Jun 6 2010, 9:01pm
Post #64 of 151
Best of luck to you, Guillermo!
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Thank you for sharing so much with us. It's been a truly priceless experience. To elaborate on what we said on the Home Page, we wish nothing but the best to you and your family as you make this difficult transition. The good news is that new doors (and maybe even some old doors ) are opening for you and we'll be cheering for you as you decide which ones to walk through. *Hugs to you and yours*
Koru: Maori symbol representing a fern frond as it opens. The koru reaches towards the light, striving for perfection, encouraging new, positive beginnings.
"Life can't be all work and no TORn" -- jflower "I take a moment to fervently hope that the camaradarie and just plain old fun I found at TORn will never end" -- LOTR_nutcase
TORn Calendar

Jun 6 2010, 9:07pm
Post #65 of 151
While there is likely to be much that we will never know,
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two things that we know for sure are that you are a fine human being, and a great artist. I look forward to appreciating your work for many years to come.
'But very bright were the stars upon the margin of the world, when at times the clouds about the West were drawn aside.' www.arda-reconstructed.com


Jun 6 2010, 9:22pm
Post #66 of 151
Thank you for taking the time to post here--Wishing you and yours good health and uninterrupted prosperity. //
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Dwarf for hire: Have Battle-Axe and Boots. Willing to travel. "Something, something, something Darkside. Something, something, something complete."
(This post was edited by 7777777 on Jun 6 2010, 9:24pm)

Tol Eressea

Jun 6 2010, 9:27pm
Post #67 of 151
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us
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they seem like thoughts that would be hard (at least for me if I was in your situation) to put into words Speaking as a convert (in the sense that I didn't really know who you were until you were named as director), I will miss the chance to see your view of Middle Earth. Though at least I can see part of it because of the design work that's already done. I hope your upcoming projects treat you well Oiotári
You can only come to the morning through the shadows

Jun 6 2010, 9:32pm
Post #68 of 151
Thanks Guillermo - I too look forward to trying to identify your touches when the film comes out, having loved your previous work (which, even thinking about, makes me saddened that this project won't be under your direction any longer). Best wishes for your future work: I shall be waiting in line for each of them! ps. I am taking bets that your future projects won't be with MGM!
(This post was edited by sharku on Jun 6 2010, 9:33pm)

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Jun 6 2010, 10:00pm
Post #69 of 151
and once again thank you for joining us here on TORN. Hopefully you'll be able to stop by occasionally, not least when we're all squeeing over how brilliant the finished film is, as certainly your stamp will be on it.

Jun 6 2010, 10:02pm
Post #70 of 151
Thanks for all your work and family sacrifice..
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Always difficult to move your family, especially to a new country, then a couple years later to have to uproot them again. I hope we get to see your envolvement in the additional features when the movie is released on DVD / Blu-ray. Best of luck with your future projects!! I was very much looking forward to seeing your version of Middle Earth.

Alex Maglor

Jun 6 2010, 10:02pm
Post #71 of 151
Thanks for all your work Guillermo. Best wishes!! Cuando vuelvas a Valencia te llevaremos otra vez a tomar una horchata a Alboraya!

Forum Admin
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Jun 6 2010, 10:02pm
Post #72 of 151
You have been wonderful to us from your first post! It is a grief to know you must leave the director's chair, but one can hardly imagine the grief you must feel in leaving all those things which now bear your personal touch. {{Guillermo}} "May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks."
"I desired dragons with a profound desire" "It struck me last night that you might write a fearfully good romantic drama, with as much of the 'supernatural' as you cared to introduce. Have you ever thought of it?" -Geoffrey B. Smith, letter to JRR Tolkien, 1915


Jun 6 2010, 10:15pm
Post #73 of 151
Thank your for your care and passion for this project
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We are truly blessed to have shared this time with you. Thank your for what you have brought to The Hobbit and also to these boards. We are lucky indeed to have you as one of us. I wish you and your family the very best for the future, and hope that you will still be able to pop in here every now and again. There will always be a comfy chair by the fire for you. Go well.

The Shire

Jun 6 2010, 10:15pm
Post #74 of 151
So sorry to hear that what should have been one of the highlights in your career, had forced you to sacrifice so much and ended up in putting you in such a painful position. I do not feel the need to question your reasons. Even now, you are so very generous to have stopped by so many times whether it was to keep us up to day or to put an end to rumors and false speculation or even to discuss something related to the creative process. WHEN the movies do come out I will be looking out to the Mirkwood, Spiders, Wargs, Stone Trolls scenes and think of you and the effort you have put into this project and hopefully recognize your magic touch. Although I am very saddened to see you go, I am thankful that a part of your legacy will be included in these films and I will forever associate you to these movies no matter what happens and who will end up directing. I just hope that it will be someone who will match your creativity, originality, enthusiasm, devotion and integrity. Let me tell you, that person now has to live up to Peter as well as you and those are not shoes easilly filled. Thank you Guillermo and good luck with your future projects!

Tol Eressea

Jun 6 2010, 10:16pm
Post #75 of 151
Thank you for your post and for the aknowledgement
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I think we have been incredibly lucky to haved had the opportunity to have you here, and you have been icredibly generous to share your time with us. One of the things for which I have always been really grateful is when a person, knowing he does not need to, shares time and conversation with others who look up to them, or who have only marginal stake at what is being done. That shows class, interest, humility, and the understanding that small as it may be, there is a connection. For that, I thank you once again. I have posted a longer post in the previous thread, so I will be brief to conclude. I wish you all the best with your future projects, both personal and professional. I am sure your career with be full with plenty of success. Do think of us, both individually and as a community, as friends with a bond built on the foundation of The Hobbit, which is a great one at that! I will always be proud to say I have had the chance to personally exchange points of view with Guillermo del Toro. Until we meet again! Compa
Here's to Del Toro becoming the Irvin Kershner of Middle Earth! Essay winner of the Show us your Hobbit Pride Giveway!