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Tolkien Fans Agree - No Hobbit 3D


Aug 26 2009, 11:09am

Post #1 of 11 (9020 views)
Tolkien Fans Agree - No Hobbit 3D Can't Post

Bilbo - The Hobbit 3dLast week, with the release of James Cameron's AVATAR trailer, we asked you, whether the Hobbit films 'should' be in 3D. As of this morning, with nearly 3400 of you chiming in with your votes, the resounding result is 'No'. 74% of you either flat out don't want a 3D hobbit or strongly dislike the idea. Only 13% of you think it should be in 3D. Obviously we aren't scientifically polling our audience here, but the trend is quite interesting. As we are told by James Cameron and others that the 'next generation' of 3D will blow us away, seems like most of us are not too excited when it comes to our favorite topic. We'll revisit the poll after AVATAR is released in December and more of you have had a chance to see the 'new' 3D. You can still vote in the poll on the right side of this page if you haven't voiced your opinion. We'll be swapping in a new poll shortly.

The Mysterious Calisuri

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 26 2009, 11:35am

Post #2 of 11 (6196 views)
Glad to know I'm in the majority :o) // [In reply to] Can't Post


"Crows and Gibbets! What is the House of Eorl but a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek and their brats roll around on the floor with their dogs! You are but a lesser son of greater sires."


Aug 26 2009, 1:36pm

Post #3 of 11 (6162 views)
love that pic! // [In reply to] Can't Post


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Aug 26 2009, 3:06pm

Post #4 of 11 (6237 views)
I think it would be nice to have the choice... [In reply to] Can't Post

modern day 3D (not the red and blue glasses horror of old) would suit The Hobbit well IMHO. But if it were offered, it'd probably be like Journey to the Center of the Earth in that the masses would go see it and not the 2D version. Difference being, I would guess, that The Hobbit will be seen for the story, as opposed to JttCotE that folks went to specifically to see a 3D movie.

Permanent address: Into the West

Tol Eressea

Aug 26 2009, 6:46pm

Post #5 of 11 (6147 views)
Yeah No 3D... [In reply to] Can't Post

...until they've built the technology to see the movie in 3D without the goofy glasses - at home as well as at the theater.

"We're in the pipe... five by five." Corporal Ferro, drop ship pilot - Aliens

Tol Eressea

Aug 26 2009, 10:40pm

Post #6 of 11 (6127 views)
Glad to hear.... [In reply to] Can't Post

that 3D is not the preferred choice. I think 3D would be ok for some movies, but not these movies.

What's the matter, James? No glib remark? No pithy comeback?"

Sr. Staff

Aug 27 2009, 12:37am

Post #7 of 11 (6099 views)
Agreed [In reply to] Can't Post

Jackson was clear that 3D wasn't even being talked about but it wouldn't bother me if it were available in some theaters. I would see it both ways.

I have no choice but to believe in free will.

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The cake is a lie
The cake is a lie

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Aug 27 2009, 1:51am

Post #8 of 11 (6140 views)
Bwahahaha! Love the shades, dude! [In reply to] Can't Post

Bilbo in 3-D glasses just confirms for me that my choice was right. NO 3-D!!! *still sniggering*


"There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West."
~Hug like a hobbit!~ "In my heaven..."

I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists

One Ringer
Tol Eressea

Aug 27 2009, 2:04am

Post #9 of 11 (6213 views)
It looks like old Bilbo is all for 3-D, maybe we should reconsider ... [In reply to] Can't Post

but then again, I still would like to keep it consistent with the LotR trilogy. Sorry Bilbo, can't back you up on this one.

(This post was edited by One Ringer on Aug 27 2009, 2:04am)

Tol Eressea

Aug 27 2009, 2:19am

Post #10 of 11 (6100 views)
yay! [In reply to] Can't Post

nothing but air between my eyeballs and The Hobbit!
The *only* time I've ever seen good 3-D was at Universal Studies...some "Terminator" show, I think. Of course that came with rocking/shaking floors and various substances being tossed into the air.
I recently watched Coraline in 3-D...granted that was at home with the flimsy glasses. Uh-uh. No. I would not enjoy wearing anything resembling those to watch TH. Lemme go vote and increase that percentage a bit.


Aug 28 2009, 2:40am

Post #11 of 11 (6105 views)
I couldn't put it better than that. // [In reply to] Can't Post


Captain Jack: Who has a sonic screwdriver?
The Doctor: I do!
Captain Jack: Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, "Woo, this could be a little more sonic."?
The Doctor: What, you've never been bored? Never had a long night? Never had a lot of cabinets to put up?


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