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Viggo talks Hobbit at the Toronto Film Festival 08 ...
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Sep 9 2008, 8:24am

Post #1 of 28 (4445 views)
Viggo talks Hobbit at the Toronto Film Festival 08 ... Can't Post

A small interview with Viggo Mortensen at the Toronto Film Festival - and a snippet from the interview ...
No doubt there will be more (interviews on the Hobbit) since he is doing the rounds promoting his two films -
but here he talks about speaking with someone from the project - and that he'll be in NZ in January Cool

NZ TV3 Viggo Mortensen Interview at the Toronto Film Festival sept 08 - watch the interview here Smile



Interviewer: [snip]“... but then we had a talk about the Hobbit – he hasn’t committed to film, obviously the book purists are a little bit worried – because the character of Aragorn doesn’t appear in the Hobbit, but he might appear in the film – this is what Aragorn had to say ...”

Interviewer: Are we going to see a bit of Aragorn in the Hobbit, what do you think?

Viggo: I don’t know, I’ve heard that the bridge movie (err) - I haven’t been approached by the Director or anything – but I saw someone who was involved in the project and they asked if that would be something I’d be interested in doing – and I said well I’d love to see what you guys write – it’s going to have to be an invention using the appendices from the book or something, yeah ... (pause) ... I mean Yeah, obviously if you’ve established a character yourself, you’d rather do it yourself than see another actor do it.

Interviewer: Absolutely – so you’ll be down in NZ soon I hope?

Viggo: Well, I hope so. I’m going to go there anyway regardless ..

Interviewer: Are you?

Viggo: Yeah I should be there in January or so ... [snip]

Smile The someone sounds like one of the writers ...
and Im curious to know what is happening in NZ to do with the films in January ...

Keeping fingers crossed.
Elven x

Were off to Hobbiton finally!

Tolkien was a Capricorn!!
Russell Crowe for Beorn!!

Avatar: Liberace - The other Lord of the Rings.
Quote of The Week: A I LOVE cats and I love TV. And I love to watch cats on TV. Ron Perlman


Sep 9 2008, 8:41am

Post #2 of 28 (1992 views)
Hmm [In reply to] Can't Post

hasn't been approached by the Director...but I wonder about the Producer... Wink

Valinor, O Valinor
Andavë yányë hyarya
Tumna yá nyèna minya fëa
An Valinor, lissë Eldamar

Kelvarhin's Universe~~~~~~~Laerasea's Travelling TORn Journal
In the land of TORnadoes...where the brilliant play (with thanks to grammaboodawg :) )
Is TORn...Is Good


Sep 9 2008, 9:00am

Post #3 of 28 (1964 views)
It would have to be one of the writers Im suspecting ;-D // [In reply to] Can't Post


Were off to Hobbiton finally!

Tolkien was a Capricorn!!
Russell Crowe for Beorn!!

Avatar: Liberace - The other Lord of the Rings.
Quote of The Week: A I LOVE cats and I love TV. And I love to watch cats on TV. Ron Perlman


Sep 9 2008, 9:02am

Post #4 of 28 (1982 views)
*giggling* Now you're splitting hairs ;-)// [In reply to] Can't Post


Valinor, O Valinor
Andavë yányë hyarya
Tumna yá nyèna minya fëa
An Valinor, lissë Eldamar

Kelvarhin's Universe~~~~~~~Laerasea's Travelling TORn Journal
One book to rule them all
One book to find them
One book to bring them all
And in TORn bind them
In the land of TORnadoes...where the brilliant play

Peredhil lover

Sep 9 2008, 10:25am

Post #5 of 28 (2066 views)
My impression is [In reply to] Can't Post

that they're all tiptoeing the line a bit - wanting to say something but aren't allowed to.

Hm, so someone to do with the production has talked with him? Good. That could only be the four scriptwriters. Of course not the director, GDT is still only one of the scriptwriters Wink

Well, Viggo doesn't belong into the Hobbit, but I'd love to see him back in F2 if they find a good way to do it!

Thanks, Elven!

I do not suffer from LotR obsession - I enjoy every minute of it.


Sep 9 2008, 11:23am

Post #6 of 28 (2036 views)
Interesting... I hope he'll be back, obviously, but... [In reply to] Can't Post

... only for the bridge-film-or-did-we-settle-on-calling-it-film-2-man-I-wish-they-would-give-it-a-name-already.

His argument about rather doing it himself then seeing anyone else do it is a very, very valid one I believe...


Sep 9 2008, 6:12pm

Post #7 of 28 (1914 views)
For the reunion [In reply to] Can't Post

as the King, he would likely hang out and help with the films even if he wasn't in them. No way could he bare being away from all his friends while they delved back into middle earth.


Sep 9 2008, 7:02pm

Post #8 of 28 (1907 views)
tangential to F2 [In reply to] Can't Post

People keep calling it "F2", which I automatically associate with the function keys on a standard keyboard. F2, under Windows, is usually used for renaming things. Which is why I find it funny, since no one knows what the name of film 2 will be. Laugh

(Just how my brain works. Carry on.)

Luna's LJ
Annals of Elewir

Peredhil lover

Sep 9 2008, 7:15pm

Post #9 of 28 (1898 views)
*grin* [In reply to] Can't Post

Ironic, yes. And on my Mac laptop, F2 is used to brighten the screen Smile

I always liked Compa's 'sprequel' better than F2 - but who am I to argue with PJ and GDT? Wink

I do not suffer from LotR obsession - I enjoy every minute of it.

Tol Eressea

Sep 9 2008, 7:35pm

Post #10 of 28 (1918 views)
I'd love to see Viggo in F2... [In reply to] Can't Post

and who knows, perhaps he's off to NZ in January for a nice holiday!

*Jazminatar the Brown*

Grey Havens

Sep 9 2008, 8:50pm

Post #11 of 28 (1915 views)
Sprequel? [In reply to] Can't Post

Shouldn't it be Breequel?

THE EARL OF SANDWICH: "Egad, sir, I do not know whether you will die on the gallows or of the pox!"
JOHN WILKES: That will depend, my Lord, on whether I embrace your principles or your mistress."
John Wilkes (1727-1797)


Sep 9 2008, 10:16pm

Post #12 of 28 (1899 views)
Another option [In reply to] Can't Post

Its been christened Khazad-dumb on another site, cause its a silly bridge movie. Tongue

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 10 2008, 12:14am

Post #13 of 28 (1859 views)
Ha! :D / [In reply to] Can't Post


Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded b*****d with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Ataahua's stories

Tol Eressea

Sep 10 2008, 3:59am

Post #14 of 28 (1860 views)
Perhaps... [In reply to] Can't Post

... a (PJ)someone who happens to be his personal friend? Wink

This is nice to hear anyway... but hadn't Guillermo said he had already approached McKellen, Serkis and Viggo?

Here's to Del Toro becoming the Irvin Kershner of Middle Earth!

Essay winner of the Show us your Hobbit Pride Giveway!

Peredhil lover

Sep 10 2008, 5:13am

Post #15 of 28 (1852 views)
And maybe for ... [In reply to] Can't Post

,,, a nice long talk with Peter, Fran, Philippa and Guillermo in Bag End Wink

I do not suffer from LotR obsession - I enjoy every minute of it.

Goldberry of the river

Sep 10 2008, 7:42am

Post #16 of 28 (1834 views)
Nice! :D [In reply to] Can't Post

The bridge of Khazad-dumb!! I really hope it isn't like all the silly parts in LOTR that they made up!

Brian Blessed for Thorin!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 10 2008, 10:03am

Post #17 of 28 (1851 views)
I'll keep an eye out for him then [In reply to] Can't Post

Maybe I'll start frequenting the Green Parrot in January, and other of his former Wellington hangouts ...

Figwit Still Lives!

Calling for a Figwit cameo in The Hobbit since May 2008


Sep 10 2008, 11:14am

Post #18 of 28 (1812 views)
Like you weren't doing that already ;-) // [In reply to] Can't Post


Tol Eressea

Sep 10 2008, 3:43pm

Post #19 of 28 (1855 views)
Thanks! [In reply to] Can't Post

I still like sprequel as well... it's just that since the chat I've been using their terminology.

Perhaps I should get back to using sprequel....Wink

Here's to Del Toro becoming the Irvin Kershner of Middle Earth!

Essay winner of the Show us your Hobbit Pride Giveway!


Sep 10 2008, 5:03pm

Post #20 of 28 (1900 views)
January!! OR SO!? [In reply to] Can't Post

Oh yeah... I'm sure it's for other purposes *kaff* Not like he'd be there to give input about a character or anything. Sure. I stop by NZ all the time. Just in the neighbourhood, no problem. *twitch* omg...


"Barney Snow was here." ~Hug like a hobbit!~ "In my heaven..."

I really need these new films to take me back to, and not re-introduce me to, that magical world.

TORn's Observations Lists


Sep 10 2008, 7:36pm

Post #21 of 28 (1815 views)
viggo [In reply to] Can't Post

the bridge movie, says he
saw someone involved, says he
asked if i'd be interested, says he
going to NZ, says he

sounds like a pretty sure thing says i!


Sep 10 2008, 10:56pm

Post #22 of 28 (1883 views)
I am a lazy geezer.. [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
I still like sprequel as well... it's just that since the chat I've been using their terminology.

Perhaps I should get back to using sprequel....Wink

Sprequel IS way cooler, but you have to admit, F2 is a lot quicker to type ! lol


Sep 11 2008, 12:56am

Post #23 of 28 (1780 views)
Of course!!.... [In reply to] Can't Post

Oh come on!... the man is dying to be called in!!!!....
And I hope, no, i expect to see him in the bridge movie.....
I will be very disappointed if not!.....

:: All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you ::
Tapatía Orgullosa de tener al paisano Zapopano en la Tierra Media!.... :D

Peredhil lover

Sep 11 2008, 6:04am

Post #24 of 28 (1848 views)
Do it! [In reply to] Can't Post

You might even convince GDT that sprequel sounds much nicer Smile
And the word still fits perfectly for something that is story-chronologically a prequel and film-chronologically a sequel!

I do not suffer from LotR obsession - I enjoy every minute of it.


Sep 11 2008, 12:21pm

Post #25 of 28 (1828 views)
Its F2 [In reply to] Can't Post

 ... and no, I wasn't swearing at anyone Laugh

Comes from the WETA chat - an unexpected party...



Hi Shane - Yes the movies will be shot back to back and the shooting of the movie will be driven by which actors are working with us at a given time and what locations we are in. For instance, if we are shooting hObbiton scenes for Hobbit movies we would also shoot Hobbiton scenes for F2. So during our year of filming we will be shooting both movies at the same time out of sequence.

and Peter repied a little furter down the discussion ..


Hi Greg - F2 is referring to Film 2

and then further along in the discussion:

What will be the title for the second movie?
Guillermo del Toro
Too early- but not "H2 Electric Boogaloo" that has been discarded.
Peter Jackson
Hi Trots - the second movie doesn't have a title yet and probably won't until we write the script. As you will see we have the incredibly boring name Film Two which I assure you will not last for very long. Just bear with us.

So the name of the second Movie is F2 or Film 2 - and Im happy with that. Wink


Were off to Hobbiton finally!

Tolkien was a Capricorn!!
Russell Crowe for Beorn!!

Avatar: Liberace - The other Lord of the Rings.
Quote of The Week: A I LOVE cats and I love TV. And I love to watch cats on TV. Ron Perlman

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