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*gets keys* Did somebody say Fiesta?
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Jan 24, 5:14pm

Post #1 of 28 (380 views)
*gets keys* Did somebody say Fiesta? Can't Post

Well hello, everyone! Another week is ending and another Fiesta is beginning!

My week began with a visit to the dentist to repair a broken tooth *and* a crown cap that came off. Although at different times, both were due to chewy granola bars. The 'chewy' got the crown cap (which it's a miracle I didn't swallow), and the almonds got the tooth. So, no more granola bars for me, which is a shame because these were cherry and dark chocolate ones which I've been eating for decades with no mishaps.

I also did some client work and went to their offices for a meeting. Then, B.G. and I wrapped up the week with a visit and pizza with a friend we hadn't seen in a while. So, the week ended on a high note!

Can you believe all the snow in the southern U.S.? Stay in and stay safe any TORnsibs who live there. New Orleans got 8 inches of snow which is more snow in one storm than they've gotten in the last 124 years! I remember when it snowed when I lived in Houston I was one of the only cars on the freeways which were usually packed and slow (I *had* to go out because I missed the snow). Then there was the time it snowed a few inches when I was working in N. Carolina when I was traveling for work. The kids enjoyed it to the max, because every other house had a snowman outside!

Did I mention the buffet is stocked to the brim, and the Fiesta bar is hopping (and also stocked to the brim), so let's get this party started!

*puts quarters on juke box* play away, and I'll start the music with a little ditty for our friends in the south: It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas, crooned by Bing Crosby.

Happy weekend, everyone!! LaughHeartCool

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jan 24, 6:00pm

Post #2 of 28 (355 views)
One of the downsides of growing older [In reply to] Can't Post

is the teeth aging as well. I understand completely, I have had to stay away from caramels (*sob!*) for years now.

We have friends who live in Alaska, who travelled down to New Orleans for museum-visiting, and got themselves out of there just before the snow hit - what an irony! And we heard that a family who'd recently moved to Florida were grateful that the moving company had mistakenly packed their snow shovels. Hopefully the snow will melt soon, those states have no way to deal with that much.

Is that some more pizza at the buffet? I'll take a slice of Hawaiian, please! And a mug of mocha coffee. It has not gotten above freezing all week here, but fortunately it hasn't gone lower than 5F/-15C. Keeping the birds well-stocked with suet and high-fat seeds and dried bugs!

Heh, a bit early for next Christmas, but Bing Crosby is always a welcome voice! Laugh


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Jan 24, 6:24pm

Post #3 of 28 (351 views)
Mmmmm, pizza! [In reply to] Can't Post

It never gets old, does it?

Where do you keep your bird feeder? We had one for a while on the railing of our deck but so many of the seeds got stuck between the deck boards we had to take it down. I'd put one in the garden, but do the seeds germinate if they get into the grass or soil?

We're getting more snow this weekend, then warming up nicely next week into the upper 40s (8+ C).

Our neighbor's son has missed three shovelings due to playing hockey. I shoveled the first time myself because there wasn't much snow. The second time, however, just as I was putting on warmer clothes to shovel the 4 or so inches that fell, the doorbell rang. When I opened it and saw 2 teenage boys with shovels I immediately said one word: "Yes!" LaughLaugh They live further away so I give them a little extra for gas, and they still cost less than my neighbor's son. And, frankly, they do a better job. I'll still have the neighbor's son do it when he can, but at least I found a very good backup.

Enjoy the weekend! Heart

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Jan 24, 6:58pm

Post #4 of 28 (351 views)
LOL, how perfectly timed! [In reply to] Can't Post

Those two entrepreneurs will do well this winter - and so will you! Smile

We have two feeder poles in the middle of our back yard, about 20 feet from the house. Each pole has a baffle which does baffle the squirrels, and each has 4 hooks. We put two feeders and a suet rack on each, with the fourth hook holding things like seed wreaths. We also spread seed on the ground underneath. No grass grows there, the area gets torn up by the ground-feeders, squirrels, and turkeys. So much activity, there's never a chance for any seed to grow!

So if you have ground-feeding birds and other critters, they'll gladly take care of the seed-sprouting problem.

I do have a plant-hanger that swings outward from the railing of our deck. We hung a seed "bell" from it, and some squirrel managed to swing it around and over the railing so he could sit and chew on it in comfort! Laugh


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Jan 24, 7:39pm

Post #5 of 28 (348 views)
I could do with a bit of heat. [In reply to] Can't Post

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107

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Jan 24, 9:25pm

Post #6 of 28 (346 views)
Ay-yuh. [In reply to] Can't Post

RotK, definitely! Laugh


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Jan 24, 10:21pm

Post #7 of 28 (346 views)
oh don't talk to me about teeth [In reply to] Can't Post

in 2024 I needed THREE crowns and two root canals. After a long life of bragging that my teeth were rock solid, they revolted on me.

My dentist says she'll always have a job as long as people eat popcorn. I guess granola should go on that list too.

I'm just back from getting my windshield replaced. Had to go to the bigger town half-an-hour north of us for that, and while I was waiting, planned out my trip to Maine in June with my niece. Then I realized I was near an REI and had a Christmas-gift card for them, so went and bought three pairs of very good socks; then treated myself to the best Ahi Tower at a nearly sushi place, and by then really I needed some ice cream -- home now, have booked my flights and the inn we're staying in for three nights in Castine. So much has been accomplished, and I'll have a London Fog and relax!

I am a dreamer of words, of written words.
-- Gaston Bachelard

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967


Jan 24, 11:23pm

Post #8 of 28 (331 views)
Wow, so much accomplished! [In reply to] Can't Post

Doesn't it feel good when that happens? I've also accomplished a lot while waiting for car service, either in the dealership (for one car) or at a nearby Panera (for the other car). But wow. I think you set a record, lol.

Maine in June should be perfect in terms of the weather. Good choice.

Enjoy a London Fog, enjoy the weekend, and enjoy and some well-earned relaxation! Smile


Jan 25, 12:38am

Post #9 of 28 (328 views)
New Orleans got more than I did in Michigan! [In reply to] Can't Post

I only got about 1/2 inch on Thursday night. My sister 2 hrs west of me on Lake Michigan got over 2 feet and it's still coming down! I only had to deal with -30 wind chill Monday and into Thursday. Then it warmed up to zero :) We all came through it just peachy, thankfully.

No big plans for the weekend except to start getting some sorting and purging done in the bedroom. Too Many Clothes! Daughter and I sort of plan to have a garage sale at her townhouse in early summer. She gets MUCH more traffic than I do out in the boonies. We'll see how it all goes :)

Thanks for taking such great care of us, Altaira... but BIG BUMMER on your tooth. Doesn't if figure one of your simplest snack pleasures would turn on your like that!? :( Pizza does help though ;)


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Jan 25, 12:45am

Post #10 of 28 (326 views)
I was looking at that pizza on the buffet, too [In reply to] Can't Post

*whimper* It is a bummer about how our bodies and teeth don't always cooperate nowadays. I had a bunch of appts this week (including dentist) that thankfully went very well. The bone density shows I have a 3% possibility of hip fracture in the next 10 years. *contemplates* D'uh! Teef got scrubbed.

I'm so sorry you can't do caramels. It must be a challenge around Halloween where everywhere you turn there's caramel apples and wrapped caramels.

I hope you have a great weekend and that the weather continues to behave :)


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Forum Admin / Moderator

Jan 25, 1:30am

Post #11 of 28 (328 views)
Sunshine and blueberries [In reply to] Can't Post

Ugh re the tooth, Altaira! I hope it can be repaired without too much more bother, though it's a shame you've had to give up the granola bars.

A bit of regular maintenance recently, with a mammogram (all good) and a dental checkout (also okay, though she did say one filling looks a bit dodgy, and may need fixing next time), So I'm good for the new few thousand kilometres :)

Yesterday we actually had warmth and sunshine for the first time all year! And a relief from the almost non-stop strong wind, which has been very wearing (and is back today, alas). It was 30 C (86F) and really very pleasant.

We have *so many* blueberries just now. The freezer has several containers full already, which will be very welcome over winter, and we're having lots fresh, as well as in muffins. Also the best crop of strawberries in several years - nothing quite like sun-warmed strawbs fresh from the garden. Lots of pears and apples coming on, too, and I'm eyeing the figs with anticipation. Alas, I don't think we've have melons this year, though, as the wind has been knocking the plants around too much and they look quite sad. Still, we can't expect every crop to do well every year.

Washing is on the line (that wind's good for something!) and I have a new batch of sauerkraut on the go. Tonight we plan to have High Tea rather than a "proper" dinner, which is always fun.

Wishing everyone a weekend safe from whatever weather is coming your way.

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View


Jan 25, 1:55am

Post #12 of 28 (326 views)
Well Done, please and thank you :D [In reply to] Can't Post


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Jan 25, 2:06am

Post #13 of 28 (323 views)
Wow! A blur of action! [In reply to] Can't Post

Isn't it SO FUN that you got so much done spontaneously with only a windshield as your target :D *high five* And to top it off with ice cream... *bows deeply* YOU ROCK! :D


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


Jan 25, 2:13am

Post #14 of 28 (322 views)
Your garden is doing so great! [In reply to] Can't Post

You are absolutely going to be set for the winter :D

And well done on the checkups. Good news always makes the days more fun!

Have a great weekend!


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar

Greenwood Hobbit

Jan 25, 10:31am

Post #15 of 28 (300 views)
Triple UGH - teeth, snow and Storm Eowyn! [In reply to] Can't Post

Sorry to hear about so many toothy problems; an old schoolfriend of mine lost a crown due to a toffee recently; she loves toffees but is trying to steer clear now. Eowyn gave us Brits a good kicking yesterday; my area wasn't too badly affected but further north there was a lot of damage - record-breaking wind gusts, roads blocked, power outages etc.
I can't believe the amount of snow some southern areas of the US have had! What a glorious novelty for the children but a real headache, not to mention dangerous, for those unused to it. Large areas of this country tend to grind to a halt when excessive snow falls. We don't face it often enough for local Councils to invest in equipment to deal with it. Main roads are gritted but residential areas are left to fend for themselves. The first recycling collection (cans, bottles, card, paper) after Christmas was delayed due to the icy side roads and they're still playing catch-up, which has delayed the general waste collection. First World problems, eh?!
Enjoy the weekend, whatever it brings you; it's going to bring me a tasty almond croissant (I really shouldn't, but I will...) and a cappuccino when I've been out to buy the weekend newspaper - I'm writing this just after breakfast. Cheers!


Jan 25, 5:07pm

Post #16 of 28 (287 views)
the advice for Southerners facing winter storms . . . [In reply to] Can't Post

usually involves things like "don't drive, in fact don't go outside; lay in plenty of food in advance, get a generator in case the power fails" and suchlike.

Whereas for those of us in the north, it's more like "yeah, you're gonna need your big coat."

I am a dreamer of words, of written words.
-- Gaston Bachelard

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967

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Jan 25, 10:07pm

Post #17 of 28 (267 views)
Almond croissants [In reply to] Can't Post

are so nice. But so very rich (the way I make them, anyway) that the home-prepared ones are a rare treat for us - usually once a year. By sheer coincidence, that once-a-year was yesterday. We buy the croissants uncooked, made by a good patisserie (making them from scratch is too much effort), then I make *generous* amounts of filling and stuff them full as well as coating (and then baking) them. Really, really nice - and really, really rich.

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View

(This post was edited by Kimi on Jan 26, 8:00pm)

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Jan 25, 11:18pm

Post #18 of 28 (259 views)
*puts popcorn down* [In reply to] Can't Post

Popcorn, of all things, and I thought that snack was a good innocuous one!

What a lot you accomplished during that visit! I had to look up Ahi Tower, I haven't seen that on a menu before - reminds me of a veggie Haggis I got in Edinburgh, all piled up like that.

Be sure to have containers handy when you're in Maine, that's the time of year the blueberries start ripening. I'm glad that trip is finally in the works!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

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Jan 25, 11:27pm

Post #19 of 28 (260 views)
Those on the eastern side of the Lakes [In reply to] Can't Post

get pounded with the snow, don't they! The wind chill is bearable, as long as you don't have to take ol' Hobbity out - those temps are nasty on car innards.

Have fun with the clothes-sorting, really! There's memories there, but if you haven't worn it in a long time and there's no reason to wear it again - off it should go to a new owner, if it's still good. Keep an eye out for seams coming apart and those little holes starting to form!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

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Jan 25, 11:38pm

Post #20 of 28 (257 views)
Blueberries and strawberries! [In reply to] Can't Post

Fresh from the sun-warmed garden, I can just imagine how sweet and flavourful they are! It's a good thing that blueberries do well being frozen.

Good checkups are always good. Smile

Ah, a High Tea, lots of little dainties - and I imagine Mr Kimi made some special delicacies for it?


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

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Jan 25, 11:49pm

Post #21 of 28 (256 views)
Glad your area bore the storm well [In reply to] Can't Post

Eowyn certainly did have quite a "kick", was there much snow with it?

Almond croissant and cappuccino, that makes a nice outing! Will it be a while before the grandboys visit you again? I imagine school's in session for a while now?


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

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Jan 26, 12:52am

Post #22 of 28 (257 views)
Dainties [In reply to] Can't Post

Yes, several, including:
- dainty sandwiches with smoked fish paste (made by me) and home-grown cucumber
- small tarts, pastry shells left over from my home-made mince pies filled with home-made lemon curd (a joint effort, our own lemons)
- almond croissants as described in my reply to GH.

All very nice!

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View

Greenwood Hobbit

Jan 26, 10:27am

Post #23 of 28 (240 views)
Staying home is the best bet [In reply to] Can't Post

if you're not used to that sort of weather. If you've never driven on snow and ice, it's very scary. I think a session on a skid pan should be an official part of learning to drive! Knowing the theory is one thing, but feeling that big hunk of metal drifting under you is another. Haven't had a power cut here for ages but I cook on gas and have a woodburner andmy camping stove, not to mention torches and far too many candles and tealights, so I'd cope. Our powerlines are underground; in more rural areas they're strung on poles, so are vulnerable to falling trees etc.

Greenwood Hobbit

Jan 26, 10:48am

Post #24 of 28 (239 views)
Those sound delicious! [In reply to] Can't Post

I agree about making the croissants though - who has time to do it from scratch these days? At school I was taught to make puff pastry from scratch - many layers, lots of tiny knobs of butter, lots of rolling etc - never again! As it happens the place was out of almond croissants yesterday, so I ended up with a maple pecan danish. That runs a close second.

Greenwood Hobbit

Jan 26, 11:05am

Post #25 of 28 (239 views)
NW Scotland and Northern Ireland [In reply to] Can't Post

had snow, I believe, but the main problem was the ferocious wind (and yet more rain). In Ireland as a whole there are still many thousands of homes without power; they definitely had the worst of it. Some fine old trees are gone too. I get more upset about that than about damage to property! That may sound harsh and it's very distressing for those affected of course, but damage to property can be fixed. It takes hundreds of years to grow a tree. I wonder what else this winter will throw at us?! At least we don't have to worry about bushfires, earthquakes, tornadoes etc, for which I am truly thankful.

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