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Named storms - do you have them?

Greenwood Hobbit

Jan 21, 4:02pm

Post #1 of 7 (271 views)
Named storms - do you have them? Can't Post

I know different countries do the naming of storms, but I don't know how many. It's a relatively recent thing in the UK, but the one due to hit us on Friday is called Eowyn! I wonder who chose that name? There must be a LOTR fan in the Met Office.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jan 21, 5:50pm

Post #2 of 7 (260 views)
Yep, but no theming like you have with storms Arwen and Eowyn. [In reply to] Can't Post

It's like spotting a LOTR fan in the wild. Cool

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Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
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Forum Admin / Moderator

Jan 21, 10:09pm

Post #3 of 7 (258 views)
Or someone who likes a variety! [In reply to] Can't Post

The Met Office 2024/2025 storm names are: Ashley, Bert, Conall, Darragh, Eowyn, Floris, Gerben, Hugo, Izzy, James, Kayleigh, Lewis, Mavis, Naoise, Otje, Poppy, Rafi, Sayuri, Tilly, Vivienne, and Wren.

The World Meteorological Organization names the hurricanes over here in the States, but it's our Weather Channel that names the winter storms.

It is curious, though, that two of the worst ones in recent years in your area had been given Middle-earth names!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Greenwood Hobbit

Jan 22, 9:39am

Post #4 of 7 (246 views)
I spotted a fan the other day - [In reply to] Can't Post

in a house not too far away from me, in a jumble of interesting stones etc on their porch was a 'no admittance except on party business' sign. I was delighted!

Greenwood Hobbit

Jan 22, 9:50am

Post #5 of 7 (246 views)
There are some rather random names - [In reply to] Can't Post

I mean, Wren? It may be a loud bird for its size, but it's tiiiny! I see in the news online this morning that the US is being battered in unexpected areas by snow and bitter temperatures - it sounds really nasty. Best of luck to those going through it. Our Storm Eowyn will be the remains of it, once it has crossed the Atlantic.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Jan 22, 1:42pm

Post #6 of 7 (231 views)
Along the Gulf Coast they're not used to snow [In reply to] Can't Post

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"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Feb 9, 12:47pm

Post #7 of 7 (140 views)
Anyone want to hear the boring answer? [In reply to] Can't Post

The UK Met office does its annual storm names in collaboration with the Irish and Dutch services. Because our countries are so close together any storm that hits one of us is likely to affect at least one other partner. Other European weather services have other systems and those authorities don't always talk to each other enough to prevent duplication - for example recently there were two different storms around that had each been named Ivo by a different European authority.

More about the UK Met Office scheme

"I am not made for querulous pests." Frodo 'Spooner' Baggins.


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