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Merrily We Roll Along: Next and final discussion

Ethel Duath

Jan 8, 6:27pm

Post #1 of 7 (2799 views)
Merrily We Roll Along: Next and final discussion Can't Post

I think Oliphant wanted this one? And then Elentari to finish up? Let me know if something needs adjusting., but would next Tues. work for this discussion?

Discussion III

Merry and the Fellowship. Legolas, Gimli, Boromir: Further character development and changes revealed as he becomes a member of the fellowship and goes on his journey with them


Jan 13, 2:45am

Post #2 of 7 (2054 views)
yes i do agree to doing last discussions for Merry in RotK and beyond :) [In reply to] Can't Post


"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

"He knew now why Beregond spoke his name with love. He was a captain that men would follow, that he would follow, even under the shadow of the black wings."- Siege of Gondor, RotK

Ethel Duath

Jan 13, 5:56pm

Post #3 of 7 (1959 views)
Great. Thank you! I'll [In reply to] Can't Post

P.M. Oliphaunt soon if we don't hear from her. Smile

Ethel Duath

Jan 28, 11:22pm

Post #4 of 7 (467 views)
I'm wondering if [In reply to] Can't Post

you might go ahead and post yours sometime soon. I haven't been able to reach Oliphaunt, and I don't want to give her post to someone else, so I was considering maybe just do it out of order?

On the other hand, with the boards so slow, we might want to wait for anything until it's relatively normal.

And in the meantime, let's all think about who or what might be good to discuss next. I was thinking of maybe trying out more regions or civilizations as well as characters, like Rivendell or Gondor, since we already did the Shire. Once goings are operating more normally, we might try another poll. Smile

(This post was edited by Ethel Duath on Jan 28, 11:25pm)


Jan 29, 3:54am

Post #5 of 7 (449 views)
I agree it's been slow in here [In reply to] Can't Post

so i think i rather wait?
maybe until second week Feb? I am away next week so won't be able to post.
There is more MErry to discuss sorry i've been a bit busy too but prob hear from me early Feb. :)

"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

"He knew now why Beregond spoke his name with love. He was a captain that men would follow, that he would follow, even under the shadow of the black wings."- Siege of Gondor, RotK

Tol Eressea

Thu, 5:37pm

Post #6 of 7 (94 views)
Absences.... [In reply to] Can't Post

Mine were due to the SLOOOW down of the boards....I couldn't check in to read or make my occasional comments.

Now that they are running again -- there's nothing to read. Will do some rereading.

Fourth Age Adventures at the Inn of the Burping Troll http://burpingtroll.com
Home of TheOneRing.net Best FanFic stories of 2005 and 2006 "The Last Grey Ship" and "Ashes, East Wind, Hope That Rises" by Erin Rua

(Found in Mathoms, LOTR Tales Untold)

Ethel Duath

Thu, 5:52pm

Post #7 of 7 (93 views)
Could be that's true of many. [In reply to] Can't Post

Elentari will get it rolling soon, but in the meantime, if you think you have time, feel free to post anything about Merry that isn't covered by our remaining post proposals, or anything else at all that strikes your fancy, from Trolls to Thorondill ("and beyond!"). Laugh

I might do something like that myself. Hmmm . . .


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