

Grey Havens
Dec 4 2024, 2:08am
Post #101 of 118
Maybe RoP is given permission to use specific things from the other Tolkien works on a case-by-case basis. I wonder if that’s something Simon Tolkien would handle as a consultant. I very much enjoy Morfydd Clark’s driven and flawed Galadriel but I’m not going to disagree that she lacks the stature and status of the original character. Although Clark is in her mid-thirties, she looks younger which doesn’t help. She also isn't particularly tall. RoP Galadriel is obviously respected by the Elves of Eregion and Lindon but not as a queen would be. Maybe she'll get there
The sun yet shines


Dec 4 2024, 10:38pm
Post #102 of 118
WB should finish the War of the Last Alliance....
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I have a bad feeling that Amazon ROP might not reach to the final war of the 2nd age. My guts tells me the show will end with the sinking of Numenor. If so, then WB have the perfect chance to release a new EE edition with more footage of the battle of Dagorlad. Including the death of Gil-Galad.


Dec 6 2024, 1:26am
Post #103 of 118
This snippet of an interview suggests that S3 is in the works, although admittedly it could be interpreted as not unequivocal: https://screenrant.com/...-showrunners-update/
Welcome to the Mordorfone network, where we put the 'hai' back into Uruk

Dec 6 2024, 2:11am
Post #104 of 118
See Screen Rant's reference:
This article is part of a directory: The Lord Of The Rings: Rings Of Power Season 3 - Will It Happen? Everything We Know It's already been stated here on this forum that writing is in progress despite no formal announcement. That third-hand Access Media website Screen Rant article is just regurgitation from an October 3rd Screen Rant article saying no formal announcement has yet been made. This is how unwarranted rumors start over the internet like a game of "Whisper Down the Lane." Don't worry. All five seasons will get produced and shown. It's too costly to fail, though one could potentially expect fewer (than 6?!) episodes with lower budgets or less runtime if Amazon is negotiating this down because of poor internal numbers. Amazon/Prime will release a hyped up PR for Screen Rant and others when they're ready, saying they're all very excited about how good the show will be and that it it will be the best yet with surprises galore for everyone.
(This post was edited by DGHCaretaker on Dec 6 2024, 2:15am)


Dec 6 2024, 10:29pm
Post #105 of 118

Michelle Johnston

Dec 8 2024, 5:08am
Post #106 of 118
Your contributions are interesting and valuable. This too shall pass. Anyway, discussion of RoP will wane and drop off as the season finale recedes into the past, at least until there is news of a third season. This is a great site, despite everything. Compared to YouTube for instance, TORN is an island of rationality and civility on the internet, thanks to the TOS and moderators as well as a generally better class of posters. What we just got admonished for is nothing compared to the vicious vitriol that is the norm elsewhere on the internet. After Season 1 of RoP, a number of the show’s haters apparently left the discussion, as rational people would. In the years since, I started skipping over the contributions of certain other posters, essentially because I saw no value in them, for different reasons. I’ll return to that policy, my own personal Ignore feature. People can post whatever they want. We don’t have to read it. As for the topic of this thread: no one knows why Amazon has not yet said anything about renewing RoP. All else is speculation. Noria I have switched off notifications but I confess yours came through. I thank you for your sentiment. The recent exchanges show the administrators do not have time to consider posts or their context. They wait for reports. We had the knitting club trigger warning, a second reference to agism, which is still in the header of a thread and more subtle I tried to engage and reach out to both posters, genuinely acknowledging their concerns about the show and the context of corporate governance. In both cases there was no reciprocal goodwill just more angry criticism of the show not acknowledging what they are trying to do but attacking their motives and more bait and switch. What I was actually doing, if the moderators were paying attention, is to hope for the best, and for us to come together and move on to more fertile territory, and prepare for the worst. The worst being a renewed demand for an ignore feature. I am very busy with preparation for the publication of a novel in February, but looking quickly at the current threads the site is in danger of going down the rabbit hole, though Kudos to Dweller, Junesong, Voronwe and Felagund. On the question of Galadriel for the third time I restate the position that the showrunners were inspired in their choice of her early life by Mr Tolkien's own writings which is entirely separate from using unauthorised texts and I repeat my concerns about Galadriel and Elrond are their portrayal as young people not the magisterial characters they would be at this point in their lives. Both however have grown in S2. Enjoy the coming festive season. I still feel on balance I am done with the forum. I come here to learn from others not read unmoving prejudices and implacable cynicism.
(This post was edited by Michelle Johnston on Dec 8 2024, 5:16am)

Grey Havens
Dec 8 2024, 8:28pm
Post #107 of 118
I’m happy to have caught you before you left. I agree that context is not always taken into consideration, and there can be a tinge of a double standard as well. It’s still a great site. I’m actually finding some of the recent posts quite entertaining and am not worried about rabbit holes as long as, as you say, people like Dweller, Junesong, Voronwë, Felagund and others are here to straighten out any literary conspiracy theory coils. As I said before, conversation about RoP will likely dwindle and die off as we move past the finale, at least until we get some news about renewal. I hope that's soon, so the conversation can move on. Presumably discussion of The War of the Rohirrim will ramp up after it opens next Friday, I think. Happy Christmas and good luck with your book.
The sun yet shines

Dec 13 2024, 3:14pm
Post #108 of 118
does she loom large in the text? she was a hasty addition at the end of the writing process, and if Tolkien had sat on her inclusion for another five years, he probably would have found ways to integrate her more concretely into the narrative. as it stands, there’s fleeting moments where we see evidence of how meaningful she is to Aragorn, but these moments don’t translate into tangible insights that help us understand how she drives Aragorn forward when she’s not mentioned. as it stands, she gets one concrete interaction with a character in the entire book. i’m not sure that Arwen is improved in the films, but she’s not exactly a high point of the book.


Dec 13 2024, 3:30pm
Post #109 of 118
There are a lot of great moments in the LOTR Behind The Scenes and Commentary Tracks where Jackson and co talk about Tolkien's unusual way of writing and structuring his stories. They are continually referencing things that a "modern editor" would have red penned on his manuscripts etc. Some of this is obvious - like Arwen's role being too small to justify the large place it takes up in the narrative, or the fact that Bilbo is knocked out for the Battle of Five Armies, or the long and winding Bombadil sojourn in the middle of an otherwise urgent escape from the Nazgul. (Not to mention the boldness of having your primary villain almost completely out of frame for the whole story...) I love that Tolkien was so unique and so seemingly unconcerned with "conventional narratives" - it's one of his charms, how much he went his own way. Like most great artists, Tolkien was able to be wholly himself and it works beautifully in the text. But I totally agree with everyone who has adapted the works that some of those unique choices need to be changed to work for modern media and modern audiences. The "What do we do about Arwen" question continues to be one of the most interesting case-studies on adaptation. Corey Olson has talked a lot about it and so have many other people. I find it really interesting! I wonder what I would have done if I'd been given the keys to the kingdom, so to speak. If I had been the one in charge of bringing this story to screen, I really wonder how I would have handled it. I thank God every day they didn't solve the problem by simply amalgamating Arwen and Galadriel's characters in the script. I'm sure New Line suggested it. (On a somewhat unrelated but tangentially relevant side-note, I just saw a great interview with P.B. (as part of the Rohirrim press tour) where she is asked why she changed Gandalf's "You Cannot Pass!" line from the books to the arguably more powerful, "You Shall Not Pass!" line in the movies. Her answer illuminates a lot of what that adaptation process must have been like. I especially love her Ian McKellen story. Here's the interview.)
"So which story do you prefer?" "The one with the tiger. That's the better story." "Thank you. And so it goes with God."


Jan 9, 9:48am
Post #110 of 118
Still nothing official, and filming certainly not started
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We're surely now talking about a 2027 release date? And the concluding season, assuming it happens, being filmed in 2030-something? Morfydd Clarke will be at least a decade older by then than Cate Blanchett was when the Jackson's flicks were being filmed.


Jan 9, 12:33pm
Post #111 of 118
I was thinking exactly the same thing
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Hoping for something official soon
"So which story do you prefer?" "The one with the tiger. That's the better story." "Thank you. And so it goes with God."

Tol Eressea

Jan 27, 7:32pm
Post #112 of 118
... there was a recent report in The Information, a tech industry trade publication (which is unfortunately paywall-happy, so here is a repost about it from The Verge) that Amazon's CEO is concerned about Prime Video's unprofitability, as well as the budget of ROP, and that they're putting less emphasis on original scripted series.
Amazon’s betting that sports can more reliably draw audiences to the Prime Video service than new movies and shows, significantly boosting its ad revenue, according to multiple people familiar with its strategy. Doesn't necessarily mean ROP is doomed, but if the C-suite is getting cold feet that might account for the apparent delay in the green light for S3.


Jan 30, 3:26pm
Post #113 of 118
Same, I remember something similar when the Hobbit movies came out
[In reply to]
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and it's sad. I enjoy Rings of Power. If some people don't like it, then don't watch. Simple as that. I for one hope we get some more positive news about a season three for ROP or even a DVD set for Seasons 1-2.

Feb 4, 4:33am
Post #114 of 118
...Doesn't necessarily mean ROP is doomed, but if the C-suite is getting cold feet that might account for the apparent delay in the green light for S3. It's hard to imagine a bigger waste of time than watching sports. I just imagine fat, sweaty guys with their caps on backward (an automatic 20 point reduction in IQ) shouting at the TV. Sadly, much of the world disagrees with me. The folks actually participating in those sports? Great. More power to them. Except football players and boxers. I guess they can't help their impaired judgement from beating their brains to a pulp. But watching sports on TV? I'd rather be outside doing something useful. Well, anything is more useful. Wash the dishes, make the beds, make babies - choose your order. But on topic, no. If they're doing anything, the folks in the C-Suite are asking "What can we do to prop up Rings of Power to go all five seasons?" Some fat cat with his hat on backwards says, "Sports streaming makes lots of money" and that was the end of the five-minute meeting. Are you in great anticipation of Season 3? Amazon knows this and is milking it for all its worth to make Announcement Day a huge climax. Maybe keep your eyes on the Superbowl commercials. Pfft.

Tol Eressea

Feb 5, 5:08am
Post #115 of 118
As a (possibly IQ-deficient) sports viewer ...
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... I still feel bad for Al Michaels being stuck in the Thursday Night Football ghetto, but I hope he's happy with whatever Amazon's paying him. At least he wasn't traded for a cartoon rabbit this time!

Feb 5, 5:21am
Post #116 of 118
As a (possibly IQ-deficient) sports viewer... Only if you wear a cap backward. It's not the watching of sports, besides the waste of time that is. One obvious exception: kissing. Caps really do get in the way, though just removing the cap entirely would show more commitment than a temporary encounter that leaving it on (backward) implies.

Tol Eressea

Feb 5, 5:25am
Post #117 of 118
Phew! Glad I'm in the clear, then :P //
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Can't Post


Feb 6, 11:39am
Post #118 of 118
We're surely now talking about a 2027 release date? And the concluding season, assuming it happens, being filmed in 2030-something? Morfydd Clarke will be at least a decade older by then than Cate Blanchett was when the Jackson's flicks were being filmed. I just reminded myself, the first season started filming five years ago, February 2020 [finishing aug 21 - Covid obviously slowed things down a little]... season 2 filmed Oct 22 to Jun 23... so there was a 14 month gap between the end of season 1 filming and start of season 2... Judging by the sorts of leaks we're getting ATM [probably some writing of this, maybe some casting calls for that, possibly some shooting this summer] it feels like filming starting 24 months post Jun 23 [i.e. Jun 25] would be the very soonest we could expect... I don't think delays on this kind of scale are good for the 'fans', the cast, or the quality of the final product. at a minimum we're going to get 'Wolf Hall' level changes in the appearance of the characters, not good for supposedly immortal elves, and possibly in line with a rather jowly looking Orlando Bloom popping up in Jackson's awful, CGI-laden, later Hobbit movies.
(This post was edited by TFP on Feb 6, 11:42am)