

Paulo Gabriel
Dec 17 2024, 9:50pm
Post #1 of 7
BOTFA turns 10!
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Today, "The Hobit: The Battle of the Five Armies" turns 10 -- at least in the US. In many countries worldwide, it premiered several days before, as far as a whole week In some places. I started a thread last year the day Desolation of Smaug (DOS) also turned 10 years old. I couldn't do one for "An Unexpected Journey" back in 2022, I don't know why. I was certainly "avaliable", so as to say. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that it is my least favorite Hobbit movie. Oh well, I may do one when it turns 15 or 20, who knows. Let's say I am huge fan of consistency. Speaking of "consistency", does anyone know why the last LOTR movie (ROTK) and the last Hobbit movie (BOTFA) both premiered on 17 December? Perhaps PJ is -- like myself -- a "huge fan of consistency"?
(This post was edited by Paulo Gabriel on Dec 17 2024, 10:04pm)

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Dec 17 2024, 10:58pm
Post #3 of 7
Man, it doesn't feel like 10 years.
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Time flies, huh?
Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..." Dwarves: "Pretty rings..." Men: "Pretty rings..." Sauron: "Mine's better." "Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak. Fantasy novel - The Arcanist's Tattoo My LOTR fan-fiction


Dec 23 2024, 7:27pm
Post #5 of 7
Can't believe it's been ten years
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I remember being 17 and super excited for it. I was playing the soundtrack the day it released even before I saw it, trying to pick out familiar themes!

Paulo Gabriel
Dec 26 2024, 2:14am
Post #6 of 7
ALL Middle-earth feature films, at least from the PJ era onwards (starting with FotR in 2001) have premiered in December. You said your birthday is on December 14? Well, AUJ's worldwide official release date was December 14, 2012. So they "hit" your birthday 12 years ago!
(This post was edited by Paulo Gabriel on Dec 26 2024, 2:17am)

Paulo Gabriel
Dec 26 2024, 2:30am
Post #7 of 7
I was 20 when it was released (my birthday is on September 15). I went by car to the nearest city (which is quite far away) to watch it in IMAX! Then I watched it 4 more times in my own town before it's theatrical run was over. I still have all three deluxe editions of The Hobbit soundtracks, and I don't plan to part with them! They are stored very carefully in my room!
(This post was edited by Paulo Gabriel on Dec 26 2024, 2:40am)