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It's fa la la Fiesta time!
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Dec 13 2024, 7:44pm

Post #26 of 50 (978 views)
*snort* [In reply to] Can't Post

I love it when the penny drops. Laugh

Which, when I think about it, is an odd phrase for 'sudden realisation'. I wonder how a penny dropping is linked to it?

ETA: it's linked to old, coin-operated children's toys! Smile

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

Fantasy novel - The Arcanist's Tattoo

My LOTR fan-fiction

(This post was edited by Ataahua on Dec 13 2024, 7:46pm)


Dec 13 2024, 8:30pm

Post #27 of 50 (978 views)
Ooh, cookies [In reply to] Can't Post

I'll have one or two for the road, please!

I'm getting over a cold I managed to pick up earlier this week. Not too annoyed by it, as I'd rather get it out of the way now when we're not seeing too many people pre-holiday.

We've been a bit delayed in getting into the festive spirit, between catching up on things post-vacation in addition to the later Thanksgiving this year. Our small Christmas tree just went up last night, for instance. I'm a bit all over the place in terms of gifts too - I suppose two weeks before Christmas is still "early" in my brain, lol.

On a separate note, we booked a trip to visit some family in Asia over the spring, so another trip is in the works (thankfully not one that requires much planning from me this time).

Wishing everyone a relaxing pre-holiday weekend!

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


Dec 13 2024, 8:31pm

Post #28 of 50 (976 views)
Very sad news [In reply to] Can't Post

My sympathies to you and her family. And thank you for sharing with us. Heart

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Dec 13 2024, 8:36pm

Post #29 of 50 (971 views)
Wait - only 18? [In reply to] Can't Post

If you're singing "Ding Dong Merrily on High" - then, it's 33!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

Dec 13 2024, 8:42pm

Post #30 of 50 (970 views)
'Tis the season [In reply to] Can't Post

For colds and other respiratory bugs, glad that yours has not lasted long!

Are there moments when you wish you were back in NZ? And with Thanksgiving coming so late this year, there's been one less weekend to plan for Christmas, so it is coming quickly.

An Asian trip! Whereabouts will you be travelling?


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Dec 14 2024, 3:12am

Post #31 of 50 (955 views)
T'is the season!!! *tosses salt over left shoulder* [In reply to] Can't Post

Well, not a whole season! BUT A DAY! T'is Friday the 13th! My kitty, Fell Beast, claims it as her own!

I'm pretty much set for the holiday. So I'll snag an eggnog and maybe a cookie or two and settle down for some holiday movies over the weekend. The hardest thing I'm facing is WHICH ONES!? ;)

It's good I'm ready for Christmas since I've been meeting myself coming and going with errands, repairs, laundry and lots of computer-busy work.

Thanks for taking such great care of us dernwyn and Altaira :D Have a safe weekend everyone! *waves fondly*


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Dec 14 2024, 3:17am

Post #32 of 50 (949 views)
Are the wrens still joining you? [In reply to] Can't Post

I LOVE THAT! I'll bet they hover around waiting for you to do your job! ;)

Carol singing is so very cool! I haven't heard carolers for years and years. And to top it off with cookies and cocoa is perfect! I hope you have great weather for it and an enthusiastic turn out of voices :D


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Dec 14 2024, 3:25am

Post #33 of 50 (949 views)
Whoa! That's quite an itinerary! [In reply to] Can't Post

This coming week will really go by fast with so much fun to be had every day :D I hope the weather cooperates and doesn't make the driving too challenging.

How fateful for your PAP work and your last job would bring you to help this veterans group. Two days turnaround!? Wow... but you know it means the world to them. This is so great to have it translated into Ukrainian. Well done!

I hope you have oooodles of fun this week! *high five*


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Dec 14 2024, 3:29am

Post #34 of 50 (949 views)
Bwahahahahahaa!!! [In reply to] Can't Post

That still only counts as one! Sly


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Dec 14 2024, 3:37am

Post #35 of 50 (950 views)
Oh no... [In reply to] Can't Post

Brave heart. I'm so sorry, Starling; but so grateful that you went out to find her. After her long battle with the cancer, it was Covid that took her. Unimpressed

Peace dear Zarabia.


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Dec 14 2024, 3:42am

Post #36 of 50 (945 views)
Great idea with the puzzle! [In reply to] Can't Post

Especially one that will really put it to you all to get through it!

I'm glad you skipped the party. I'm planning on seeing WotR tomorrow (Saturday) or Sunday at the latest. Daughter wants to come along and she's a late riser *sigh*

I hope you have a GREAT weekend!


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Dec 14 2024, 3:45am

Post #37 of 50 (949 views)
*throws self dramatically onto couch* [In reply to] Can't Post

RATS! I don't get that channel!!! NOT FAIR! But I'm so happy that if they're going to do a series, they're doing it RIGHT!

Thanks for the heads-up. Maybe someday I can ask Galadriel for a favour ;) BOOM!


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Dec 14 2024, 3:49am

Post #38 of 50 (946 views)
Bummer on the cold catching :( [In reply to] Can't Post

T'is also the season for the nasties that are floating around.

A trip to Asia! WOW! I'm glad you don't have to work on the planning as much as your NZ trip. Is that because you're just not going to bother unpacking? ;)

Have a great weekend!!


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Forum Admin / Moderator

Dec 14 2024, 2:26pm

Post #39 of 50 (879 views)
Weather report: [In reply to] Can't Post

A degree or two below freezing, very little breeze, and clear - perfect for filling up on hot cocoa, then going outside to enjoy the brilliant Parade!

My son's been working on putting together the songbooks for today - the two gals who will be playing the organ and keyboard selected a couple dozen songs and made copies, he scanned them and got them each to standard size (he's a printed music wizard) and added appropriate graphics, then copied and collated and stapled them all. What a job it was.

Those wrens! We've spoiled them! Laugh


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Forum Admin / Moderator

Dec 14 2024, 2:37pm

Post #40 of 50 (880 views)
What? Yesterday was Friday the 13th? [In reply to] Can't Post

Shocked! I've been thinking of so many other things, I totally forgot!

We watched White Christmas last night, I was finally able to pick up the DVD version, our VHS tape was getting rather worn. I am certain that Vera-Ellen was the inspiration for the Barbie doll, she looks just like the one I had!

Here's some more black kitties to accompany FeBe:

Enjoy the weekend and I hope you and your daughter get to the movie okay!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Greenwood Hobbit

Dec 14 2024, 2:54pm

Post #41 of 50 (884 views)
Hello everyone [In reply to] Can't Post

from this cold-ridden hobbit! I suppose, with two school-age grandsons visiting regularly and a couple of public events attended recently, I've done well to dodge the cold germs for so long! Not too bad so far, but I'm drinking a lot of (decaff) tea. Our knitting group's two fund-raising stalls did well and we should be handing at least £350 (still some money to come in) to each of two local charities. We're happy with that. Some unsold knitted blankets and woolly hats will be handed over too.
I should have gone to the photographic society's Christmas social last night but I just wasn't up to it, besides not wanting to spread the germs. I put my little artificial tree up in the living room instead and today I brought some greenery in, so the place is looking more festive. Enjoy the rest of your weekends, folks - cheers!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Dec 14 2024, 5:32pm

Post #42 of 50 (864 views)
Tea is perfect. [In reply to] Can't Post

Sorry that you caught a cold - or rather, it caught you, I hope it doesn't take too long to fade! I'm getting over one, hubby has it now, we've been downing a lot of chicken soup. I made him some warm spiced applesauce this morning.

Congrats to your knitting group, they've been doing well!

Did you put up the fairy lights near the door yet?


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"

Greenwood Hobbit

Dec 14 2024, 7:29pm

Post #43 of 50 (847 views)
Colds are an inevitable part of winter [In reply to] Can't Post

unless you're very lucky or a hermit! My outdoor lights have been up since the beginning of the month; I put some up inside - and the tree - yesterday. The greenery came indoors today, so that's me pretty well sorted for decorations.


Dec 14 2024, 7:40pm

Post #44 of 50 (848 views)
Well, rats. [In reply to] Can't Post

Doesn't it figure? I'm sorry. It was kind of you not to go and spread your germs... which is how you got yours, fersher! Chicken soup! Zinc! Sleep! Snuggly sweats and some good movies with a blankie :) Those always help me feel better.

Well done on the contributions and sales! I'm thinking your group's crafts are some of those "look fors" that I always go after with the regular craft shows and flea markets we have around here. There's an older Amish couple who always put up little loafs of baked goods about the size of my hand. Zuchinni, banana, apple, lemon poppy-seed, and pumpkin breads for 50cents each. I buy at least 10 and freeze them for a perfect little dessert during the winter.

I hope you feel better very soon *hugs*


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Dec 15 2024, 6:24am

Post #45 of 50 (782 views)
Thanks all [In reply to] Can't Post

I feel glad to know what happened, after wondering for so long. Heart

Greenwood Hobbit

Dec 15 2024, 1:54pm

Post #46 of 50 (737 views)
It doesn't seem to be turning into a 'sneezer' [In reply to] Can't Post

thank godness! More of a sniffy throaty thing - it's no biggie. Those little loaves sound good! I recently discovered that one of my 'go to' bakes, bara brith - a Welsh recipe, fruit loaf -.freezes well, so I can defrost a few slices at a time. If it's just sitting there in a tin I have no willpower!

Ethel Duath

Dec 16 2024, 12:49am

Post #47 of 50 (680 views)
Oh, no. One of my favorite people. [In reply to] Can't Post

Her gentleness came through her posts, a bit like the scent of flowers.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Dec 17 2024, 10:17pm

Post #48 of 50 (568 views)
Raising a glass [In reply to] Can't Post

to a lovely, gentle soul. Thank you for your determined sleuthing, Starling.

The Passing of Mistress Rose
My historical novels

Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?

- A Room With a View

Aragorn the Elfstone
Tol Eressea

Dec 19 2024, 4:51am

Post #49 of 50 (519 views)
Happy Holidays, everyone! [In reply to] Can't Post

Got back this afternoon from my 3rd viewing of War of the Rohirrim (2nd in IMAX), with theater memorabilia in tow (Helm's Hammer popcorn bucket & WotR snowglobe cup). So I'm in a pretty good mood this evening. Cool How did I enjoy the film? I freaking loved it. Just what I had been hoping for. Heart

Heading off to see family for the holidays this weekend. Looking forward to that. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to or not, but Christmas will be easier for Dad & me surrounded by family. Christmas at home without Mom is not the same.

I hope you're all doing well, and have a wonderful holiday, however you celebrate. Heart

"The danger with any movie that does as well as this one does is that the amount of money it's making and the number of awards that it's got becomes almost more important than the movie itself in people's minds. I look at that as, in a sense, being very much like the Ring, and its effect on people. You know, you can kind of forget what we were doing, if you get too wrapped up in that." - Viggo Mortensen

Come join me in discussing all things cinema and television on my YouTube Channel John Webster Film.


Dec 19 2024, 2:23pm

Post #50 of 50 (491 views)
Happy Holidays to you and your Dad :D [In reply to] Can't Post

And Happy Holidays to your Family. :) I think it's wonderful that you all are getting together and starting a new gathering celebration. Your Mom would love it :)

*big hug* All the best to you all... and also to a very Happy New Year :)


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