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Free League announces 'Realms of the Three Rings' expansion for The One Ring RPG


Dec 10 2024, 3:44pm

Post #1 of 2 (6323 views)
Free League announces 'Realms of the Three Rings' expansion for The One Ring RPG Can't Post

Announced via email:
Free League Announces Elven Expansion for The One Ring™ RPG and 5E, on Pre-Order Now
Meet the Elves of Middle-earth™ in Realms of the Three Rings™ and Keepers of the Elven-rings


Today, we're thrilled to announce that Realms of the Three Rings, a brand-new expansion for multiple award-winning second edition of The One Ring™ roleplaying game, as well as Keepers of the Elven-rings, its 5E counterpart, are available now for preorder in the Free League webshop. All preorders of the new expansions give buyers immediate access to a complete PDF with rules, background lore, artwork, and more.

In the twilight of the Third Age, three realms of the West-elves still endure in Middle-earth. By the power of the Three Rings, they exist as a testament to a time that was. But not only the Elves remember. As Sauron gathers his strength to bring war to Middle-earth once again, he plans a devious vengeance against those who humbled him long ago.

Realms of the Three Rings & Keepers of the Elven-rings Key Features:

  • Where the West-Elves Still Linger: Discover the realms of Lórien, Rivendell, and Lindon and those who dwell there, including the Elf-lords who are their guardians.

  • A Dark Adventure Awaits: Learn the details of Sauron’s schemes against the Immortal Folk, including new events, enemies, and characters for players to encounter.

  • Landmarks: Visit 12 sites of interest, including locations mentioned in The Lord of the Rings™, as well as others created specifically for the game.

  • The Rules of Lordship: A robust Appendix contains guidelines for creating and playing as High Elves of Rivendell and Elves of Lórien, as well as Elf-lords, powerful characters especially suited for solo play.

  • PS. If you spot any typos or other errors in the PDFs, please report them on our forums and we'll make sure to fix them before we go to print.

    “Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella


    Dec 10 2024, 7:20pm

    Post #2 of 2 (6318 views)
    Free League Webshop [In reply to] Can't Post

    Here's a better link to the webstore: https://freeleaguepublishing.com/shop/

    “Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella


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