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R.I.P. Greg Hildebrandt


Nov 1 2024, 1:57pm

Post #1 of 4 (1029 views)
R.I.P. Greg Hildebrandt Can't Post

Posted at Bleeding Cool:

Pop Culture Artist Extraordinaire, Greg Hildebrandt, Dies At 85

Greg Hildebrandt, artist and illustrator best known for his work in Star Wars, Marvel Masterpieces, Magic: The Gathering and The Lord of the Rings alongside his late twin brother, has died at the age of 85. Hildebrandt's wife Jean Scrocco posted the news that her husband of 15 years, and partner for over 30 years, died last night. She wrote "The light has gone out in my life. At 12:36 pm this afternoon the love of my life, my best friend and soulmate passed away. Greg was 85 years young. He was the sweetest man I ever knew. We worked together for 45 years. We lived together for 33 of those years. We had a beautiful life we were blessed. Greg has been fighting for 5 months to regain his ability to breathe after a serious side effect of a heart medication. He fought very hard to win this battle but in the end he was just too weak. He passed away peacefully in my arms. He knew he was safe and he was loved and he will be missed terribly. I cannot imagine my life without him. He was my guy, yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever. You are my heart and it is broken!"

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella


Nov 1 2024, 4:58pm

Post #2 of 4 (1006 views)
What beautiful sentiments [In reply to] Can't Post

I can feel his wife's sorrow, bless her heart. He had a long life and accomplished so much.

Thanks for letting us know.


Nov 1 2024, 10:50pm

Post #3 of 4 (990 views)
*tears* Oh my [In reply to] Can't Post

How incredibly beautiful. Peace be with her. Thank Goodness for such timeless memories to keep him alive and bring solace to her heart.

Thank you for this Otaku-sempai.


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


Nov 12 2024, 10:23pm

Post #4 of 4 (789 views)
I was so happy when their calendars came out with some beautiful scenes. [In reply to] Can't Post

Some of the their designs had too many big noses but many are fantastic representations. There were very few sources of LOTR art until they showed up.


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