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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Reading Room:
Proposed topics and a sign-up post:

Ethel Duath

Nov 2 2024, 1:49am

Post #1 of 3 (1316 views)
Proposed topics and a sign-up post: Can't Post

While we are exploring all things Wormtongue, through NoWiz's wonderful posts, I thought I'd list three possible discussion topics, just to start with. Please feel free to rearrange, edit, or make any suggestions you like!
Once we have it hashed out, I was wondering if we could manage possibly one per week, starting next week or the week after, although every other week would certainly be fine.

Here are three possibilities, based on Oliphaunt's list. if you'd like to take one, just reply to this post with the possible date when you'd like to post your topic.

Discussion I

Merry in the Shire and Merry on the road to Bree: character, upbringing and family relationships, and clues from his relationships with Frodo and the other hobbits.

Discussion II

Merry sees Black Rider and meets Strider at Bree and Merry travels to Rivendell: character development, including that revealed by interactions with Gandalf and Elrond.

Discussion III

Merry and the Fellowship. Legolas, Gimli, Boromir: Further character development and changes revealed as he becomes a member of the fellowship and goes on his journey with them

And I think it would be a wonderful idea to include Oliphaunt's thoughts and questions below as a way to frame the questions for each section. Here they are again:

Then thinking about Merry's life: He was raised the scion of a wealthy family, but outside the four farthings. He's half-Took.
Leaving the Shire with Frodo - for friendship or adventure? How does Merry handle himself as the adventure becomes something much larger and much more dangerous?
What does he offer to/gain from the other three Hobbits? We can especially look at the Merry/Pippin relationship. Merry 'mentors' Pippin a lot, but what does Pippen do for Merry? What does he learn from or offer to the other five members of the Fellowship? Why does Merry attach himself to Theoden? And then Eowyn? Merry was terrified at Weathertop, but managed to stab the Witch King at Pellenor, and then leads the Battle of Bywater. Merry is intelligent and a good planner, he shows compassion, and is capable of violence at need.


Nov 3 2024, 2:03pm

Post #2 of 3 (1254 views)
Willing to lead-off [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm willing to lead-off, on the 12th. Otherwise, I will be glad to take either of the other topics.

I like the idea of visiting the Shire, and a little road-trip with the hobbits.

*** Middle Earth Inexpert ***

Ethel Duath

Nov 3 2024, 11:53pm

Post #3 of 3 (1214 views)
That would be great if you'd like to. :) [In reply to] Can't Post

Whaddya think about those topics for the first 3? Any adjustments needed?


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