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Ian McKellan on the new Lord of the Rings films


Sep 11, 4:27pm

Post #1 of 14 (4557 views)
Ian McKellan on the new Lord of the Rings films Can't Post

Looks like he would be interested in returning if he likes the script.


"Keen, heart-piercing was her song as the song of the lark that rises from the gates of night and pours its voice among the dying stars, seeing the sun behind the walls of the world; and the song of Lúthien released the bonds of winter, and the frozen waters spoke, and flowers sprang from the cold earth where her feet had passed."

Lieutenant of Dol Guldur

Sep 11, 9:27pm

Post #2 of 14 (4503 views)
Two scripts... interesting [In reply to] Can't Post

It's interesting that there are TWO film scripts already. I mean we knew that THE HUNT FOR GOLLUM will only be the first of many LOTR films but I wonder what the second one will be about...? I can't imagine stretching Gollums story over two films but maybe something with young Aragorn?

I'd personally love to see a film (or multiple ones) about the rise and fall of Angmar. But I guess this wouldn't include Gandalf would it?

Either way it's great that Sir Ian McKellen is still interested and I can't imagine him saying no. As he has said multiple times and in this interview as well: He'd love to go back to New Zealand and play Gandalf. And even if he get's to old to travel to NZ they could do the same thing with him as they did with Sir Christopher Lee in THE HOBBIT and fly to London to film the Gandalf scenes there in a studio.

"There is only one Lord of the Ring, only one who can bend it to his will. And he does not share power."


Sep 11, 10:22pm

Post #3 of 14 (4497 views)
I definitely think Hunt for Gollum will be one film! [In reply to] Can't Post

I'd honestly love to see Luthien and Beren on screen. Even though the rights of the Silmarillion aren't out there, the story of Luthien and Beren is in the Lord of the Rings as a poem. It could be done.

That or I'd love to see the wars with Thranduil, Dain and Brand during the time of the war of the Ring.

"Keen, heart-piercing was her song as the song of the lark that rises from the gates of night and pours its voice among the dying stars, seeing the sun behind the walls of the world; and the song of Lúthien released the bonds of winter, and the frozen waters spoke, and flowers sprang from the cold earth where her feet had passed."


Sep 12, 12:25am

Post #4 of 14 (4486 views)
Two Films [In reply to] Can't Post

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It's interesting that there are TWO film scripts already. I mean we knew that THE HUNT FOR GOLLUM will only be the first of many LOTR films but I wonder what the second one will be about...? I can't imagine stretching Gollums story over two films but maybe something with young Aragorn?

I'd personally love to see a film (or multiple ones) about the rise and fall of Angmar. But I guess this wouldn't include Gandalf would it?

Either way it's great that Sir Ian McKellen is still interested and I can't imagine him saying no. As he has said multiple times and in this interview as well: He'd love to go back to New Zealand and play Gandalf. And even if he get's to old to travel to NZ they could do the same thing with him as they did with Sir Christopher Lee in THE HOBBIT and fly to London to film the Gandalf scenes there in a studio.

I've had similar thoughts and just made a post about the idea in the Main forum. To summarize: If we do have two connected films then maybe the first will concentrate on Aragorn's errantries in Rohan and Gondor with the second one focused on later events including the hunt for Gollum.

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella


Sep 12, 8:11pm

Post #5 of 14 (4349 views)
That would be neat [In reply to] Can't Post

I'd be interested.

"Keen, heart-piercing was her song as the song of the lark that rises from the gates of night and pours its voice among the dying stars, seeing the sun behind the walls of the world; and the song of Lúthien released the bonds of winter, and the frozen waters spoke, and flowers sprang from the cold earth where her feet had passed."


Sep 16, 3:38am

Post #6 of 14 (3847 views)
Of course his age and health are giant concerns, as with Christopher Lee. [In reply to] Can't Post



Sep 16, 4:52pm

Post #7 of 14 (3694 views)
Yeah [In reply to] Can't Post

I know. I really hope he can hang on. His performances have meant so much to me and I know to others as well.

My Low-Magic Fantasy Novel on eBook/hardback: The Huntsman and the She-Wolf

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Sep 16, 5:23pm

Post #8 of 14 (3693 views)
Gandalf [In reply to] Can't Post

I'd like to see Ian in the role, but I'd like to see a lot of Gandalf, and that's probably asking too much of Ian. For that reason, I'd prefer a recast Gandalf with a large role to a smaller role with Ian, assuming Ian would be restricted. If not, it would be great to have Ian in the large role. I'm sure Peter Jackson would choose wisely, despite The Hobbit stuff.


Sep 16, 5:35pm

Post #9 of 14 (3689 views)
Me too [In reply to] Can't Post

Exactly this. Ian is perfect as Gandalf but I'd love to see a new actor in the role.

(A really cheeky move would be casting The Stranger actor Daniel Weyman)

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."


Sep 16, 6:35pm

Post #10 of 14 (3677 views)
Impressive [In reply to] Can't Post

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(A really cheeky move would be casting The Stranger actor Daniel Weyman)

Ha! I hadn't thought of that at all. Nice. Especially since he is morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably and reliably... Gandalf.

(Holds up Ainur certificate of Istari).

Paulo Gabriel

Sep 20, 10:25pm

Post #11 of 14 (3188 views)
You mean that? [In reply to] Can't Post

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(A really cheeky move would be casting The Stranger actor Daniel Weyman)

Ha! I hadn't thought of that at all. Nice. Especially since he is morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably and reliably... Gandalf.

(Holds up Ainur certificate of Istari).

I thought you hated RoP...no?


Sep 21, 12:16am

Post #12 of 14 (3176 views)
Clever Casting [In reply to] Can't Post

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(A really cheeky move would be casting The Stranger actor Daniel Weyman)

Ha! I hadn't thought of that at all. Nice. Especially since he is morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably and reliably... Gandalf.

(Holds up Ainur certificate of Istari).

I thought you hated RoP...no?

I don't hate anything. And it's not Rings of Power itself, it's mostly the behavior of the production and its proxies (e.g., "Access Media") against critics and fan-baiting that has offended me enough to not want to contribute to their metrics. Of course I have criticisms, but I don't avoid Rings of Power except on Amazon Prime, to which I subscribe.

So I can appreciate a clever casting idea since this is about the movie - not the TV show.

Grey Havens

Sep 21, 4:53pm

Post #13 of 14 (2997 views)
Ben Mendelsohn [In reply to] Can't Post

I always thought he resembled McKellen. Particularly in Rogue One: https://youtu.be/...iWxWY?feature=shared

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 22, 12:07am

Post #14 of 14 (2957 views)
That's an intriguing idea. [In reply to] Can't Post

He's one of those actors whose involvement in a movie makes my ears prick up. If anyone can channel Tolkien-as-Gandalf (as Ian tried to do), I'd say have a good shot at it.

Celebrimbor: "Pretty rings..."
Dwarves: "Pretty rings..."
Men: "Pretty rings..."
Sauron: "Mine's better."

"Ah, how ironic, the addictive qualities of Sauron’s master weapon led to its own destruction. Which just goes to show, kids - if you want two small and noble souls to succeed on a mission of dire importance... send an evil-minded beggar with them too." - Gandalf's Diaries, final par, by Ufthak.

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