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Alternatives to Nuclear Galadriel thanks to Bing Image Creator aka Copilot Designer


Apr 23, 10:13pm

Post #1 of 5 (7823 views)
Alternatives to Nuclear Galadriel thanks to Bing Image Creator aka Copilot Designer Can't Post

To anyone else like me who enjoyed the LOTR movies with the exception of the Nuclear Galadriel scene, which just didn't seem to do her justice, I had some fun playing with the above AI art generator using this prompt, which comes closer to my own imagination of the scene:

"Fantasy at night under strong starlight in a private garden with a silver fountain in the background. Main context is a magical Elven queen reaching towering heights like a goddess dominating the earth with magical forces at her fingertips. The scene conveys awe, wonder, and even terror at her unseen powerful aura that can wreak havoc on mortal lands. Light emanates from her as garden falls into shadow. Any observer would feel urge to fall at her feet & worship her."

It led to these 3 images on Imgur. Reminder that this is AI art and by its nature not open to literalist nitpicking. Smile

To my surprise as a book-lover, pasting in the text from the book produced very unsatisfying images (basically a small stone garden statue), but Copilot is good at giving advice on editing prompts to get results closer to the feel of what you want.


Apr 24, 1:01pm

Post #2 of 5 (7805 views)
Wow, pal! [In reply to] Can't Post

You've got a real knack for the phrase "Make it so!" on that Bing Copilot thingamajig. Gorgeous, George! I'd definitely bow down before that Elf. Even though I was also super impressed with Nuclear Galadriel, I won't be picking any nits with Glowing Galadriel. Wink


Apr 24, 5:18pm

Post #3 of 5 (7794 views)
All shall love my art and despair! [In reply to] Can't Post

haha, thanks. As someone who struggles to make recognizable stick figures, AI art has released my inner Rembrandt trapped in a body with tree trunks for fingers, I think. Anyway, it's entertaining to see what AI can do, and it's free for now. Just for fun I had Frodo meeting the Witcher in Bree instead of Strider. I was never a fanfic writer, but I guess I cross that line with art.

the 13th warrior

Jul 10, 7:08pm

Post #4 of 5 (5627 views)
Striking images that remind me of another character.... [In reply to] Can't Post

Those are very powerful images, good reimaginings. Perhaps it's the sharp points of her headpiece and her levitating in the third image, she gives off a vibe of Hela, Norse goddess of death, from the Marvel Comics Universe, perhaps more like the comic books than the Chris Hemsworth movies. Certainly mean that as a compliment. Hela an intriguing fearsome character, especially in the comics. Very Interesting that Cate Blanchett played Hela on the big screen as she did Galadriel. Cate seems good at portraying women of power, her portrayal of Elizabeth I way back when was especially strong.

You certainly gave Galadriel a literal uplift and a powerful background, landscape too. I enjoy the mystical night time quality, use of light and dark. Well done....

The 13th Warrior - Left Field Caliphate

From the scroll rooms of Gondor, thumbing through the Mighty Thor issues section....

(This post was edited by the 13th warrior on Jul 10, 7:11pm)


Jul 12, 5:12pm

Post #5 of 5 (5462 views)
Thanks for your observations [In reply to] Can't Post

and for reminding me of Cate Blanchett as Hela--I'd forgotten her role in Thor, but she was both funny and scary-powerful in that movie, a combo that's not always easy to pull off. And she was powerful as Hela without a lot of atmospheric and transformational CGI.

The AI's choices for displaying a powerful woman--including levitating--are based on the images it's been trained on, and if I were drawing Galadriel, I'd keep her rooted to the ground like a mallorn, but I guess the AI is entitled to artistic license even if it's not my first choice. :) I've found that playing around with AI art generation, whatever else the AI is, it is NOT a slave to my whims, haha. It certainly takes word prompts and charges off in directions all its own. Still fun though.


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