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S***** in Season 2 (POTENTIAL SPOILER)?


May 7 2023, 8:45pm

Post #1 of 16 (3184 views)
S***** in Season 2 (POTENTIAL SPOILER)? Can't Post

Fellowship of Fans reports: LOTR Character REVEALED For The Rings Of Power Season 2.

According to FoF "Young Shelob" will appear in Rings of Power Season 2 in a small role.

Source (YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP4MFT3RuP8

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella


May 8 2023, 6:12am

Post #2 of 16 (3128 views)
*Spoilers but also humor ahead* [In reply to] Can't Post

I saw this earlier and, I joke you not, at first thought it said "Young Sheldon," so I guess the correct name was a bit of a let down, considering the curious alternative I hallucinated. Angelic

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!

(This post was edited by cats16 on May 8 2023, 6:12am)


May 8 2023, 1:18pm

Post #3 of 16 (3083 views)
I think I would like that better // [In reply to] Can't Post


'But very bright were the stars upon the margin of the world, when at times the clouds about the West were drawn aside.'

The Hall of Fire


May 8 2023, 1:43pm

Post #4 of 16 (3085 views)
This is dumb [In reply to] Can't Post

But I suppose it's the kind of thing we should expect.

Also - I'll be intrigued to see whether they continue to follow the ring verse season by season... for example, maybe season 2 will be about the 7 rings for the Dwarf Lords. And then Season 3 (which I've long predicted will be about the downfall of Numenor) to be about the rings of men.

Then in Season 4, Sauron makes the one?

Season 5 is the epic war of the last alliance?

I'm excited either way.

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."


May 8 2023, 4:17pm

Post #5 of 16 (3067 views)
Alternatively [In reply to] Can't Post

A multi-year writers' strike would be of great benefit here.


May 9 2023, 12:36pm

Post #6 of 16 (2994 views)
Well, [In reply to] Can't Post

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A multi-year writers' strike would be of great benefit here.

The longest writers strike in history only lasted a few months, so I don't think we're looking at a multi-year situation here.

My Low-Magic Fantasy Novel on eBook/hardback: The Huntsman and the She-Wolf

The Huntsman and the She-Wolf on audio Book.


May 9 2023, 12:41pm

Post #7 of 16 (3005 views)
makes sense [In reply to] Can't Post

Shelob was already established in Mordor before Sauron established Barad-dur. Considering the apparent ease with which the Numenoreans crossed over the Ephel Duath into Mordor through what seems to be the show's equivalent of the Morgul Vale, I would assume that Shelob would eventually need to be introduced as a reason for the pass becoming inaccessible except as a fortified bottleneck.

I hope that her role will be minor. We don't have many supporting characters in Mordor, and will probably lose even more after Sauron disposes of Adar. Shelob will probably feature in her role as Sauron's "cat".


May 9 2023, 3:22pm

Post #8 of 16 (2981 views)
Adar/Shelob [In reply to] Can't Post

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...I hope that her role will be minor. We don't have many supporting characters in Mordor, and will probably lose even more after Sauron disposes of Adar. Shelob will probably feature in her role as Sauron's "cat".

I suppose it's just about possible that Adar could end up as spider food? I'm kind of hoping not.


May 9 2023, 5:28pm

Post #9 of 16 (2964 views)
Hmmm. [In reply to] Can't Post

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...I hope that her role will be minor. We don't have many supporting characters in Mordor, and will probably lose even more after Sauron disposes of Adar. Shelob will probably feature in her role as Sauron's "cat".

I suppose it's just about possible that Adar could end up as spider food? I'm kind of hoping not.

That would be a clean solution to that character. I'd miss that character, but since the actor changed for season 2, I'm doubtful I'll be as attached to that persona as I was in season 1.

My Low-Magic Fantasy Novel on eBook/hardback: The Huntsman and the She-Wolf

The Huntsman and the She-Wolf on audio Book.

Ethel Duath

May 10 2023, 2:22am

Post #10 of 16 (2948 views)
I. Haven't. Laughed. So. Hard. In. Weeks. :D [In reply to] Can't Post

Thank you!

And would that it were so . . . Laugh


May 10 2023, 2:49am

Post #11 of 16 (2934 views)
Careful what you wish for, I suppose. ;) // [In reply to] Can't Post


Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


May 17 2023, 8:14am

Post #12 of 16 (2674 views)
Shelob replaying Ungoliant [In reply to] Can't Post

It seems to me that you have a perfect explanation. Shelob introduced as a link to LOTR (we know that she's in Middle Earth), she escaped from the ruin of Beleriand into the Blue Mountains and Lindon, and she's the reason for the darkness leeching into the tree there (we haven't seen it anywhere else have we?)

Sauron knew this and used it as his ruse to create the rings. Becomes his 'cat', and sets up in the mountains of shadow. There you have an origin story with a purpose.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
Benjamin Franklin
The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.
Horace Walpole (1717 - 1797)


May 17 2023, 11:40am

Post #13 of 16 (2660 views)
I actually love it [In reply to] Can't Post

That works a lot better than a silly Mordor cameo.

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."


May 17 2023, 2:25pm

Post #14 of 16 (2648 views)
Now watch them not do that [In reply to] Can't Post

Because that would be just typical.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
Benjamin Franklin
The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.
Horace Walpole (1717 - 1797)


May 21 2023, 7:20pm

Post #15 of 16 (2570 views)
More Rumors and Reveals from FoF [In reply to] Can't Post

Fellowship of Fans continues The Second Age Show. I'll include sources if any are provided:

1. EXCL: Galadriel will get captured by Adar and the Orcs at some point in The Rings of Power Season 2.

2. EXCL: Actors Benjamin Walker (Gil-galad), Charles Edwards (Celebrimbor), Robert Aramayo (Elrond) and Selina Lo have spent a lot of time on the Eregion/Elven sets at Bray Studios. There is some speculation in the stream that Lo's character (Mirdania?) might be another warrior-woman, perhaps another Elf.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9ePfasfPHs

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella


Jun 4 2023, 7:44pm

Post #16 of 16 (2434 views)
Even More News and Rumors [In reply to] Can't Post

More news and rumors from Fellowship of Fans. As usual, it's hard to tell which is which!

1. (03:05):

EXCL: A new actor will play the "Original Form Sauron" Character [Mairon?]
in the later episodes of The Rings of Power Season 2, not Charlie Vickers.

2. (07:30):

EXCL: This character has been described as "Angelic" and "beautiful"
in his design with a black and gold costume colour palette and long black hair.

3. (21:30):

EXCL: Charlie Vickers (Halbrand) has spent most of his time on the
Mordor sets and is clean shaven but his character design and makeup has a
"fiery" and "ashy" look to it.

4. (30:15):

EXCL: Costume designer Luca Mosca who joined midway through
season 1 is the main costume designer for The Rings of Power season 2.

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella


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