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User Profile: Punk Rockin Hobbit

Punk Rockin Hobbit
Title: Registered User
Status: Registered User
Registered: Mar 11 2011, 6:48am
Last Logon: Jul 9 2011, 4:39am
Posts: 6 (0.0 per day)
Real Name: Gina
Location: West Virginia, USA
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 1984-01-07
Local Time: 9:55 pm
Interests: All things Middle Earth, reading, writing, acting, baking, making new friends, video games, namely mmorpg's, laughter, wedding planning, entertaining, singing, public speaking, and chocolate.
First Lord of the Rings reading experience: My nephew-in-law first introduced me to the world of hobbits, elves, dwarves and wizards when I was sixteen. I was staying with him and my niece, and he brought me a book called The Hobbit. He said, "Here, read this, I think you'll like it." I remember thinking to myself, "What's a hobbit?" Well, I opened the book and quickly learned. I poured over the pages, becoming more enraptured at each turn. When the book ended, there was a blurb at the back that mentioned The Lord of the Rings. In true fashion, my nephew-in-law then handed me Fellowship of the Ring, and I was forever lost to the love of Middle Earth.
Favorite Tolkien character: I have been and will forever be a hobbit at heart, but asking me to pick just one that is my favorite is like asking a mother to pick her favorite child. It just can't be done. Frodo I love for his courage to face the unknown, yet also for his "real-ness", specifically when faced with finally destroying the one thing that has caused so much evil and he just can't do it. Sam I love for his devotion and loyalty, his simplicities and his unwavering strength to stand by his true friend and never allow him to give up. Merry and Pippin grow so much in the course of the trilogy, and I love them for it. Hobbits, by nature, are so set in their ways, and I love Merry and Pippin's ability to expand their minds (and their height!) as they travel the paths life had laid before them. And they're all just so cuddly. :)
Homepage: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000614411698
Less Filling or Tastes Great: Tastes Great
Elves and Dragons or Cabbages and Potatoes: Elves and Dragons
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