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User Profile: labadal

Title: Rivendell
Status: Registered User
Registered: Apr 25 2008, 3:09am
Last Logon: Dec 26 2013, 11:29am
Posts: 116 (0.0 per day)
Real Name: Emma
Location: A nice hole in the ground in Hobbiton or out in the Wilds.
Gender: Female
Local Time: 4:04 am
Occupation: Archaeology Student
Interests: Archaeology. I'm currently studying Archaeology and it is largely because of my interest in Tolkien that I am doing so. Tolkien introduced me to his myths and history of middle earth and from there I because interested in the mythology and history of this world which led me to an interest in Archaeology. I want to be an experimental archaeologist one day. Medieval reenactment. I am part of various societies who do shows in the summer. I like to fight with pole weapons, do archery or do various medieval crafts such as leatherwork, blacksmithing and weaving. I also REALLY want to joust one day. READING! Especially Tolkien! Also Discworld, Niel Gaiman and various other fantasy books. Music. Every chance I get I play a tune on anything I can find. I play violin (fiddle), tenor banjo and irish whistle and I love traditional fiddle tunes. I want to pick up Bassoon and various medieval instruments. Animal stuff, horse riding -jousting- , dog training etc. I am also a vegetrian and animal rights supporter. I could be called a tree hugger. Art and crafts. Sketching, panting and drawing mostly. I also do medieval illuminations - gold leaf and the like. Costuming. I can't resist the fun of walking around as a hobbit or wearing elven dresses. Much more fun than normal clothes. Cartography: I love to draw Middle Earth maps.
First Lord of the Rings reading experience: I first read LOTR in full when I was about 12. I read the Hobbit when i was about 10 but It took seeing the movies of LOTR to inspire me to read the books. From then on I have been a total Tolkien freak!!!!!!!!
Favorite Tolkien character: Peregrine Took! Hobbits love mushrooms and plants so what else is there really to need to know! They can also be awesome fighters. Hobbits just have such a peaceful and simple existence but a Took has a bit of adventure in them. Pippin has a great sense of humour too and is played by a fellow Scotsman. Treebeard because he is an ent and once again loves plants but he is also a ferocious fighter when his mind is put to it. I love the symbolism of Ents Fighting Industry, if only the forest really did fight back. Aragorn/Strider because of his pure skill with a blade and his courage.
Homepage: http://emma-hobbit.deviantart.com/
Less Filling or Tastes Great: Tastes Great
Elves and Dragons or Cabbages and Potatoes: Cabbages and Potatoes
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