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User Profile: elaen32

Title: Gondor
Status: Registered User
Registered: Feb 21 2013, 9:07pm
Last Logon: Oct 30 2018, 2:53pm
Posts: 1429 (0.3 per day)
Real Name: No name entered.
Location: UK
Gender: Female
Local Time: 3:40 pm
Interests: Reading (inc Tolkien of course), writing prose & poetry, music and singing, walking, nature, medieval history, travel (esp NZ)
First Lord of the Rings reading experience: After seeing FOTR- then read LOTR, TH and Sil before TTT movie came out. As a child I had been put off Tolkien by the Hobbit- I was quite a girly girl and the fact that TH had no female characters- just bunch of grumpy dwarfs and a whingey hobbit didn't inspire me ! Sadly, I didn't try Tolkien again until saw FOTR- within a few seconds of the Prologue I was hooked and by the time the Black Riders thundered out of Minas Morgul I just had to read the books! Now, it's become a bit of an obsession, but has also prompted me to take up writing again
Favorite Tolkien character: Oooh soo difficult... Aragorn- very noble and willing to fulfil his destiny even if he dies trying Book Faramir and Eowyn (movie versions are a bit less convincing)- I really felt for those two and when they eventually got together I was cheering! After being on TORn for a while I've come to really appreciate Sam too
Email: elaen32

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