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User Profile: GAndyalf

Title: Valinor
Status: Registered User
Registered: Mar 13 2010, 5:05pm
Last Logon: Apr 16 2013, 11:26pm
Posts: 4051 (0.8 per day)
Real Name: Andrew - sometimes Prince Andrew the Insane of the High Country
Location: Most of me: Colorado Springs. Heart: Cerin Amroth
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1961-05-28
Local Time: 12:46 pm
Occupation: Tolkien geek and occasional computer helper
Interests: Finding my Galadriel. Every scrap ever written by the late professor and son Christopher. My son. Bicycling, reading (though I'm ABYSMALLY SLOW), my son, writing (mostly mavenisms - geek stuff), philosophy, my son, various techniques of child-rearing, laughter, wannabe writer, my son, the advancement of space technologies, advancement of earth-friendly technologies, my son, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Professor Tom Lehrer's music, Leslie Fish's music, my son, the relentless pursuit of Wisdom, the Greek goddess Athene, the small section of The Odyssey that deals specifically with Penelope (who I feel is the most fantastic female character from antique literature)
First Lord of the Rings reading experience: I first saw the Rankin Bass production of "The Hobbit" in 1977 and from a girl in my Oral Communications class in high school borrowed "The Fellowship of the Ring". The school year ended and I had just finished "Fellowship" (I believe I mentioned I'm an ABYSMALLY slow reader!) and couldn't get a copy of "The Two Towers" for two months and most of the summer of '77 I was destitute thinking Gandalf had perished from Middle-earth for-ever. When I got to Lothlorien there was a feeling experienced by many and I fell straightway in love with Alatariel (or Nerwen as her mother named her), who was called Galadriel in those days. For that reason, just as Aragorn said in "Fellowship", "...(There) my heart dwells ever, unless there be a light beyond the dark roads (I) must tread..."
Favorite Tolkien character: Different favourites for different reasons, but Galadriel, Gandalf, and Turin are probably the most frequent on this list.
Less Filling or Tastes Great: Tastes Great
Elves and Dragons or Cabbages and Potatoes: Elves and Dragons
Email: No email entered.
Yahoo Identity: So_CO_Zoomie

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