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User Profile: Ruscuite

Title: Registered User
Status: Registered User
Registered: Jul 17 2015, 7:46pm
Last Logon: Jul 19 2015, 7:26pm
Posts: 2 (0.0 per day)
Real Name: No name entered.
Location: No location entered.
Gender: Female
Local Time: 9:54 am
Interests: Linguistics, panslavism, God (in Christianity), traditional lifestyle(/s of various cultures but of course I love those of my people (Slavic) the most alhough I hold others in high regards as well), Tolkien stuff (obviously), philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, ecology, animal behaviour and training, various mythologies, ethnic music, literature
First Lord of the Rings reading experience: First? Oh wow. Back then I had no idea I'd spend so much time reading anything Tolkien that I have actually been asked when I intend to write a research of it. pfff Definitely on my "favourite story of all time" list. Though surprisingly, despite having watched the movies very enthusiastically many times since I was about 5, I refused to read the books (although I've always been a bookworm! gasp) until quite recently, that is, after AUJ came out. Which apparently comes from my childhood belief that there is no need to read books of things I've already seen on tv. Because I thought it'd be boring. I was a fool. Such a fool. {so nowadays I have a strong preference for the books and know book canon wayy better than movie canon}
Favorite Tolkien character: Aragorn. He's just very admirable. And pretty relatable.. I should also point out some others that have a special place in my heart, such as the hobbits (especially Sam because he's so relatable like wow), Faramir (precious cinnamon roll too good for this world), Éowyn (everything about her is pain and I am cry okay), and Ëarendil. First impression when I saw a picture of it on lotr wikia was "wow, he looks like an angel." And when I learned more about him it went to "wow he's the LITERAL angel" and he's one of my favourite Tolkien characters, and my top favourite Silmarillion character. ..also yeah my definition of "angel" does not exactly match "good person who died and got wings", it's more like "heavenly messenger" for me. Kind of biblical I guess.
Less Filling or Tastes Great: Tastes Great
Elves and Dragons or Cabbages and Potatoes: Elves and Dragons
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