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User Profile: Wasserwaldnymphe

Title: The Shire
Status: Registered User
Registered: Apr 14 2015, 12:29pm
Last Logon: Jun 21 2017, 4:38pm
Posts: 25 (0.0 per day)
Real Name: No name entered.
Location: Europe
Gender: Female
Local Time: 3:21 pm
Interests: Hobbies: - painting - reading - my blog (about books, movies, vampires, anime, manga) - board & card games with my friends preferred Music: mostly original soundtracks ~ I love them. HIM, Nightwish, Apocalyptica, Schandmaul, Die Streuner. My favorite movies are the ones with/by Mel Brooks, Leslie Nielsen, Gene Wilder, Pierre Richard or ZAZ.... and Star Trek.
First Lord of the Rings reading experience: Tolkien has never been part of my childhood. It started when I was 16. The 3rd movie was announced and I was invited into the cinema. So I read LOTR first, but I don't remember much of it. It seems that I skipped most of the descriptions of the landscapes (which are now very dear to me) and I didn't understand all the minor details, so I couldn't appreciate it, but I oddly remember that I liked the appendices and the forests. After a event in my local library I borrowed a dramatized reading of the Hobbit. I listened very often to it and it kept me with Tolkien (together with the soundtracks). I really started to love Tolkien's books when I read HoME 2 and 10... I think those versions of Beren & Luthien and The Fall of Gondolin and his essays about Evil where the ones who impressed me deeply. The movie scenes which had the deepest impact on me had been the Prologue, Helm's Deep, Theoden's lament and Sauron's revelation in Dol Guldur.
Favorite Tolkien character: At the moment I am impressed by the wit of book!Merry & Pippin. My favorite characters in the books are: - Eowyn because of her courage, - Melkor because of his might and cunning. In the movies: - Galadriel because of her majesty, - Thranduil because he was so different.
Homepage: http://wasserwaldnymphe.deviantart.com
Elves and Dragons or Cabbages and Potatoes: Elves and Dragons
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