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User Profile: Artanis

Title: Rohan
Status: Registered User
Registered: May 27 2008, 3:32pm
Last Logon: Jul 25 2022, 4:32am
Posts: 716 (0.1 per day)
Real Name: No name entered.
Location: No location entered.
Date of Birth: 1975-09-29
Local Time: 9:33 pm
Interests: I'm a thirty-something who loves reading, walks in the countryside, chocolate, cups of tea, hobbits and elves and thats about it really!!!!!!
First Lord of the Rings reading experience: I sped through it so fast and was like "Wow I want to do that again"!! This will perhaps sound silly but I love being out in the countryside, but now as well as enjoying the fresh air my mind is imagining (and half hoping I will see) elves darting between the trees, or a hobbit or two enjoying a pik-nik on the grass. I almost don't want to say reading it changed me as it sounds so glibe, but it did.
Favorite Tolkien character: In the book I think Sam, Frodo and Eowyn, and oops almost forgot Faramir. In the movies Eowyn, Merry and Pippin. I love the friendship and courage that Sam and Frodo have, their loyalty and desire to do the right thing. In the film I love Merry and Pippin and despite being a little bit "cute" at the start, at the end they are ready to die for their friend...what a sacrifice. Eowyn in both the film and books just comes across as such an interesting character. I enjoyed the way she was portrayed in the film. I liked the way Aragorn found that there was honor to be had in her duties even if it was not wielding a sword. Finally, Gollum in the films and books...do I need a reason!!!!??
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