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User Profile: zarabia

Title: Tol Eressea
Status: Registered User
Registered: Nov 21 2011, 5:06am
Last Logon: Dec 10 2017, 3:56pm
Posts: 2735 (0.6 per day)
Real Name: No name entered.
Location: No location entered.
Gender: Female
Local Time: 4:56 am
Occupation: Former ESL Teacher; former full time caregiver; cancer warrior
Interests: Reading, though I haven't had the attention span lately to do as much as I used to or would like; writing (when the mood strikes); languages--though I'm not that talented, I enjoy the attempt; music (just listening and singing along when no one is around to suffer :D); travel (when possible which isn't very often anymore); photography; and most importantly, my precious baby dogs. I used to be quite the cinephile, but haven't had the opportunity to follow film lately. Instead of worrying about the films I'm missing, I've basically gone cold turkey. I plan to get Netflix sometime soon so maybe I can get back into the swing of things.
First Lord of the Rings reading experience: I admit that I didn't read LoTR until I saw previews for the Fellowship. And then I was put off by the prologue, Concerning Hobbits, and set the book aside for a week. But I decided to give it another go, skipping to Ch. 1, A Long-Expected Party; I immediately fell in love! (Bilbo's ironic gift giving...so funny!) I scanned long stretches during the first reading, but some of those stretches are now of my favorites. After reading the whole story and getting a feel for who is who, the Council of Elrond, for example, becomes fascinating.
Favorite Tolkien character: Frodo because, "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." A very inspiring character. Aragorn because he is so yin-yang. He's a valiant fighter, but also caring and nurturing. He's extremely self-confident, but is capable of self-doubt. (I can't trust anyone who lacks at least a bit of doubt.) He's proud, but humble; bold, but careful and diplomatic. Galadrial because she is so wise. And let's face it, she's just plain cool:)
Elves and Dragons or Cabbages and Potatoes: Elves and Dragons
Email: zarabia1197@gmail.com

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