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User Profile: mwirkk


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Title: Rohan
Status: Registered User
Registered: Feb 4 2008, 5:26am
Last Logon: Jun 21 2023, 11:11pm
Posts: 553 (0.1 per day)
Real Name: Matt Wirkkala
Location: Seattle (Mercer Island)
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1961-04-01
Local Time: 10:47 pm
Occupation: Software Test, Network and Lab Engineer
Interests: Science, the great outdoors and Nature, sports(playing & watching), programming, game design, ancient/medieval history & mythology, Theology & philosophy, chess(variants)/strategy/logic, irreverent comedy(mostly British), flying, travel, collecting books (see mwirkk on LibraryThing), tinkering/repairing and crafting things, and *starting* projects (bad habit of losing interest after 95% complete: if end="in sight" goto next), agriculture and land stewardship, local Finn-Am culture/heritage. I was born the day after Yuri Gagarin became the 1st man in space. Grew up on a farm. Prepared for career in software by majoring in zoology/wildlife biology, then worked almost 8yrs as deckhand/engineer on crab boats in Alaska/Russia -- isn't that how everybody does it? My profile pic is from a Cinco de Mayo celebration on the patio of the main lodge after a "last day on the slopes" at Crystal Mountain ski resort in the SHADOW of a looming Mt. Rainier in 2015. <:b
First Lord of the Rings reading experience: Had first heard of Tolkien and the Hobbit/LotR when I was about 9 (~1970), but didn't really know what it was about until I finally read the Hobbit in high school ('75/76), chiefly because of publicity(unwanted?) it was getting due to the indirect associations being made with it and D&D, as D&D was itself then gaining some notoriety with the media and parents, "Oh no! My kid's gone crazy!" (The R&B Hobbit came out on TV in '77, but it did little to pacify the panicked frenzy of the ignorant masses.;) But, really, Critical Mass of Interest for me was reached when my brother (Todd, 2yrs younger and a D&D player) recommended it to me. He generally knew what he was talking about where fiction was concerned; I've always been more of a non-fiction guy, believing the greatest stories are usually based in true events. But at that time I didn't make much distinction between Tolkien's stories and the world of D&D. I just wasn't a student of it yet. But about a year later (~'77) I had a teacher who got me interested in mythology (Kiitos Mr.O'Connell!), which led to an interest in the histories and cultures that bore them. As my knowledge of that developed I started gaining a real understanding and appreciation for Prof.Tolkien and his works. So, my transformation was not so much an epiphany, as an evolutionary process. Therefore, my love of things 'Tolkien' sits more on an intellectual base than an emotional one.
Favorite Tolkien character: Who?: Gandalf. Reason: Because while the cycles of the story arch of how the hobbits come from obscurity to become major players alongside the other races of Middle-earth and the story of the Ring itself take center stage in most people's minds, what is lurking in the background of these stories (and is all too often overlooked) is Gandalf's mission and how he orchestrates it to its completion.
Homepage: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/mwirkk
Less Filling or Tastes Great: Tastes Great
Elves and Dragons or Cabbages and Potatoes: Elves and Dragons
Email: mwirkk@eskimo.com
IRC nickname: mwirkk
ICQ number: n/a
AOL Instant Message name: n/a
Yahoo Identity: mwirkk
MSN identity: mwirkk

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