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Hobbit Caption Contest (something something...can a mod help with the number please? :)


Nov 12 2021, 4:35am

Post #1 of 7 (26462 views)
Hobbit Caption Contest (something something...can a mod help with the number please? :) Can't Post

Why is our beloved dwarf king's jaw agape here?

(Sorry that the image is a little fuzzy...but at least it's not gargantuan! (FINALLY))

My writing and novels:

My Hobbit Fanfiction

My historical novel print and kindle version

My historical novels ebook version compatible with all ereaders

You can also find my novel at most major book retailers online (and for those outside the US who prefer a print book, you can find the print version at Book Depository). Search "Amazing Grace Amanda Longpre'" to find it.

Happy reading everyone!

(This post was edited by Cirashala on Nov 12 2021, 4:37am)


Nov 12 2021, 5:48am

Post #2 of 7 (26430 views)
CLXXXIII [In reply to] Can't Post

If the numbering is correct, we are currently on contest number CLXXXIII (183).

Yeah, the image is blurred, but you can include a link to a larger version if you want! It might help.


Greenwood Hobbit

Nov 15 2021, 8:00pm

Post #3 of 7 (26250 views)
An off-key rendering of 'Climb Ev'ry Mountain' failed to see off the evil hordes... [In reply to] Can't Post



Nov 29 2021, 11:58pm

Post #4 of 7 (25751 views)
"Cold-cold-cold-cold-cold-cold-cold-cold" // [In reply to] Can't Post



Nov 30 2021, 3:08am

Post #5 of 7 (25750 views)
I love The Sound of Music! [In reply to] Can't Post

And the thought of Thorin singing it about made me choke with laughter!

It's yours, m'dear! Onward!

My writing and novels:

My Hobbit Fanfiction

My historical novel print and kindle version

My historical novels ebook version compatible with all ereaders

You can also find my novel at most major book retailers online (and for those outside the US who prefer a print book, you can find the print version at Book Depository). Search "Amazing Grace Amanda Longpre'" to find it.

Happy reading everyone!

Greenwood Hobbit

Nov 30 2021, 9:35am

Post #6 of 7 (25734 views)
Thanks! Will go and root out a pic. [In reply to] Can't Post



Dec 25 2022, 3:46am

Post #7 of 7 (19105 views)
After contracting ursinthropy for a second time, Thorin became Beorn again./ [In reply to] Can't Post


The audacious proposal stirred his heart. And the stirring became a song, and it mingled with the songs of Gil-galad and Celebrian, and with those of Feanor and Fingon. The song-weaving created a larger song, and then another, until suddenly it was as if a long forgotten memory woke and for one breathtaking moment the Music of the Ainur revealed itself in all glory. He opened his lips to sing and share this song. Then he realized that the others would not understand. Not even Mithrandir given his current state of mind. So he smiled and simply said "A diversion.”


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