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Ozmoot 2024 - Sydney Australia - January 26-28 2024

Drongo Barefoot
Registered User

Oct 27 2023, 8:08am

Post #1 of 2 (9598 views)
Ozmoot 2024 - Sydney Australia - January 26-28 2024 Can't Post

Come along to the second annual Ozmoot in Australia.

Join us for two and a half days of fellowship, presentations, activities and evening festivities in Sydney.

The theme for this conference will be “Above All Shadows: Tolkien and Uncertain Futures”.

Hern Ennorath, the Australian Smial of the Tolkien Society, is delighted to have the fantastic support of Signum University and the Tolkien Society in running this event.

The Tolkien Professor, Corey Olsen, will be travelling to join us as our key speaker.

We invite all Tolkien fans from around Australia, New Zealand, and further abroad, either in-person or online. Everyone is welcome and you don’t have to be a member of Hern Ennorath, Signum Uni or the Tolkien Society.

Please see registration details here:

On this page https://signumuniversity.org/event/ozmoot2024/

you may like to send in a proposal for a paper presentation, creative activity, workshop, or other great idea. Please submit your proposal by 1 December 2023.

Drongo Barefoot
Registered User

Jan 11, 12:09pm

Post #2 of 2 (7099 views)
Ozmoot 2024 Program Available [In reply to] Can't Post

The program for Ozmoot 2024 is now available at


There will be some great talks and activities that you can enjoy in-person in Sydney, and also online.

These include:
* Key note presentation by our special guest - Corey Olsen, the Tolkien Professor
* Nothing is Evil in the Beginning: Adapting the Falls of Melkor and Sauron in the Silmarillion Film Project
* Tengwar Calligraphy Workshop and Reading Circle
* Nature relations of the legendarium
* Trivia quiz and dinner - bring along your costumes

* The Little People and the Horn-Cry of Buckland
* Lamentations in a troubled world
* Trust is unbroken / broken: A troubador struggle
* Tolkien, faith and the final eucatastrophe
* Memories of another land
* The future of creative writing: Lessons from Tolkien
* LOTRO demonstration
* the evening journey of the Ozmoot Fellowship across Sydney Harbour to Halls of Feasting, returning in a fair ship, under starlight and city lights, to their pavilions for rest

* 'She was not conquered': Morwen and Motherhood in Middle-earth
* To enter the Perilous Realm or Not to enter? - that is the question
* Arda measured
* Oaths and promises: A path through darkness and uncertainty
* the after party - building the Tolkien Fellowship in Australia

We look forward to you joining us from around the world.

Registrations are still open via the webpage.


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