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The One Ring Forums: Welcome to TORN!: Welcome:
Message Board Staff


Jan 6 2007, 7:18pm

Post #1 of 1 (85464 views)
     Message Board Staff  

Following is a list of Forum Administrators (Moderators) and other Board-related staff.

If you’ve read the FAQ and/or Terms of Service (on this Welcome Board) and still have questions, issues or feedback you’d like to discuss, please post it on the Feedback board as your first alternative: it will probably be seen and answered more quickly there as we all check that board regularly. Alternatively, feel free to PM any of us.

To help identify Admins that are likely to be online when you are, the time zone they most often post from is provided below. Note that the time zones/regions below are approximate; they may change based on vacations and/or changes in daylight savings time from country to country.

Altaira – Forum Administrator, Superuser, TORn Sr. Staff ..... U.S. (Mountain Standard Time Zone) altaira@theonering.net
Ataahua – Forum Administrator, Superuser............................ New Zealand
dernwyn - Forum Administrator................................................U.S. (Eastern Time Zone)
Draupne – Forum Administrator.............................................. Europe

Earl - Forum Administrator.......................................................India (
GMT +5:30)
Eledhwen – Forum Administrator............................................ U.K.
entmaiden - Forum Administrator.............................................U.S. (Central Time Zone)
Hengist – Forum Administrator............................................... Europe
Inferno – Forum Administrator, Superuser...............................U.S. (Mountain Standard Time Zone)
Kimi - Forum Administrator..................................................... New Zealand
Silverlode - Forum Administrator............................................. U.S. (Pacific Time)

A complete list of all TORN staff can be found

* note that it's a tadge outdated

(This post was edited by Ataahua on Feb 25 2022, 8:52pm)


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