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The One Ring Forums: Off Topic: TORn Moots and Other Events:
Return of the King with live orchestra:


Sep 1 2021, 1:35am

Post #1 of 4 (29561 views)
Return of the King with live orchestra: Can't Post


Since the Radio City Music Hall performance never happened (iirc) what about this? The Bulgaria date is behind us, but the Denmark or Reykjavik dates seem doable… my preference would be Reykjavik only because it’s almost a year away.

Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2021, 1:22am

Post #2 of 4 (28055 views)
Do you remember the year of the first FotR Radio City Music Hall concert? [In reply to] Can't Post

I was there, I think you couldn't make it, but now I can't come up with the date.

"I shall not wholly fail if anything can still grow fair in days to come."


Oct 31 2021, 1:52am

Post #3 of 4 (28062 views)
Yes I remember that, [In reply to] Can't Post

I had tickets and ended up giving them to a friend of smeagirl’s iirc. I was so disappointed that I couldn’t make it to see you and others, especially rosie-with-the-ribbons as she came all the way from Denmark or Sweden or wherever, a once in a lifetime opportunity, missed. Believe me, I’ve never stopped ruing not being able to make it; and though I’m “over it” I don’t think I’ll ever really be over it, if you get my meaning.

Edit to add: but now that I think about it, this story belongs to the RCMH TTT event. I remember consoling myself with, “well there’s always the ROTK event to look forward to,” but drat, there never was one!

(This post was edited by SirDennisC on Oct 31 2021, 2:03am)

Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2021, 5:30am

Post #4 of 4 (28042 views)
time to pack your bags [In reply to] Can't Post

Has DW been to the Continent? Or Iceland? Or you could take most of the year off and go to all three concerts!
I only made FotR myself, but I'd rather go to Iceland than France.

"I shall not wholly fail if anything can still grow fair in days to come."


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