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Let's Eat!


May 10, 1:09pm

Post #1 of 5 (8305 views)
Let's Eat! Can't Post



May 10, 2:38pm

Post #2 of 5 (7814 views)
Pippin's Pepperoni Pizza Dog--I want to say it and eat it. // [In reply to] Can't Post


Greenwood Hobbit

May 10, 8:48pm

Post #3 of 5 (7235 views)
Whenever I see something like this, [In reply to] Can't Post

clever though it is, I can't help wondering about copyright infringement. Is that still a thing? Once I saw a perfectly ordinary and non-Elven garden centre called Rivendell Garden Centre and thought, that's a bit of a cheek!


May 11, 2:04am

Post #4 of 5 (7189 views)
A related story [In reply to] Can't Post

Short answer, yes.

Related story: my cousin's son was in a public high school play in a small town (repeat, public school, not Broadway Theater), and after set design and much rehearsing, they were ready to put on a famous play by Neil Simon, so contemporary. And once they announced it online somewhere, they got a legal notice within a week insisting they pay a lot of money for copyright, or they had to forfeit the production, so they forfeited. Moral of the story: sometimes rights-holders' agents are watching when you think you're under the radar. (But not all rights-holders are equally vigilant.)

Greenwood Hobbit

May 11, 12:44pm

Post #5 of 5 (6861 views)
That must have been a huge disappointment to them! [In reply to] Can't Post



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