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Possible ideas for Lost Tales discussions


Apr 25, 9:23am

Post #1 of 2 (4221 views)
Possible ideas for Lost Tales discussions Can't Post

Going through The Book of Lost Tales, I noticed several interesting details that could possibly merit worthwhile discussion and shed light on certain things that otherwise remain mysterious. I think many people wouldn't like to have detailed discussions analyzing the worst published version of Túrin, etc. but I think certain topics would have wider interest.

Something like this:
1. The law of conservation of light
2. Fui Nienna and the Gift of Men
3. Balrog wings
4. Are the Valar fallen angels?
5. Tinúviel and multiple-choice history
6. Was Melko framed?
7. Elves, Orcs, and the spell of bottomless dread
8. Magical items such as dragons
9. Legolas and Gimli, Frodo and Eriol, Gollum and Nuin

I might do some of these as independent posts on my own (schedule extremely subject to delays) even if there is no interest.


May 1, 5:48pm

Post #2 of 2 (3693 views)
Future Essays [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm not surprised to not get any interest, really.

I think there are some good topics for discussions nevertheless. "Are the Valar fallen angels?" in particular touches important matters and would go well with the good Valar discussion we had a while ago (now fallen off the first page) though a proper essay with NoME and Morgoth's Ring quotations could easily turn out verbose and esoteric. (It's the old problem of too short -> not convincingly argued vs. too long -> no one reads it.) Also I'm not sure how people would react to the religious content and that the question whether the Valar are fallen angels is even getting asked, because an answer of "yes" would have pretty significant effects on the overall tone of Tolkien's fictional universe. But well, I think the matter is important enough to bring to the light.

There are also the other topics, and I think some of them could be pretty interesting too, though in many cases the amount of people who have read The Book of Lost Tales and want to discuss something relating to it could be a problem. "Balrog wings" would probably be the topic both simplest and shortest to write and the easiest to get some discussion going, unless everyone is already bored of years of talking about Balrog wings. The Book of Lost Tales has a few relevant lines that probably haven't been discussed yet, though.


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