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respectfully asked: why is this board not covered by secure connection / https ?


Jan 8, 4:20am

Post #1 of 7 (9220 views)
respectfully asked: why is this board not covered by secure connection / https ? Can't Post

modar, hallo : )

respectfully asked: why is this board not covered by secure connection / https ?

thanks and cheers --

aka. fili orc-enshield
the scene, as i understand it, is exceptionally well-written. fili (in sort of a callback to the scene with the eagles), calls out "thorRIIIIIIN!!!" just as he sees the pale orc veer in for the kill. he picks up the severed arm of an orc which is lying on the ground, swings it up in desperation, effectively blocking the pale orc's blow. and thus, forever after, fili is known as "fili orc-enshield."

this earns him deep respect from his hard-to-please uncle. as well as a hug. kili wipes his boots on the pale orc's glory box. -- maciliel telpemairo


Jan 8, 5:56am

Post #2 of 7 (9205 views)
Easy! [In reply to] Can't Post

Good question, Maciliel.

The reasons are:

1) TORn has no membership fees or subscriptions and doesn't sell anything, etc., thus requires and accepts no payments. Almost all of the sites you see that have https addresses are ones that need to secure payment information.

2) TORn board user passwords are encrypted, so not even the forum admins can see what they are.

3) You have control over much of the user information you choose to put in your profile that is viewable to the public (public as in registered users and unregistered visitors). Your user name, posts, etc. are viewable, but if you choose not to reveal your email, birthday, etc., no one will have access to that. The admins can see the email you registered with, but no one else can see any email info unless you choose to share it.

Thus, a secured https address isn't really relevant here since we already have good security over user/personal info, and don't need additional security for financial info.

Cheers! Smile

(This post was edited by Altaira on Jan 8, 5:57am)


Jan 8, 6:14am

Post #3 of 7 (9201 views)
thanks, altira! : ) quick follow up question... [In reply to] Can't Post

thanks, altira : )

lovely explanation, thank you. : )

quick folllow up question... as there are indeed costs for operating the site, is there a donation mechanism to help? i cannot remember whether there is or not.

cheers --

aka. fili orc-enshield
the scene, as i understand it, is exceptionally well-written. fili (in sort of a callback to the scene with the eagles), calls out "thorRIIIIIIN!!!" just as he sees the pale orc veer in for the kill. he picks up the severed arm of an orc which is lying on the ground, swings it up in desperation, effectively blocking the pale orc's blow. and thus, forever after, fili is known as "fili orc-enshield."

this earns him deep respect from his hard-to-please uncle. as well as a hug. kili wipes his boots on the pale orc's glory box. -- maciliel telpemairo


Jan 8, 8:15pm

Post #4 of 7 (9174 views)
Passwords [In reply to] Can't Post

Logon passwords are sent in the clear (plain text) over HTTP.

Even on sites with no other risks, such as yours, the password is still at risk on an unencrypted connection. This is a vector into other accounts when people, as they commonly do, use the same password on many sites.

That said, I'm not as concerned on a site like this and because my password here is unique, but not everyone does that. But if you sold stuff, it could go to a secure connection for the purchase, so HTTP is not a real obstacle to that either.


Jan 11, 6:42am

Post #5 of 7 (9128 views)
Donating [In reply to] Can't Post

How nice of you to ask! HeartSmile

There are indeed costs to maintaining the site. None of the staff aren't paid, but we do have to maintain the server, pay for the domain name and related security, and other costs of running a website. There used to be a 'Donate' link but it seems to have disappeared. I let Calisuri know. When there's an update I'll reply here.


Aug 31, 1:06pm

Post #6 of 7 (5269 views)
just checking in again re a possible donate link [In reply to] Can't Post

hi altaira : )

just following up to ask if there has been any clarification on a possible donate link.

thanks and cheers,


aka. fili orc-enshield
the scene, as i understand it, is exceptionally well-written. fili (in sort of a callback to the scene with the eagles), calls out "thorRIIIIIIN!!!" just as he sees the pale orc veer in for the kill. he picks up the severed arm of an orc which is lying on the ground, swings it up in desperation, effectively blocking the pale orc's blow. and thus, forever after, fili is known as "fili orc-enshield."

this earns him deep respect from his hard-to-please uncle. as well as a hug. kili wipes his boots on the pale orc's glory box. -- maciliel telpemairo

Grey Havens

Sep 7, 3:24pm

Post #7 of 7 (3338 views)
I'd happily donate... [In reply to] Can't Post

This site has been a safe-space for me for years, whenever I'm going through tough times I turn to Tolkien and the community here is a core part of how I interact with Tolkien's works.

Sending a donation or buying merch is the least I could offer in return. I'm sure many feel the same.


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