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*pushes the door open* (really must oil those hinges) It's Friday so it's Fiesta!
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May 6, 4:36pm

Post #26 of 35 (156810 views)
it feels like the younger folks are taller, doesn't it? [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm 5'4" down from 5'5", which was the average height for girls of my generation; most of my same-age friends are within an inch or two of me. But my nieces and their girl cousins run from 5'9" to 6'1". I know when I was working in obstetrics that the babies were more likely to be 9 pounds rather than the 7 pounds that was "normal" for our generation, and someone said it's because people eat a lot more protein now.

Discussions after the race concluded that the coach is not managing his first-string boat crew well. The captain is not a nice guy who yells at his crewmates and makes fun of them. There was a rather famous former rower there, Casper Bentinck (rowed on the Great Britain national team) who said they weren't pulling together at all. Fortunately the captain is graduating this year and my great-nephew will be captain next year; he gets along with everyone, he's very supportive of his teammates, and he knows exactly what the problem has been. Too bad the coach doesn't. I suggested that they tell him to watch "Ted Lasso."

I am a dreamer of words, of written words.
-- Gaston Bachelard

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967

(This post was edited by Annael on May 6, 4:42pm)


May 6, 10:23pm

Post #27 of 35 (156245 views)
They are! [In reply to] Can't Post

A bit of a hiccup a few weeks ago but they're on a good run again. They beat the Braves, and we got to see the talk-of-the-town, Shohei Ohtani, hit 2 big home runs. Was a fun time! Funny you mention the sunscreen - I got a slight sunburn in a couple of small areas on my arm, but I did two separate rounds of lathering up so I'm wondering if I just didn't re-apply it fast enough.

The resume looks quite different now! Apparently it's all about having keywords in the proper format/place so the software that filters out resumes can catch the keywords and let my profile get to a real person. Quite silly - so many companies complain they can't find applicants, yet they may not realize how many hard workers can't even get an interview for this reason.

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


May 6, 10:24pm

Post #28 of 35 (156240 views)
Interesting! [In reply to] Can't Post

I'll bookmark the Lothlorien wine and keep an eye out for it, thank you. Smile

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


May 6, 10:29pm

Post #29 of 35 (156237 views)
BTLA [In reply to] Can't Post

You're making me hungry! When I worked in walking distance from a Whole Foods, I often got their vegan BTLA (they called it a TTLA since the bacon is replaced with tempeh). They still offer it, and the more surprising thing is that the fresh sandwiches at Whole Foods aren't as expensive as you'd think. They just recently raised the prices to around $9, when I was there a few months ago.

That's such a bummer for the team though! I hope they're able to still celebrate how well they did, even if it had such a heartbreaking conclusion.

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


May 8, 12:47pm

Post #30 of 35 (152807 views)
Lots of catmint out there! [In reply to] Can't Post

And dandelions, fallen twigs, AND wild white daisies getting real close to waking up :D The biggest kicker is that I haven't mowed the lawn yet. Poor Pickle's fenced-off yard is up to his chinny-chin-chin. In some spots, the only way I can tell where he's at is by the grass moving. Like watching for whales to break water surface! *THAR HE GOES!* My daughter is allergic to fresh-mown grass and all the pollen floating around out there... so we wait :)

I hope you have a very restful weekend full of goodly weather :)


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May 8, 2:14pm

Post #31 of 35 (151866 views)
Oooo! Good Luck! [In reply to] Can't Post

I hope you have a fast and satisfying sale FAST! I think your call on people looking for something at a more reasonable price like yours will draw more interest. It will be such a relief to finally have this chapter closed after all your work :)


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May 8, 2:42pm

Post #32 of 35 (151585 views)
That was last weekend? [In reply to] Can't Post

Oh geez... how do you possibly get your head around missing it by ONE SECOND! That's, like, the length of a sneeze! I'll bet they'll soon be more determined than ever to get into training and will win the next one! How great it was for you to be there to support them. Much better than getting a phone call and explaining what happened. *sigh*


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May 8, 3:50pm

Post #33 of 35 (150953 views)
LOL! [In reply to] Can't Post

Oh gosh, now I have this image of the grass in waves as the little pup "swims" through them! I hope he never has problems finding his way back to the house! Laugh

Restful! I had a yard of screened soil delivered yesterday, and spent my after-work hours getting over half of it spread around the plants and bushes, then tarp'd the rest, as we had some good pouring rain today. I'm a bit achy now, but feeling happy to have gotten that done! Smile


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


May 9, 12:55pm

Post #34 of 35 (142919 views)
Wow! :D [In reply to] Can't Post

That is some major hustling! WELL DONE!!! :D

I love days like that! Dirty hands, a bit achy, and being able to step back and see some great progress!! AND all after a full day at work AND before the rain! *high five* Sweeeeeeet! Cool


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May 9, 5:06pm

Post #35 of 35 (140417 views)
some of the crews from the club are going to Nationals [In reply to] Can't Post

including the girls' first 8, so the club does have things to celebrate. Their rowing club is quite small, and they go up against some huge clubs that have many, many rowers to pull teams from, so any win is big.

I am a dreamer of words, of written words.
-- Gaston Bachelard

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967

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