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Official Introduction & Welcome Thread
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Petty Dwarf

Nov 10 2017, 2:07am

Post #651 of 669 (77982 views)
Thanks! I have! [In reply to] Can't Post

I'm enjoying the site very much, but I have to ask...

In my profile page, it gives me an option to choose between "less filling" and "tastes great", and again between "elves and dragons" or "cabbages and potatoes". What do these choices mean in the context of this site?

"No words were laid on stream or stone
When Durin woke and walked alone."

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 10 2017, 3:23am

Post #652 of 669 (78076 views)
Questions that need answering... [In reply to] Can't Post

The questions aren't important, they're just for fun

"Tastes great" and "less filling" are references to the ubiquitous ad campaign that Miller Lite Beer ran in the 80s. Pretty much every American who remembers that era remembers the ads full of people yelling those two slogans at each other. So that one is just the PTB of the site having a silly little joke (and showing their age, now, since so many younger people don't even recognize it).

The other question actually comes from The Lord of the Rings book, when the Gaffer is telling Sam not to get too enthralled with Bilbo's tales. "Elves and dragons! Cabbages and potatoes are better for me and you. Don't go getting mixed up in the business of your betters or you'll land in trouble too big for you." In that case, the choice is between the stay-at-home cosy life, or one of adventure.



Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.

Petty Dwarf

Nov 10 2017, 3:47am

Post #653 of 669 (77831 views)
Elves an dragons for me [In reply to] Can't Post

I left the other one alone for now. Maybe next year. :p

"No words were laid on stream or stone
When Durin woke and walked alone."

Mari D.

Aug 18 2018, 4:12am

Post #654 of 669 (71238 views)
Ah, there's an official thread for introductions ... :-) [In reply to] Can't Post

Hello everyone Smile

So, what to tell?

I first read Lord of the Rings when I was about 10 years old, and liked it. Then, nothing much happened until I got really into Fantasy novels as a teenager. I became a Tolkien nerd for a few years ... I was reading everything I could get my hands on, Silmarillion, letters, biography, poems ... I got as far as beginning to read the first HOME books, which I had to order, as our city library didn't have them (why not?? I thought they really should have them) ... Also, I was active on a German message board called "Elronds Haus" that existed at the time. I even wrote some fanfiction Wink

At the time I was reading the 2nd or 3rd HOME book, I became a Christian, and with the same passion got into all things Christian and biblical. [I'm not trying to convert anyone here, just to tell my story as it is. I hope that's okay.] I was then for some years quite content being primarily passionate about God. Learning more was easy and rewarding. Until at some point, having found answers to my easy questions, the ones remaining were only the complicated ones. Finding answers became work ... or maybe I've just grown older and less energetic about research. Whatever the reason, it's nice now to sometimes focus on a hobby that is less complicated, but that I can very much identify with, like novels my favourite author wrote ... and it's also interesting to observe how the Tolkien fandom is developing.

As the Hobbit movies were being produced I began reading the news at TORn regularly, occasionally skimming through the forums as well. After the last movie came out I thought the stream of news would dry up, but lo and behold! There comes a TV series! And now I wanted to participate in discussions, and finally created an account of my own.

I'm not a Tolkien nerd as I once was, so I'll try not to be overly know-it-all, because right now, I really do not know it all anymore like I used to. I still appreciate Tolkien and his works though. My other interests at the moment are psychology, environmental protection, new technology, Bible topics and sometimes other things like writing.

I look forward to exchanging thoughts with you! (As I have quite a high opinion of the members of these forums already Blush)

Thanks for having me! :)

(This post was edited by Mari D. on Aug 18 2018, 4:15am)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Aug 18 2018, 2:04pm

Post #655 of 669 (71058 views)
Greetings, Mari! [In reply to] Can't Post

And welcome to TORn! (Although you've actually been hanging around here for while, glad you de-lurked. Cool)

Yes, just when we were wondering if things were winding down, all of a sudden something new pops up - and there will be more questions, and answers, and questions again! Laugh


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Aug 20 2018, 8:46pm

Post #656 of 669 (70994 views)
Welcome, Mari! // [In reply to] Can't Post



Nov 5 2018, 9:45pm

Post #657 of 669 (69166 views)
Happy to be here! [In reply to] Can't Post

Greetings everyone. I'm a 58 year old husband, father and grandfather from Pennsylvania. Besides LOTR I am also interested in God, astronomy, nature, writing and sports. When I was in high school all my friends were crazy about The Hobbit but I never got into it...too many other things to do. Many years later when the first movie came out I didn't see it. Then came the second and then the third....still nothing. Then, for whatever reason...I can't even remember why but I got the urge to go see An Unexpected Journey in the theater and I was hooked for life. I have all six movies and have seen them all probably a dozen times. I am ashamed to say that I have never read any of the books.....too many things to do....but I will when I retire. I'll probably never will be a superfan like a lot of folks here but I am certain that I will be a lifetime fan. I look forward to making new friends here and am excited to pick your brilliant minds with my questions. This is an awesome place. You folks should be proud of it.

Aragorn the Elfstone
Tol Eressea

Nov 6 2018, 3:18am

Post #658 of 669 (69107 views)
Welcome! [In reply to] Can't Post


Allow me to say hello, and welcome to our humble abode! I'm quite interested to hear that you came to be a fan through first seeing An Unexpected Journey. It seems like most on here have come to Tolkien through a love of the books, or from seeing The Lord of the Rings first. It's wonderful to meet someone who has come along on a different (and more recent) path. Smile

I wouldn't be doing my duty as a Tolkien nut if I didn't say that you should read the books as soon as possible...Wink. But I'm sure you'll come to them in your own time.

You'll find TORn to be a very welcoming place, filled with some of the most absolutely wonderful people. I've found it to be one of the very few spots on the internet that has remained an warm and inviting place over the years (I've been hanging around since 2002 myself).

So, once again, welcome, and I hope you have a wonderful time here. Smile

"The danger with any movie that does as well as this one does is that the amount of money it's making and the number of awards that it's got becomes almost more important than the movie itself in people's minds. I look at that as, in a sense, being very much like the Ring, and its effect on people. You know, you can kind of forget what we were doing, if you get too wrapped up in that." - Viggo Mortensen

(This post was edited by Aragorn the Elfstone on Nov 6 2018, 3:19am)

Mari D.

Nov 6 2018, 11:18pm

Post #659 of 669 (68674 views)
Hello and welcome :) [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks for the to me very interesting introduction, nice to have you here, and I hope you will enjoy virtually hanging out with everyone :)

(This post was edited by Mari D. on Nov 6 2018, 11:31pm)


Nov 8 2018, 1:14am

Post #660 of 669 (68572 views)
Welcome, Cygnus [In reply to] Can't Post

Cygnus the Swan is one of my favorite constellations--so easy to pick out! I suppose Tolkien would call you "Alqua" or "Alph", given his words for swans, but if you start with Latin, I'm sure you want to stick with it.

Glad to hear the movies made a fan of you. I'm a book-firster myself, but I've been re-watching the LOTR movies lately as the holidays approach and I remember my excitement to see them when they were released. I hope you enjoy our hobbity community here.


Nov 10 2018, 12:36am

Post #661 of 669 (68506 views)
Thanks [In reply to] Can't Post

I appreciate the welcome. This is an exciting place and friendly too. I feel like I'm in the Shire!


Nov 10 2018, 12:46am

Post #662 of 669 (68586 views)
Astronomy [In reply to] Can't Post

Thanks for the response. It was great to see that you knew what Cygnus is. It is my favorite constellation. I have been an amateur astronomer for 22 years and volunteer at an observatory and planetarium at a local university. In fact, I just had a story published in Sky&Telescope magazine. Any other astronomers here?


Nov 10 2018, 1:34am

Post #663 of 669 (68670 views)
More astronomy [In reply to] Can't Post

I was an astronomy major in college in the 1980s, but when I realized what I really wanted to do--search for planets, like astronomers are doing now--wasn't possible, I switched to poli sci. But I think, like the Elves, if you've ever been in love with the night sky, it never leaves you.

I think it's cool that some major discoveries have been made by so-called amateur astronomers.

Registered User

May 5 2023, 3:23pm

Post #664 of 669 (28019 views)
Hello [In reply to] Can't Post

Huge LOTR fan here, I used to collect the Warhammer models way back and even won some local tournaments with my army of Wildmen of Dunland on the evil side and Gondorian Rangers on the good side. Simpler times! I was lucky enough to be 13 when TFOTR came out in the cinema, so the perfect age for full on nerd obsession for many years.

My proudest LOTR/Hobbit posessions are a Vinyl of Nicol Williamson reading The Hobbit (abridged), which first brought me to Middle Earth aged 4 or so.

Anywhere here to talk about LOTR LEGO?

Forum Admin / Moderator

May 5 2023, 4:46pm

Post #665 of 669 (27841 views)
Hi, OldFatty! [In reply to] Can't Post

And welcome! I recommend popping into today's Fiesta and saying "hi" there, it's our weekly chat thread!

And look for Otaku-Sempai, he's an excellent source for all things gaming, and maybe LEGO as well. We also have a Gaming & Collecting board.

Nicol Williamson reading The Hobbit? On vinyl? Nice! If you post about that in the What have you been reading thread, I think you'll start a discussion of how others have listened to the books! Cool


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


May 5 2023, 5:59pm

Post #666 of 669 (28026 views)
Welcome to TORn! [In reply to] Can't Post

Great to have you here and hope to see you around. Smile

I'm not much into LEGO, but I'm sure you'll find some folks who are!

Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!


Fri, 8:46pm

Post #667 of 669 (427 views)
Back again... Where are my spoons?! [In reply to] Can't Post

Hail and wellmet, TORNsibs. I used to be active here, but drifted away. Watching RoP, I wanted to discuss the new episodes and remembered this place. So, I'm back.

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep. -Psalm 107


Fri, 9:32pm

Post #668 of 669 (424 views)
Greetings and Felicitations. [In reply to] Can't Post

It's nice to see you again (so to speak)!

“Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved.” - Tony Isabella


Sun, 3:19am

Post #669 of 669 (312 views)
Welcome back! // [In reply to] Can't Post


Join us every weekend in the Hobbit movie forum for this week's CHOW (Chapter of the Week) discussion!

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