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The One Ring Forums: Off Topic: TORn Moots and Other Events:
Mini moot at Marquette in Milwaukee

Finding Frodo
Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2022, 2:00am

Post #1 of 6 (15712 views)
Mini moot at Marquette in Milwaukee Can't Post

Entmaiden and I met for brunch, then visited the exhibit “J.R.R. Tolkien: The Art of the Manuscript “ at Marquette University’s Haggerty Museum of Art. We enjoyed the video introduction by Simon Tolkien, influences on Tolkien’s work, his original writing and illustrations and maps in drafts and final form, and the new microfiche index system called Anduin. It was also very moving to see where the professor’s own tears smudged the ink on the page at the Field of Cormallen. Afterward, we noticed the museum had an interview station set up for recording oral histories of Tolkien fandom, so we both put in our three minutes’ worth with the help of a lovely PhD candidate who was glad to have more women participate. You can sign up for a Zoom interview if you’d like to participate— see info on photo. Entmaiden also has the email address of the facilitator, who is researching fan fiction and fan art and was interested in our community here at TORn.

Where's Frodo?

Finding Frodo
Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2022, 2:12am

Post #2 of 6 (15698 views)
Interview info [In reply to] Can't Post


Where's Frodo?
Attachments: 3CF9FE2C-CA61-4CB3-87FD-B2BFE0C6FE1B.jpeg (37.5 KB)

Finding Frodo
Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2022, 2:14am

Post #3 of 6 (15699 views)
Moot pic [In reply to] Can't Post


Where's Frodo?
Attachments: B50EBF16-32E1-4B4D-B777-894AE92EC6B3.jpeg (45.6 KB)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Nov 3 2022, 12:56am

Post #4 of 6 (15622 views)
I had so much fun! [In reply to] Can't Post

Finding Frodo and I met for breakfast/brunch first, then walked through parts of the Marquette campus. The exhibit was excellent.

Two things that stood out for me. I had never seen the drafts of the letter that King Elessar sent to Sam when he came to visit the Shire. There were at least three drafts of the letter written to Sam as Mayor, asking to meet at the borders of the Shire. The King also asked that Frodo, Merry and Pippin attend, and Sam’s family.

The other stand out item for me was what I called JRRT’s spreadsheet. He made a huge chart that was at least 8-9 feet long charting the movement of the members of the Fellowship. Just building it was quite a task! My accountant heart just loved it.

I also enjoyed seeing the development of the Book of Mazarbul.

Regarding the interviews. Our new friend, the PhD student, is doing her dissertation on fandom and the relative status of fan fiction vs other activities like fan art or cosplay. It’s going to be fascinating. Her name is Kate Rose.

If you are interested in doing the interview, use the QR code in Finding Frodo’s picture. Kate is also looking for people to interview for her dissertation, so if you’re interested, you can contact her at k.rose at Marquette.edu.

We told Kate that we would be posting her contact info on our website. I would encourage everyone to contact her - she’s just wonderful. We told her about TORn, and how we’ve known each other for 20 years(!).

I loved seeing Finding Frodo again, and to visit the Hagerty Museum. On of my favorite weekends ever was at Marquette with many TORn friends at a Tolkien conference.

Tol Eressea

Nov 18 2022, 4:22am

Post #5 of 6 (15064 views)
Haggerty Museum JRRT exhibit [In reply to] Can't Post

Although I live too far south (Texas/Harad) to visit Marquette in person, I've been following online through live videos of talks by Carl Hostetter, Holly Ordway, and John Garth. Holly's was especially interesting, and all were worthwhile.
Thanks for the links and photos.

"I shall not wholly fail if anything can still grow fair in days to come."

Forum Admin / Moderator

Dec 10 2022, 2:02pm

Post #6 of 6 (14276 views)
I love that the talks were [In reply to] Can't Post

available online. It allows more people to participate and enjoy the exhibit.


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