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Dear Admns: editing help needed!

Ethel Duath

Mar 21 2023, 5:39pm

Post #1 of 3 (11033 views)
Dear Admns: editing help needed! Can't Post

I had a student show up early, so had to post and leave. And I was wondering if one of you Kind and Glorious Admins might take a look, here?

The spacing isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but there are some typos. I used a dictation program, and it likes to randomly capitilize things for some reason.
Could you lowercase "iron" here, 3rd par.?To me, this is another indication that the coldness, distance, and Iron self-control

And in the 8th par., elimintate the "the" before "Imrahil"? I was going tot write "the prince" and changed my mind.And here it is as seen by the Imrahil: cold, cold, cold, yet again.

And then this voice-typing disaster. Can you make it read "this is" instead of "this isn't? And get rid of that extraneous letter "b" after the colon?Nearer the end, just above the quote beginning "Then, whether Aragorn had indeed some forgotten power of Westernesse, . . ."
Another aside; this isn't one of the most Beautiful passages in the books to my mind:b
And then the last paragraph--I'm not sure how one commandeers "at" a horse, so could you make it read
"Commandeering a horse" instead? From here:
Q. 8 At this point, if you had not read any further, how would you rate Eowyn’s chances of ever really recovering? And without having read ahead, what you would you predict she would be doing between now and the end of the book? Commandeering at a horse and dashing off to war?
Thanks so very, very Buch!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Mar 21 2023, 6:21pm

Post #2 of 3 (11021 views)
Done! / [In reply to] Can't Post


Storm clouds

Ethel Duath

Mar 21 2023, 7:15pm

Post #3 of 3 (11016 views)
Thank you!// [In reply to] Can't Post



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