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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: TV Discussion: The Rings of Power:
This is all starting to make sense: Rings of Power: Simon Tolkien's Dark Ambitions
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Mar 6, 3:56pm

Post #26 of 30 (1579 views)
I see that [In reply to] Can't Post

I don't totally disagree.

I think that blaming the ever present and popular ists, phobes and isms of the day on why shows are bad (rather than blaming the writers, or producers, or the ideas themselves) is certainly a plague of the times. It happens, for sure.

However, I think it's only fair to admit that there really ARE racists, homophones, islamophobes, ageists, sexists, and all around trolls among all the major fandoms in the world. It's quite a phenomenon. Fandom has grown more and more toxic as its grown more and more online. That's just part of the modern malaise. We're all wrestling with the loneliness and outrage addiction that the internet enflames.

There are a lot of embarrassing and borderline evil fans out there - terrorizing cast members and hurling endless abuse online for any amount of reasons.

Is it possible that this is the perfect storm? ROP is a mediocre show with glimpses of greatness, hugely budgeted and marketed and the studio shines spotlights on the toxic elements of the fandom to try to control the narrative? I can buy that.

But I think there are two schools of thought that reflect shallow thinking:
1) Pretending that ROP was a perfect show and the negative criticism comes only from toxic fans and abusive trolls online.

2) Pretending that ROP was a pile of trash and the people who claim to love it are either just the gullible sheep of the world who gobble up any old drivel, or the greedy/DEI obsessed corporations spinning a narrative and hiding behind fanhate.

I think both mindsets are tribal and superficial. The reality is somewhat more complex. My point all along is that the online-ness of everything, and the everpresent culture war has made these two positions seem like the only two. It's tiring. (I'm tiring people right now with this super redundant post, I'm sure.)

"So which story do you prefer?"
"The one with the tiger. That's the better story."
"Thank you. And so it goes with God."

(This post was edited by Junesong on Mar 6, 3:57pm)


Mar 6, 6:16pm

Post #27 of 30 (1570 views)
Grasping The Curve [In reply to] Can't Post

Gotta love your firm, realistic grasp of things. Anyone who understands a Bell Curve should also understand your points of extreme samples.

In Reply To
...it's only fair to admit that there really ARE racists, homophones, islamophobes, ageists, sexists, and all around trolls among all the major fandoms in the world.

Certainly, and this can be used to conflate real, valid criticism from the middle of the Bell Curve to project the extremes onto reasonable people as the aforementioned shield. Of course, the extremists (another ist word) say the same thing in defense of themselves, so you have to consider the source.


Mar 7, 9:41am

Post #28 of 30 (1540 views)
overall take on ROP [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
...ROP was not a GREAT show. It was a mixed bag. Beautiful and at times breathtaking - funny, sad, exciting, scary - all while being wildly cringey and headscratchingly dumb (Mithril, jumping ship to Valinor, Halbrand's whole king of the southlands backstory)

My position has always been that the show is a mixed bag that has more than a little crap in it.

exactly right.


Mar 8, 10:19am

Post #29 of 30 (1486 views)
Thanks for this [In reply to] Can't Post

Really cuts through the propaganda that's out there.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
Benjamin Franklin
The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.
Horace Walpole (1717 - 1797)


Mar 8, 10:27am

Post #30 of 30 (1483 views)
The Showrunners are inexperienced [In reply to] Can't Post

In directing, but they aren't Directors. They are Tolkien lovers and experts (and were once upon a time participants in this very message board). It's clear that they did their research, read the books, letters, history of Middle Earth and even more obscrure stuff that most of us haven't read. They then shaped their own story from all of that influence. Their take on what is very much an Unfinished Tale differs from others, but give me a hundred Tolkien fans and they'd fill the gaps in a hundred different ways. Some of the writing was poor, some of the direction poor. But they've retained the directors who made the best episodes of the first season. WIth better access to actors, no recasting to screw up the Celebrimbor plot, I'm sure things will come around.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
Benjamin Franklin
The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.
Horace Walpole (1717 - 1797)

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