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How much are you enjoying (or not) The Rings of Power?
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Poll: How much are you enjoying (or not) The Rings of Power?
Way better than I expected
Better than I expected
It's meeting my expectations (good or bad)
Worse than I expected
So, so much worse than I expected
View Results (47 votes)

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 14 2022, 9:36am

Post #1 of 26 (16254 views)
How much are you enjoying (or not) The Rings of Power? Can't Post

We're three episodes in and have a good feel for the show by now. Compared to what you were expecting before the premiere screened, how much are you enjoying it?

(This post was edited by Ataahua on Sep 14 2022, 9:38am)

Tol Eressea

Sep 14 2022, 6:54pm

Post #2 of 26 (16152 views)
Meeting my expectations... [In reply to] Can't Post

...both good and bad. Wink

Because this is a Tolkien adaptation, I followed the rumors and trailers and such far more closely than I normally would, so I had a pretty good idea of what to expect. So far, I think the show is very well made, I have reservations about a number of changes from the source material, but I'm enjoying the ride and getting to talk about it online. It's nice to see online Tolkien discussion getting a boost after those lean years in the second half of the 2010s. If nothing else, I'll be grateful to ROP for that, but I remain open to the possibility of the show winning me over in the long run. Given the pacing so far, I expect I'll take a while to come to a firm opinion.

The Grey Elf
Grey Havens

Sep 17 2022, 11:19pm

Post #3 of 26 (16017 views)
After 4 Eps, still a mixed bag [In reply to] Can't Post

Some aspects I really enjoy, others just aren’t working for me. But enough good is there for me to continue watching. I do believe the show has yet to really find its feet.


Sep 23 2022, 3:57pm

Post #4 of 26 (15799 views)
Not Enjoying [In reply to] Can't Post

I wasn't planning on watching, but ended up seeing an episode (#5) anyway and had paid attention to online discussion and reviews, which allowed me to know what was going on. This show is disastrous. The only reason I'm not voting "much worse" is that my expectations were pretty much on the floor to start with.

My biggest issue is that the screenwriting is inhumanly bad. As in, I have some experience with AI-generated material, and RoP has exactly that feel, like there wasn't a human brain involved in coming up with all that stuff and everything is just random associations in the shape of a script.

Verdict: Watch Khraniteli instead. It beats RoP in everything except the sets and the CGI.

Aunt Dora Baggins

Sep 24 2022, 2:29pm

Post #5 of 26 (15762 views)
I'm enjoying it a lot. [In reply to] Can't Post

When the ice troll appeared at the beginning I thought "Oh, here we go again," fearing a repeat of PJ's 20 minute cave troll fight. I was pleasantly surprised when it was over so quickly.

It has aspects I loved from the movies like amazing visuals, pretty people, fun easter eggs, and it doesn't have some of the things I hated from the movies like lugubrious elves and interminable action scenes.

I love love love Galadriel. Is she petulant and insuffable? Yes, just like she is in UT. Tolkien retconned her to be something like Mother Mary in LotR, but I like his original fiery version. I'm hoping Celeborn will show up and be more interesting than he was in LotR.

I haven't cracked open the Tolkien books in a while, but this is sending me scurrying back to the appendices and the Sil and UT. Sure they're playing ducks and drakes with the timeline, but that makes it all the more fun to try to puzzle out all the little mysteries. Who is Adan, and the Stranger, and Halbrand? Have we seen Sauron yet? Right now my money's on the creepy mystic. I know the actor's a woman, but Sauron can take any form, so it's believable.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 24 2022, 6:58pm

Post #6 of 26 (15750 views)
To be fair, that wouldn't be hard. [In reply to] Can't Post

In Reply To
I'm hoping Celeborn will show up and be more interesting than he was in LotR.


I know he was instructed to act as if speaking and being in the moment was difficult for a creature as long-lived and deep-thinking as he, but Marton Czokas just didn't nail it. Whenever I think of that scene in Lothlorien, I'm reminded of a quip from a board member: "Where is my personality? For I much desire to have it."


Sep 25 2022, 1:21am

Post #7 of 26 (15724 views)
That's funny [In reply to] Can't Post

The delivery of that line was pretty terrible.
I find the character better in the EE, where he has more lines.

Aunt Dora Baggins

Sep 25 2022, 1:46am

Post #8 of 26 (15729 views)
Even in the book [In reply to] Can't Post

I never found Celeborn to interesting enough to believe thay he would attract Galadriel. I'm hoping to see an on screen character that I could plug into my mental image, like I did with movie Boromir.

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 25 2022, 2:03am

Post #9 of 26 (15730 views)
Yeah, EE Celeborn and TE Celeborn have two different energies. [In reply to] Can't Post

Maybe he was still half-asleep when the Fellowship rolled up to the flet?

(I admit that my strongest memory of the EE scene is how hairy Celeborn's arms were...) Angelic


Sep 25 2022, 6:10am

Post #10 of 26 (15717 views)
Lol! [In reply to] Can't Post

Every time I see him I remember that he proposed to my flatmate. Laugh

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 25 2022, 6:16am

Post #11 of 26 (15710 views)
OMG! What a claim to fame!! [In reply to] Can't Post

I have a story about Karl Urban and what he got up to in Auckland after his Shortland Street years. Cool


Sep 25 2022, 8:03am

Post #12 of 26 (15703 views)
That sounds much more fun [In reply to] Can't Post

than my 'I nearly got run over by rude and arrogant Hobbit star' story!


Sep 26 2022, 4:59am

Post #13 of 26 (15641 views)
All right ladies [In reply to] Can't Post

spill the beans!

Forum Admin / Moderator

Sep 26 2022, 8:46am

Post #14 of 26 (15632 views)
Beans? What beans? [In reply to] Can't Post

*slams pantry door shut*

There are no beans to see here...



Oct 13 2022, 9:32am

Post #15 of 26 (15136 views)
Hard to answer [In reply to] Can't Post

I voted "Meeting my expectations", however, in a lot of ways it is better than I expected because my expectations were not very high and only got better around ComicCon.

I think they need tighter scripts with better pacing as the #1 issue. I do not think the so-called plotholes are half as bad and many can be explained but the fact that they arise in the first place have a lot to do with the way the show is edited and paced in general.

I am positively impressed with the CGI and set design. I was not sure all that money would result in a good look. I thought it would be polished but "clean". It looks very "real" and down-to-earth.

I also like the way they shape many characters and am positively surprised by how they handled their original characters. Some of them are my favourites so far (Disa and Arondir, for example, also Bronwayn grew on me).

I dislike the mystery box stuff and hope they move away from that. The big mystery of a lot of this is not what or who will happen/do something/be someone but how we get there. I said it elsewhere, a bit like Titanic. We know the ship sinks... but how we get there is the engaging stuff.

Overall until the finale it is a 7.5/10 from me. The finale might have a huge impact on the score.

Celandine Brandybuck
The Shire

Oct 26 2022, 12:35am

Post #16 of 26 (14628 views)
A little more hastiness needed [In reply to] Can't Post

I know he was instructed to act as if speaking and being in the moment was difficult for a creature as long-lived and deep-thinking as he, but Marton Czokas just didn't nail it.

Hear, hear. A number of the elves in TRoP are doing that speak-so-slowly thing *coughGil-galadcough* which, I understand the reasoning, but it just does not work very well for me as a viewer. Galadriel is significantly older than Gil-galad, and she doesn't speak as slowly (most of the time). Perhaps that's intended to indicate her relative impetuousness, but it also makes it much easier to listen to her.

(This post was edited by Celandine Brandybuck on Oct 26 2022, 12:37am)


Oct 26 2022, 1:23am

Post #17 of 26 (14618 views)
Expected Vs Hoped [In reply to] Can't Post

If I selected one, my answer to "hoped" might be much different than "expected." One can expect poor and have that expectation met, while hope is much different.

(This post was edited by DGHCaretaker on Oct 26 2022, 1:23am)


Oct 28 2022, 2:45am

Post #18 of 26 (14551 views)
How freaking great is it to see you here!!? [In reply to] Can't Post

!!!!********* T H A T G R E A T *********!!!!

Many hugs and hopes that you've been happy and thriving and that live has been exceptionally good to you!!


N.E. Brigand

Oct 28 2022, 4:31am

Post #19 of 26 (14546 views)
Very nice to see you here again! [In reply to] Can't Post

I hope you're doing well, Cel.

Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2022, 1:46am

Post #20 of 26 (14480 views)
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa [In reply to] Can't Post


eh, more Dwarvish than Elvish there dude...

Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2022, 1:53am

Post #21 of 26 (14471 views)
thoroughly enjoying it... [In reply to] Can't Post

I began with the books in 1978 (because when I rolled up a character and waved it at the DM, he said "play an elf." To which I replied, "Like Herbie, in Rudolph???"

"Read LOTR" he said. I have, many times since.

I'm saying RoP is about as good as I hoped. And I hoped for pretty darn good.

I love the PJ films, an it is an iconic and impressive feat. I like some RoP bits better. I feel PJ's elves were a bit too ethereal and supermodelly at times (except Legolas, fine) and I like the more down to earth Elves in RoP. Arondir is the most elvish elf that ever elfed. Nuff said.

Two observations: RoP was cut from 10 to 8 eps I hear??? yeah, don't do that again guys, I felt the missing scenes...

I can mention many series (cough*NextGen and Disco*cough) that were meh in their first years and hit the ground running in year two.

Finding Frodo
Tol Eressea

Oct 31 2022, 2:22am

Post #22 of 26 (14470 views)
Enjoyed it, and looking forward to next season! [In reply to] Can't Post

I didn’t love everything, but I do appreciate it, and some moments were really magical!

Ethel Duath

Oct 31 2022, 4:46pm

Post #23 of 26 (14442 views)
Ahhh!! Did [In reply to] Can't Post

the other party say yes? Did they, did they, Precious? We mussssst know . . .


Nov 2 2022, 5:47am

Post #24 of 26 (14387 views)
Good Lord no [In reply to] Can't Post

She barely knew him.
He was pretty keen on her though!

Ethel Duath

Nov 2 2022, 4:26pm

Post #25 of 26 (14360 views)
Barely knew him?!?! [In reply to] Can't Post

A little more "hasty" than his screen appearances would suggest! Laugh

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