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TIME - May 20
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Jun 11, 2:08pm

Post #26 of 31 (1530 views)
It's time for yet more BS! [In reply to] Can't Post

Here's the fourth of 5 Book Spoilers, this one looking at Pippin's growing understanding of Gandalf's devotion and unique bond with Shadowfax during their stay in Minas Tirith... for a moment of Tolkien-zen.

Minas Tirith: Book V: Return of the King

..."[Pippin] noticed a man, clad in black and white, coming along... ...The man came straight up to him.
...'You are Peregrin the Halfling?' he said. 'I am told that you have been sworn to the service of the Lord and of the City. Welcome!' He held out his hand and Pippin took it.
...'I am named Beregond son of Baranor. I have no duty this morning, and I have been sent to you to teach you the pass-words, and to tell you some of the many things that no doubt you will wish to know. And for my part, I would learn of you also... ...you are a friend of Mithrandir. Do you know him well?'
...'Well,' said Pippin, 'I have known of him all my short life... ...and lately I have travelled far with him. But there is much to read in that book, and I cannot claim to have seen more than a page or two. Yet perhaps I know him as well as any but a few....'

...'...Come!' [said Beregond] 'We will walk a little and then go find us some refreshment, and eat and drink on the battlement, and survey the fair morning.'
...'One moment!' said Pippin blushing. 'Greed, or hunger by your courtesy, put it out of my mind... ...Gandalf, Mithrandir as you call him, asked me to see to his horse—Shadowfax, a great steed of Rohan, and the apple of the king's eye... ...though he has given him to Mithrandir for his services. I think his new master loves the beast better than he loves many men, and if his good will is of any value to this city, you will treat Shadowfax with all honour: with greater kindness than you have treated this hobbit, if it is possible....'
... '...You shall make me acquainted with his good horse. I love beasts, and we see them seldom in this stony city; for my people came from the mountain-vales, and before that from Ithilien...'
......Pippin found that Shadowfax had been well housed and tended. For in the sixth circle, outside the walls of the citadel, there were some fair stables where a few swift horses were kept, hard by the lodgings of the errand-riders of the Lord...
......Shadowfax whinnied as Pippin entered the stable and turned his head. 'Good morning!' said Pippin. 'Gandalf will come as soon as he may. He is busy, but he sends greetings, and I am to see that all is well with you; and you're resting, I hope, after your long labours.'
...Shadowfax tossed his head and stamped. But he allowed Beregond to handle his head gently and stroke his great flanks.
...'He looks as if he were spoiling for a race, and not newly come from a great journey,' said Beregond. 'How strong and proud he is! Where is his harness? It should be rich and fair.'
...'None is rich and fair enough for him... ...He will have none. If he will consent to bear you, bear you he does; and if not, well, no bit, bridle, whip, or thong will tame him. Farewell, Shadowfax! Have patience. Battle is coming.'
...Shadowfax lifted up his head and neighed, so that the stable shook, and they covered their ears. Then they took their leave, seeing that the manger was well filled."


We have been there and back again.

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Jun 11, 3:40pm

Post #27 of 31 (1524 views)
I had never realized this, before now! [In reply to] Can't Post

"...for my people came from the mountain-vales, and before that from Ithilien..."

Ithilien? He's descended from Ithilien residents?

And after all is said and done, Beregond will return to that fair land, as the head of Faramir's guard!


"I desired dragons with a profound desire"


Jun 12, 1:43pm

Post #28 of 31 (1500 views)
Me Too! [In reply to] Can't Post

It's like it just slipped in there! But I gasped and was instantly so happy for him that he was "condemned" to leave Minas Tirith to join Faramir in Ithilien!! How many times and how many years have I read this!?! Our dear Professor gives us so many wonderful moments of discovery like this. For me, Ithilien has become a sort of Middle-earth Blessed Realm, like Lothlorien and Rivendell. Like it sat in limbo waiting for this healing to come... the same time the White Tree is restored :)


We have been there and back again.

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Jun 12, 1:50pm

Post #29 of 31 (1500 views)
It's time for one more BS! [In reply to] Can't Post

Here's the last of a set of Book Spoilers that looks at Pippin's growing relationship with Gandalf during their stay in Minas Tirith... for a moment of Tolkien-zen.

The Siege of Gondor: Return of the King

..."Pippin was roused by Gandalf. Candles were lit in their chamber, for only a dim twilight came through the windows...
... '...What is the time?' said Pippin yawning.
... 'Past the second hour,' said Gandalf. 'Time to get up and make yourself presentable. You are summoned to the Lord of the City to learn your new duties.'
... 'And will he provide breakfast?'
... 'No! I have provided it: all that you will get till noon. Food is now doled out by order.'
... Pippin looked ruefully at the small loaf and (he thought) very inadequate pat of butter which was set out for him, beside a cup of thin milk. 'Why did you bring me here?' he said.
... 'You know quite well... ...To keep you out of mischief; and if you do not like being here, you can remember that you brought it on yourself.' Pippin said no more.
... Before long he was walking with Gandalf once more down the cold corridor to the door of the Tower Hall. There Denethor sat in a grey gloom, like an old patient spider, Pippin thought; he did not seem to have moved since the day before....

... ...All now took leave of the Lord of the City and went to rest while they still could.... ...They did not speak until they were behind closed doors. Then at last Pippin took Gandalf's hand.
...'Tell me,' he said, 'is there any hope? For Frodo, I mean; or at least mostly for Frodo.'
...Gandalf put his hand on Pippin's head. 'There never was much hope... ...Just a fool's hope, as I have been told. And when I heard of Cirith Ungol---' He broke off and strode to the window, as if his eyes could pierce the night in the East. 'Cirith Ungol!' he muttered. 'Why that way, I wonder?' He turned. 'Just now, Pippin, my heart almost failed me, hearing that name... ...yet in truth I believe that the news that Faramir brings has some hope in it. For it seems clear that our Enemy has opened his war at last and made the first move while Frodo was still free... ...And yet, Pippin, I feel from afar his haste and fear. He has begun sooner than he would. Something has happened to stir him.'
... Gandalf stood for a moment in thought. 'Maybe,' he muttered. 'Maybe even your foolishness helped, my lad... ...we shall not know the answer till the Riders of Rohan come, if they do not come too late. There are evil days ahead. To sleep while we may!'
... 'But,' said Pippin.
... 'But what?' said Gandalf. 'Only one but will I allow tonight.'
... 'Gollum,' said Pippin. 'How on earth could they be going about with him, even following him? And I could see that Faramir did not like the place he was taking them to any more than you do. What is wrong?'
... 'I cannot answer that now... ...Yet my heart guessed that Frodo and Gollum would meet before the end. For good, or for evil... ...treachery I fear; treachery of that miserable creature. But so it must be. Let us remember that a traitor may betray himself and do good that he does not intend. It can be so, sometimes....'"


We have been there and back again.

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Jun 13, 1:19pm

Post #30 of 31 (1431 views)
TIME - June 13 [In reply to] Can't Post

Today in Middle-earth

June 13, 3020 (S.R. 1420)
1. A cherished summer in the Shire.
(not from the appendices)

..."...if Sam thought himself lucky, Frodo knew that he was more lucky himself; for there was not a hobbit in the Shire that was looked after with such care. When the labours of repair had all been planned and set going he took to a quiet life, writing a great deal and going through all his notes. He resigned the office of Deputy Mayor at the Free Fair that midsummer, and dear old Will Whitfoot had another seven years of presiding at Banquets.
...Merry and Pippin lived together for some time at Crickhollow... ...The two young Travellers cut a great dash in the Shire with their songs and their tales and their finery, and their wonderful parties. 'Lordly' folk called them, meaning nothing but good; for it warmed all hearts to see them go riding by with their mail-shirts so bright and their shields so splendid, laughing and singing songs of far away; and if they were now large and magnificent, they were unchanged otherwise, unless they were indeed more fairspoken and more jovial and full of merriment....
......Frodo and Sam, however, went back to ordinary attire, except that when there was need they both wore long grey cloaks, finely woven and clasped at the throat with beautiful brooches; and Mr. Frodo wore always a white jewel on a chain that he often would finger."


We have been there and back again.

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Jun 14, 1:02pm

Post #31 of 31 (1309 views)
TIME - June 14 [In reply to] Can't Post

Today in Middle-earth

June 14, 3019 (S.R. 1419)
(from the appendices-no text)

...The Company had been travelling for nearly three weeks after leaving Lorien when Elrohir and Elladan meet Arwen along with Elrond, Galadriel, Celeborn, and other members of each household. Arwen's escort is now complete.

Today's TIME is very short. So lets look at what led up to it… for a moment of Tolkien-zen.

May 1. Crowning of King Elessar; Elrond and Arwen set out from Rivendell. [from Appendix B: The Tale of Years: The Chief Days – no text]
May 1, 3019 (S.R. 1419)
...On the same day Aragorn becomes King Elessar, and is now "worthy" in Elrond's eyes to wed Arwen, they set out for Minas Tirith… making a couple of stops along the way.

May 8. Éomer and Éowyn depart for Rohan with the sons of Elrond. [from Appendix B: The Tale of Years: The Chief Days]
May 8, 3019 (S.R. 1419)
..."So the glad days passed; and the Riders of Rohan made ready, and rode away by the North-way; and it was lined with people to do them honour and praise them, from the Gate of the City to the walls of the Pelennor...."

May 20. Elrond and Arwen come to Lórien. [from Appendix B: The Tale of Years: The Chief Days – no text]
May 20, 3019 (S.R. 1419)
...On their journey to Minas Tirith, Elrond and Arwen (and company) rest in Lorien. Here they are joined by others.

May 27. The escort of Arwen leaves Lórien. [from Appendix B: The Tale of Years: The Chief Days – no text]
May 27, 3019 (S.R. 1419)
...Arwen and Elrond leave Lothlórien to travel to Minas Tirith via Edoras. They are joined by Galadriel and Celeborn along with other members of each household.


We have been there and back again.

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